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Everything posted by cm.

  1. Nice! Didn't realise it was that easy (adding it as a mod to the command line). This is excellent to know when I get my 32GB or RAM :D
  2. cm.

    Development Blog & Reveals

    That I can agree with, I think that it's probably for performance reasons. It's still in alpha so I guess we'll just have to see.
  3. cm.

    Development Blog & Reveals

    As far as I can see it actually is. It's just in FLIR which is might appear off.
  4. cm.

    Operation E3

    I have high hopes for CQB, check out around the 14:15 mark when a guy comes around the corner... http://e3.gamespot.com/video/6381268/arma-3-demonstration?hd=1
  5. cm.

    Media Coverage | No discussion here!

    stumbled upon this: http://e3.gamespot.com/video/6381268/arma-3-demonstration?hd=1
  6. OMG! Marker bug fixed! A new era in arma.... you can now call it Arma 2.5. Any stability improvements? Is it worth updating our servers?
  7. cm.

    Operation E3

    The a3 booth was too much for the cam it blew up!
  8. cm.

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    I have nooo idea why you would release sub-par screenshots :/ Please don't do that with A3 (or anything else for that matter) - it's for your own good. Those who complain just don't have a good enough PC.
  9. Didn't you know? One of the improvements in the new beta patches is that AI soldiers can now moonwalk ;)
  10. Yep, probably looking to spend around the $1500 aud mark on some new bits and pieces. New CPU, GPU, RAM, mobo, SSD... oh goody :D
  11. cm.

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Can't say I'm a huge fan of the default stance to be honest. Way too "tacti-cool" for it to be default. I think the current arma 2 default position is perfect. I won't say too much now though until the alpha is out. Looking good regardless :)
  12. cm.

    Noswear With ArmA II Free?

    It's not exactly an expensive game...
  13. cm.

    ARMA II Reinforcements + ARMA II

    Pretty sure "reinforcements" is the two DLCs wit ha "lite" version of OA. Best thing would be to buy arma2 CO (which is A2 + A2:OA) and then install reinforcments after that. Trust me when I say arma 2 free sucks compared to the full game.
  14. Yeah it seems like an issue with allowing non-beta players to join beta servers. DayZ ANZ2 has been running great from what I can gather but that only allows people with 93121 and later to join
  15. After testing this for a while, still getting quite a few memory violations on the server. Will try with tbb3 which was more stable while running 1.6 stock at least.
  16. Think of that extra $2.99 as a tip for BIS for making a great game (and allowing other great games to be made from it).
  17. Hmmm, if I run all the servers on the latest version but allow client to connect with any or non-beta versions are there any possible issues that can occur?
  18. Any idea when more betas will be released? these are coming out too fast (dare I say?) for me to constantly update the server and annoy players :P. If one isn't going to be released for another week or so then I will update now, otherwise I'll wait for the next one. Thanks!
  19. JIP fix... how much of an impact does the fix have? Just installed it now on our dayz server and will see how it goes. Will this stop the massive lockups that occur when lots of players join at once? Are we looking at a bit less red chain now? Cheers btw what happened to suma... gone awfully quiet :(
  20. Hi guys, Just some queries about server configs and startup params (I have read the wiki extensively). trying to figure out what is the best setting for performance and bandwidth. Specs are: xeon E3 1240 8GB RAM 500GB hdd (irrelevant I guess) 100mb link with a 5:1 ratio. Server is running windows server 2008, not running as a VPS or anything, it's our own dedicated box. What are good config settings for our min and max bandwidth? so far we have tried 0.5mbps/15mbps min/max values. I have changed one of the servers to 1mbps/20mbs to see if it makes a difference. Any other values that should be looked at? Another things is our server FPS. We have better hardware than other hosts however our FPS hits about 7 when we get to 40 players and bottoms out past about 45. Hyperthreading is still enabled (should be disabled tomorrow) but I'm not sure how big of a boost we will get from it. Also want to know what to run for exthreads? Should we run it at 7 or 5 or????? I'm thinking of assigning a core to each server and then run the dayz hive apps and everything else on the remaining core. Does this normally improve performance? In terms of our bandwidth, it's 100mbs burst but should be able to get 20mbs out of it consistently. Cheers
  21. I'm sorry but the game cannot be released without a dedicated salute button.
  22. hahahaha, that is too funny. Going to steal that line for RL.
  23. If you're a starving college student I assume you would have a relatively shitty computer then? (or was all your food money spend on electronics)