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About manwithagun

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  1. Hello all. I only played TOM as rover-sim, so after long time i yesterday started to play manned mission. After building simple base winh basic items i have only 3 questions Recources are useless? Mars soil used for growing potatoes. Mars rock used to split it to hydragen and few others. CO2 used to split it to O2 and carbon H2+O2=water water is used for drinking and growing potatoes. WHat for other recources? Argon, carbon, iron e.t.c. Do i need eat and drink? Played for 8 hours and did not see any needs, i am as good as in start. Row to reduce radiation level? for 8 hours i recive constant level of rediation per second(in solar events if goes faster). But how reduce? Room without windows - rad level grows. workinng under sun - grows. The only point i found - in lader on crew deck inside elevator rad level drops ~0.000001 per second, at this moment i have rad level 0.7. Reduce it will take ages. What to do? p.s. sory for rude english.
  2. And still no gamepad remapping availible from ingame control customization....
  3. heh, as i see - ToM getting to be my second best sandbox-game this year(after KSP, for now - best sandbox-gameplay game for all times)
  4. manwithagun

    key list\remap controls.

    yeah, but i think somewhere controls are saving, because ingame remapped controls are saving(P for cam6, i made in prev. post) after re-loading game
  5. manwithagun

    key list\remap controls.

    Hmmm, great thanx for answering, bot now i have a bit more problems. what am i doing - going to "D:\Games\Steam\userdata\46178950\244030\local" opening ccsettings.xml adding few lines like saving, and it foes not work in game. btw, i opened game, added key "p" to cam6, saved controls in game, closed game, open ccsettings.xml - and what i see? - Nothing changed. ccsettings.xml in ingame folder does not contanin any keybindings, so where is valid ccseetings.xml for lastest steam build? so... how to remap controls?
  6. manwithagun

    key list\remap controls.

    Hey everyone, few days ago i reinstalled TOM, and now playing with logitech gamepad, but remapping controls is a lot of pain in game now. after googling for 2 hours i found where the controls settings are(in steam profile) in ccsettings.xml(thx for Carrier Command thread) and when i opened it - i realized - i don't know ingame keys names. I tried to find them in arma3, but keys there are in numeric(like {44} or {23}) So now i have simple question - where can i find all key names, wich TOM can understand, mostly i wand to find names of A-B-X-Y keys
  7. manwithagun

    ARMA 2 OA 1.52 :Bugs

    To north of zagrabad. Dying while going down the hill. Try yourself. In 4 of 5 tries i died. Arma2 OA+Arma2 version 1.52.71816. Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JS1S-NXKmrQ