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Everything posted by cm.

  1. domination is the bane of arma 2. Unfortuantely it just won't go away. Have a look in the squad section of the forum and join a clan. 100x better than shitty public servers. Seeing as you're in the states, I'd suggest something like Tactical Gamer. It's the only decent public server I have found.
  2. cm.

    ARMA 2 Online Numbers?

    *sigh* not you again. Read my response to your other thread. In regards to this thread in general, the best way of finding a game is joining a clan or sticking to a selection of servers that you will know have players at a certain time. Arma is a niche game - don't expect CoD numbers.
  3. Mods are what make this game and there is a reason peope use them. Most mods will require @ACE and @ACEX (@ACE is the core of ACE, and ACEX is the extra units, vehicles etc). I also suggest you download the Arma 2 Game launcher by SpiritedMachine. Makes mod management 10x easier.
  4. cm.

    Where the Team work

    If any of you are in the states I'd suggest you join Tactical Gamer. They are the only public servers that I know of that will play serious 24/7. There is also a locked private servers for all the members to play on (anyone can become a member btw, just sign up on the forums). I often play on their servers and I'm from australia. Highly recommend them :)
  5. cm.

    What GFX card for ARMA II?

    4890 supports HDMI (w/ sound) via an adapter. btw, it's pointless to be a fanboy... for both sides...
  6. cm.

    What GFX card for ARMA II?

    5770 is about the same as a 4890 but w/ lower power, DX11 (not relevent with arma) etc. A good choice :)
  7. Common guys, we've almost overtaken RO again :)
  8. cm.

    What GFX card for ARMA II?

    5850 should do you well and will be a huge huge boost over your 8800GTS. posting quickly before it's locked (there is a thread for this already) :)
  9. cm.

    Thirsk Island

    Oh mate.... that is looking absolutely amazing. Front paged on Aus Arma :)
  10. Quesh-Kibrul is a truly fantastic map. I was a bit sceptical at first looking at some of the screenies, but finally there is a decent desert map for A2. A work of art :)
  11. Check the addon/mods released forum, I used the 1.05 patch on there :)
  12. cm.

    Thirsk Island

    Stop teasing and release already!
  13. cm.

    Project Aus

    Aus Arma front paged :D
  14. cm.

    Project Aus

    Looking good mate, will be posted on the front page of ausarama.org once the DL link is up :)
  15. cm.

    Aussie Assault

    Hahahaha, be easy he's new at this :p
  16. I thought it was pretty fun :) I was thoroughly impressed by the atmosphere in the game. And the music was very....... depressing yet suitable at the same time. Well done BIS :)
  17. I thought it was pretty fun :) Well done BIS :)
  18. Well, I was super looking forward to playing the new campaign when the german to english patch didn't work for the mission. Anyone know a way to get this to work? The briefing screens are completely broken.
  19. cm.

    Warning: 1.05 Broke All My Saves!

    Yes, this has been explained numerous times before that you will have to restart any missions when you upgrade to another patch. On a similar note, anyone with the german version having issues viewing the briefing with the english --> german patch?
  20. cm.

    1.05 released

    Fuck sake! Stupid fucking german copy bugs the new campaign when you use the language mod. None of the text shows up when in the briefing or anything. !!!!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:!!!!!!!
  21. cm.

    1.05 released

    Front paged at Aus Arma as well :) Cheers to all. http://www.ausarma.org
  22. That could be a map issue, try it over chern and get back to us.
  23. cm.

    Monsters, zombies and so on

    I think that's a better idea. Instead of removing the zeds just make it so it can be declared as clear even if there are a couple remaining. That way they can reinfect the town if you're not careful ;)