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Everything posted by cm.

  1. can we PLEASE have all the info consolidated in a wiki and/or the original post? As much as the new changes are good the info is certainly lacking on a lot of these filters.
  2. Hey all, We are looking for a way to only allow people on our server that are in a "whitelist" i.e. their GUID has to be manually added (or can be done auto). Obviously we could just use the old fashioned password technique however those are easy to leak. Can't really think of any way to do this atm. As far as I know it's not possible but would be happy to hear any ideas. Cheers
  3. indeed. I should have made it clear i was referring to dayz
  4. so is it safe to assume that anyone found in "setpos" is good to be banned?
  5. So can we get an update on what these new filters actually do or..... am I just expected to know what all these random lines mean?
  6. I know the answer but this is not the place to ask those questions. Go to the Dayz forums for that.
  7. Apart from a hacked server there is no way to bypass this on the client.
  8. Amazing changes, been using this for a few days and already seeing massive improvements in detection and prevention!
  9. wtf is going on with the new BE update? My scripts.log isn't budging at all. Even used the "correct" new version. Nothing.
  10. That small issue where people can run scripts on everybody else. No need for you to hear my whining though, dwarden gets plenty of that already :)
  11. Wait, is BE free? I thought BIS payed him to keep it up-to-date?
  12. so does that mean the scripts fix is next?
  13. Any ETA on this then? It is getting exponentially worse each passing day.
  14. If OFP had rails, maybe add them back in... but with 2 rails? :s
  15. $able, As a stop-gap measure to prevent whole servers being kicked when scripts are run on everybody, can there be another number, say "8" that will stop a script from running rather than kicking for it? At the moment the main problem is finding the source of the person executing the server wide scripts, rather than the actual script itself. If we can stop the script from being executed on clients, it's a good way to prevent certain hacks without annoying all other players.
  16. It has been good for a couple of reasons: It puts massive strain on the game and surfaces it's major weaknesses + HUGE flaws in anti-cheat security + exposed various networking issues not to mention the extra cash it bought BIS to help them develop arma 3 into an even better game.
  17. Next time, let everyone know BEFORE you do this please. So many unprotected servers...
  18. I am seeing TONS of people getting kicked for it on our servers.
  19. Hey guys, I can't figure out a way to have a shared ban list on two servers on the same box. There doesn't seem to be a way to post bans to a file outside of the profile folder (of which there is obviously one for each server instance). Having to manually copy bans across 4 servers is a fucking pain in the arse. ---------- Post added at 08:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:53 AM ---------- Hmm, well i remembered we already had BEC setup with it, I don't think it's working though, I'll have to have a look I guess...
  20. Thanks, now I see how it works. Are you able to add an option to auto-lock the server when it's full? I get TONS of connection spam on the servers whenever they are full. Flood control is great for when it starts up and 100 people try and get on at once, but doesn't stop the spam once everyone is in. <3 BEC by the way Cheers,
  21. :/ have you restarted the server? It should re-load the bans.txt. Failing that, once you've deleted your GUID just type "loadbans" into the rcon console and it should do it.
  22. The hardlinks look like a good solution, I'll stick with them. Cheers!
  23. step 1: open web browser step 2: google "arma 2 dedicated server" step 3: learn 2 admin step 4: ??? step 5: profit? check your bans.txt in your arma 2 server under the "battleye" folder profile ;) You may also need to check the bans.txt in your arma2 root directory.
  24. Dude forget the SSDs and just load the game into a RAM disk (you have 32gb....). Will blow away your ssd drives.
  25. prepare to be trolled then