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About Dcope

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    Private First Class
  1. Dcope

    Widescreen / Multi-monitor set up

    still neck end of 300 quid atm tho:(
  2. Dcope

    Widescreen / Multi-monitor set up

    it will also work on 260's SLI'd and above ive read so waiting for a pair of those cheap
  3. Dcope

    Widescreen / Multi-monitor set up

    Unfortunatly the performance hit on my 9800 was just to much to bear, and i have reverted for now, that and the mrs wanted the HTPC back up and running so the 9400 had to go back in, and my son wanted his monitor back:) but i am sold on the setup and will be upgrading as soon as funds alow, and with the nvidia driver/fermi release in the next few months interesting time ahead.
  4. Dcope

    Widescreen / Multi-monitor set up

    Way ahead of you with the free track had that setup first:)
  5. Dcope

    Widescreen / Multi-monitor set up

    I have just set this up last night using SoftTH and all i can say is wow, using a 9800GT and a 9400 for the secondarys on a 3.2Gig Oc'd C2D with 4 g ram, and it very playable once a few things turned down, and flying has never been so much fun.
  6. i use it as thrust control with my sidewider presision pro 2 stick, and i can have any key stroke programed to any button, the advantage of that is i can remap any fps game to be the same eg for jump, maps etc so musle memory can kick in and i dont have to think about the quirks between games. Toggles for crouch and auto run and zoom lock also help. as well as toggle for freetrack as well as a recenter button.
  7. i use one of these http://www.saitek.com/uk/prod/cyborgcommand.htm theres a little thumb stick that i use as thrust control, and you can program for flight or shooter as you want, this with free track gives great experience.
  8. as an aside i decided to try a diferent aproach and enable software raid stripe in win7 using a SAMSUNG HD321KJ & a Hitachi HDT721010SLA basicially i used the first 320 gig of a 1 TB drive with the full samsung both are 7200 16mb cache. and got the following results from SiSoft Sandra Detailed Benchmark Results Buffered Read : 340.52MB/s Sequential Read : 163MB/s Random Read : 74.58MB/s Buffered Write : 318.85MB/s Sequential Write : 149MB/s Random Write : 83.57MB/s Random Access Time : 7.28ms Having tried the ram disk and usb options, i decided to give this a try used to do it many moons ago for Star Wars Galaxies, another hd intensive game (well at the time), and it seems to be working well, for those without matched pairs of disks for hardware raid this could be an option, as it allows you to use the extra capacity for other things, tho its best if your stripe is away from your boot drive so 3 disks are required.
  9. mehman its all done with the curves side of things set to a large curve and turn up the sensitivity to get the arc you want i have about 110 smoothing with a sesitivity of 1.0, also check the exact dimensions and put that into the model tab.
  10. just finished my reflective clip, all seems to be working fine and a lot lighter:)
  11. from what ive seen and what im intending to do, it best to go for the ball aproach so you keep the same diameter visiable to freetrak at all times. http://www.free-track.net/images/point_model_gallery/karlson_01.jpg this is what im on about
  12. MehMan his solution lights you up with IR light the balls reflect that back to the camera, no bateries etc.
  13. as an aside im asuming the reflective material to use is the same as the white reflective stuff you get on a reflective jacket yeah? just found a a4tech webcam, my wife had one ages ago in a box. might go the passive route
  14. pic of my hat the black stuff is pipe cleaners to stop the reflection, and the battery pack is held up by the strap at the back to counter the weight at the front.
  15. Definatly worth getting, tried out the beta last night and was loving it, release it allready BI, ive even registered after reading for the last few months, just to add my thoughts, I've set my own free track up using visible light, a white light led string of lights i got for 3 quid and a "tee plate" i got from b and q , and bolted it all onto a baseball cap for a 3 point system, and it works a treat with my logitech cam, had it working on the normal build with mouse emulation and had a hot key bound to turn on free look and turn on the mouse emulation. I dont notice the lights wich are bright but my lcd is brighter and im allways in a shadowed room, also you need to wrap or paint the tee plate as being metal it reflects badly. total cost 8 quid if you have a spare cap. will post an image later when at home check http://tinyurl.com/yclpknm for the plate i used. Just bend the middle arm the | part of the T to a 45 ish degree angle and put an led in each of the extream holes, you can then used the centre hole on the cross bar to bolt it to a cap peak, saves messing with wire and cables.