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Everything posted by cm.

  1. cm.

    Muzzle Flash

    They are terrible, and they have always been terrible. For some reason they are yet to change one of the ugliest muzzle flashes I have ever seen (night time that is, day is fine).
  2. Yeah convoy missions = impossible atm because of the shoddy driving :/
  3. Those bullet effects from OFP: DR are terrible. Number one, the only reason why there are "so many bullets flying past you" is because of that POS invisible shield they have on there.
  4. cm.

    Civilian Chatter

    The civilian, animal and civilian vehicle modules add a lot of atmosphere into the game. In terms of civilian "chatter"..... well....... It would be difficult to script proper chatter, in order for it to be remotely realistic it would be better to have voice actors or something. I think the combination of those three modules is enough already.
  5. cm.

    Dragon Rising has been released

    I believe the moderators section just lists the moderators, not who's actually online at the moment.
  6. See now THIS is why the beta patch system works well! Instant feedback on changes :)
  7. cm.

    Thirsk Island

    Looking great. Post pics now!
  8. cm.

    Dragon Rising has been released

    I agree. We have won guys. There is such thing as a "sore winner" as well you know ;)
  9. They look fantastic! Very nice work.
  10. cm.

    Project Aus

    Looking awesome! So when is release? I kid I kid. ;)
  11. cm.

    Just got ARMA2 - advice?

    lol.... if you are going to post at least do so constructively.
  12. cm.

    Just got ARMA2 - advice?

    :confused::confused::confused::confused: I honestly have no idea. None of that happened to me, especially with AI getting stuck. And I have never seen them walk off into one direction, I did see that happen on DR though when trying to get another fireteam member a medic. Maybe someone else can help you :/ ?? edit: If you want to play some good MP missions I suggest you jump on tactical gamer in the morning and play with them ( i'll probably be on as well). The pings are high (because it's in the US), but coming from DR you should be used to that ;)
  13. cm.

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Soon. When the mission is ready ;) I'll be posting the details in all major AU/NZ arma clans and game server forums. Plus of course my own (see sig).
  14. cm.

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Great you're getting the game! I will be organising a coop event with ~40-50 players for all AU/NZ players (mainly people from clans). You are welcome to join us :)
  15. Seeing as everyone else has posted their testing on here I though I would post mine as well: I have tried to exclude anything already included: Air: Z9A: Bug: Soldiers are visible through the frame when the engine is turned on. Looks fine when the engine is off. Tweak: Flight control seems very sensitive compared to other helo’s. This is just my opinion though. Z9G: Bug: Destroyed model has normal missile launchers Tweak: Flight control seems very sensitive compared to other helo’s. This is just my opinion though. Seems way overpowered, may want to decrease the damage of the MG Armour: ZTZ99G: Bug: Loader’s hand sticks through the hatch when turned out. Commander can turn 360deg when turned out. Causing all sorts of clipping problems. Destroyed model has some random red bow on the main gun. ZSL07/ ZSL07-G/ ZSL07-C Bug: Commanders hatch does not open when in turn-out. Gunners hatch is always open. Smoke grenades don’t work. No smoke from barrel or recoil when firing 30mm No destroyed model Car: EQ2050: Bug: Gunners seat is missing gun and player is in wrong position. Destroyed model has normal mirrors EQ2102 (all versions): Feature: All look the same at the moment apart from the painting. Would be good if the fuel trucks had fuel tanks, repair trucks had “repair cargo†instead. Bug: Destroyed model has a slight bug. Refer to pic. All support vehicles have one slot in the rear that can be filled. When killed, the drivers upper body goes through the seat. Refer to pic. Weapons: Basically all weapons clip into the player when using freelook. QCQ05: Tweak: Looks way too short in the hands, perhaps bring the hands back a bit if possible? M99: Tweak: Just seems overly massive when in 3rd and first person. The gun also clips into the player when using free-look. Animation bugs: Hands and arms are stretched when healing another player The soldier’s head dislocates from the body when the “incapacitated†animation (when using the FA module) is played Misc: Sometimes when hurt the screen stays red (both 1st and 3rd person). I have not been able to repeat this problem. Overall excellent mod. Extremely high quality work and apart from a few hitches here and there is very stable and polished.
  16. cm.

    ArmA 2 Game Launcher

    very impressive work. Will definately give it a shot tonight. I love that server browser :)
  17. cm.

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Hahaha, welcome to the dark side! I expect to see some excellent mods coming from you ;)
  18. cm.

    Should I buy this game?

    what kinda wife are you talking about :confused::confused: :p
  19. oh man i agree they are terrible. Please fix/replace them ASAP. I've been playing the game since release and i still cringe each time i see them.
  20. Is there anyway to spawn soldiers inside the vehicles? I'm not too sure how to assign each vehicle a name so i can use assignAsCargo. Cheers
  21. hmmmm stacking commands...... VERY interesting.... I think this would be a good OA feature :)
  22. cm.

    Should I buy this game?

    You should buy it for the whole family ;)
  23. excellent weapon pack, thank you very much for your work :D
  24. cm.

    Dragon Rising has been released

    I mentioned it again, but I ensured not to put "arma2" in there anywhere so it would actually remain. edit: the main german community website is shutting down as well! http://translate.google.com/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=ofp-dr.info&sl=de&tl=en&history_state0
  25. yeah i got it i got it, I forgot that you needed quotes. Haven't done any scripting for quite a while... btw it sucks how you can't edit stuff once you have posted it. It only allowed me to add on the end :/