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Everything posted by hitokiri

  1. hitokiri

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    from me probab T-80UK will appear in next version
  2. hitokiri

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    nothing wrong with o2 ^_^
  3. hitokiri

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    gedis-san think size comparison bit off as t-80 road wheel are smaller than t-72 but it scale to same size in image
  4. hitokiri

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Sorry specialize in vehicle with track, Hope everyone enjoy will do again soon where will focus on hull ^_^
  5. hitokiri

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Sorry suprise will be tomorrow ^_^
  6. Same image with transparent background for news sites Red Hammer Studios is proud to present to you the long-awaited T-80 pack by Kenji. With 4 new and unique vehicles, the Soviet, CDF and Takistani forces get a velcome, powerful addition. Main Features: - Authentic models - New special effects - Custom animations - Randomizable looks - Ability to ford shallow waters using a snorkle - Authentic markings - Authentic sights - Fun and mean For further details please read the extensive README. IMPORTANT: The T-80 addon requires the RHS_Decals 1.3 and RHS Heavyweapons to be installed. See below for download links. CREDITS PROJECT COORDINATOR Kenji MODELERS Kenji BLACKMETAL Soul_Assassin TEXTURE ARTISTS Kenji BLACKMETAL Soul_Assassin SCRIPTING Vadim ‘badger’ Shchemelinin ist RESEARCH Gedis Kenji Archbishop Lazarus AKM CODERS Kenji Soul_Assassin ANIMATORS Soul_Assassin TESTERS AKM ShadowNX Vadim ‘badger’ Shchemelinin Uralaz Sekra Ballistic09 Gedis HA [CCCP] Virtual Army NSX SPECIAL THANKS TO Dan Topas ...and everyone else we forgot to mention. RHS BABIES Laura Lena Korczynska Alexander Smilevski ON BEHALF OF RHS, ENJOY! DOWNLOAD RHS T-80 PACK v1.0 (requires rhs_decals, rhs_heavyweapons see below) DOWNLOAD RHS DECALS PACK v1.3 (UPDATED) DOWNLOAD RHS HEAVYWEAPONS PACK v1.0
  7. It is from when Oleg Maddox, IL-2 lead dev say new patch(4.01?) would be released in two weeks... It then enter development hell and was no release for atleast 6months, possibly longer i forget. Now people say as joke to mean can not give firm date or time I Ki-61-I-Hei pilot ^_^
  8. Arena has never enter active service but shtora is possible on t-80uk
  9. Seem to remember there are problem relate to track amount of ammo in magazine also
  10. It simple yes/no value in config Cangunnerfirein=0 Cangunnerfireout=1 There no abilty to decouple animation from this v_v Only posible solution i can think is make comander mg seperate turret on coppula but that will cause issue with adding 4th crew position and more animation problems>_<
  11. The vertical movement of comander sight is game engine bug realate to the comander mg it can not be fix unless patch by bis {edit} android bug did not show me last page of thread >_<{edit}
  12. Part of reason mod have T-80A/B/BV instead of more new tank like T-80U/T-72BM/T-90A/AM is that T-80 and T-64 were orignaly made for germany85/project85 mod so were design to be for 1985 time period. It take near 1 to 2 years for me to make new tank as i am unable to spend large amount of time on project so progress is very slow. If i start to make T-90A/AM or modern T-72 upgrade probab it would not make release until late 2013 pos 2014. On brightside T-80U i have work on for while and it not 100% blank start so it will not take so long ^_^ T-80A is not 100% accurate it was quick addition to orignal pack to give closest thing to T-80U i able to make with least work so not to delay pack for another 6-8month same with orignal model t-80 is not 100% acurate as it have incorrect road wheel design of T-80B.
  13. This is t-80a(ob.219a) http://img262.imageshack.us/img262/3034/t80arus12fm1.jpg It rare but it exist ^_^, heavy turret and comander remote mg are give away
  14. This is why t-80u take so long it receive giant remake so it will be compatible with tri colour camo. It much more work than swap t-80bv k1 era for k5 to make t-80u^_^
  15. This is unfixable game engine bug v_v, unless bis patch impossible to fix
  16. T-64,A,R,B,BV,B1,BM2 T-80,B,BV,A(k1),A(k5),U,UD(k1)UD(k5),UE-1,UM Will be more I just list main version. Before someone ask there will be no arena or drozyd
  17. T-64 is favorite tank expect all major variant of it +T-80 ^_^
  18. I have not thought of making s300/400 but have be tempt to make tracked pantsir or Tunguska or high detail Shikla but have many more important tank to complete first(t80/t64/MTLB)
  19. you and shadow have perfected cloning? ^_^
  20. T-80 is not super tank need remember autoloader limit length of APFSDS projectile so as result unlike western tanks HEAT rounds are the most powerful rounds at the gunners disposal in the T-80. If are playing modern secnario under 1500m switch ammo to 3BK-31 it will either mobility kill or kill M1A1 outright with single round to front. If over 1500m use APFSDS or ATGM reason are HEAT have slower muzzle velocity so chance of hit are higher with the much faster APFSDS or the guided ATGM. Armour wise all T-80(T-80A is most heavily armoured in the pack) are weak v M1A1 like they are in real life only the T-80U varients are close to the M1A1 in terms in armour, these will be in a future pack but until then you will need to fight smart ^_^
  21. Know exact what model i make unfortunate T-80UM1(arena) T-80UM2(droyzd) are not on list as never go past prototype
  22. Can only speak for myself but have plan T-64+T-80U pack. Have little interest in make T-90 No 100% what cause as bug was not present in earlier beta
  23. T-80A have this ability it most advance version in pack
  24. T-80UD is likely for me to make but T-84 oplot or yatagan are unlikely
  25. Campaign Video's keep freeze and stop for me i need to skip them v_v is it possible codec issue?