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Posts posted by Colt45_GTO

  1. Well it's not a crash but if somehow CO or ArmA 2 goes to desktop or seems to have frozen, you need to press Esc then press alt-Enter to minimize the game and alt-Enter back into full screen. That should solve the problem. There's no need to close the program at all.

    It may help if you go to your document folder and change your ArmA 2 profile so that the refresh rate is set to match your monitor refresh rate. By default they are set to 75Hz.

    Hope this helps someone

    i sufffer the ghost crash similar to this, the game is still running and when i alt+tab out to control desktop and try to alt+tab back in it does nothing, i have to task manager it to force shut down. the resolution matches my monitor and i have the latest drivers, i have also disabled 2 cores of my cpu which made hell of a difference.

    possible bad install?

  2. been out of the racing scene for a few years..... last one i played was on PS1 GT1 and 2. but with getting a joint xbox 360 for crimbo i'm quite liking Forza3 it reminds me much of the old gran turismo's but with 1000X better graphics. it also has the cars GT had or some of them, with my fave being the ones closest to my heart.....mitsu GTO's

    the engine in my avatar is one i built for my previous GTO that now lives in scotland. the engine in my current is untouched and performs very well. :D

    my better half is enjoying Shift but i never was a fan of the NFS games.

  3. Yeah, Im not sure on that, we've never had any incidents & none of my family have criminal records, it may just be the way the regional plod likes to do things,maybe varies in different counties. He also has a firearms license for a semi-auto .22 rifle which I suppose is what they are more bothered about. He has a Savage model pump action shotgun too, I remember going shooting with him when I was a kid & this thing held about 10 shells, but after Hungerford the rules changed & he had to have the chamber reduced to 3 shells (including the one in the spout)

    my best mate has i think a section 5 fire arms cert. he has a number of full bore and small bore rifles ranging from 17 HMR to 7.62 with a total of 5 rifles and 2 shotguns, he earned his open ticket meaning he is leagal to hop on any field given he has written permission of the land owner.

    he gets inspected once every 5 years on renewal and lives in an urban area.

  4. Vietcong always been the best
    Yes the first Vietcong was AWESOME but it's looking sooo old now :p

    i got VC when it first came out. somehow i got talking to jerek kolar who was part of the brains behind it, i loved the game and have all the variations inc vc2 that true congers hated inc myself.

    yes its very dated now so i'll take a look at this one.

  5. I hope Jake takes this up seriously and makes an impact on the world. a new Nelson Mandela? a new Mohatma Gandhi?

    we should all praise Jake for his belief rather than shoot him down.

    Jake Sorry for being a defeatist, Good Luck with trying to spread peace around the world buddy. :D

    and no i'm not being fesicious, i'm deadly serious!

  6. All the major religions have things written that look alot like murderous intent. Theres a whole website dedicated to the seemingly mean-spirited passages of the Bible.

    I once asked an Islamic Imam about those sorts of passages and his response was that those were relavent only to that time, which happened to be a lot of Tribal/Faith disputes and more. He told me that there were many times in history where the Jewish people lived peacefully among the Arabs when they were being persucuted by Christians.

    All of this stuff runs full-circle I guess. Plenty of religious people of different faiths can and have peacefully coexisted just as many,many people have been persecuted, tortured, burned, and killed in the name of the One.

    damn straight!

    god is suppost to be our savior yet he alone is the cause of many brutal deaths via religion.

    think about it folk ;)

    let me delve a little deeper..

    the IRA massecred a load of folk on bloody sunday, that is religion based.

    the catholics and christians have been at it sinse as far back as it can be remembered.

    the jews were persecuted over it.

    islam make a big deal out of it but the best part is.......its all one god they worship, its all becuase they call him a different name probably.

    so to stop war and create peace.....stop worshiping the one that brings most death and destruction!

  7. I haven't figured that one out yet. The best way would be to find a way to make people not want it first. I'm told the British Approach is a fairly good way of doing things too.

    I'm fairly sure I do... unless you live on a different planet than the one I am thinking of.

    So if someone could logically prove to you that what you are about to do is stupid, pointless, and that you do not gain anything from it, then you are still going to do it just because you think that you're better than them?

    A nice thing to do is to invite them in and talk to them. It serves two purposes: 1.) You help others because they don't have to talk to them since you're taking up their time, 2.) You try to convince them that they are wrong or that their religion makes no sense or something. Its always fun to watch people try to justify their religion.

    i think you should leave the meth alone.

    i have an idea.....i can block your jibberish. because you aint gunna change a thing!

  8. jake, how in the world can you show a junkie thats high on crack 24/7 not to take drugs or shoot someone over a pair of shoes to pay for his next fix?

    you wont thats how!

    you sure dont live on this planet pal.

    i'm no criminal but i wont be told what to do either. i have a problem with autority like i wont be spoken down too. people that try get ignored and i'm talking RL here not some forum crap. this never effected any of my employment status's. i left each job to go straight in another more higher paying.

    but seriously if i had to switch on the tv to someone like you sat preaching to the world...i'd switch it straight off!

    if someone like you came knocking on my door trying the same thing, you would get the same treatment jahoves witnes's do.. door slam!

  9. just out of curiosity, how old are you?

    too old to fight for my country, too wise not to. when i was young and nieve i may have but not now.

    i couldn't pick up a weapon and fight for the idiots that run this country, if i did fight for anything it would be for my family and nothing els.

    you see over the years our governent has fucked us over and its happening every single day. the best thing to happen to this god forsaken hell hole is that all the polotitians resign or die. and a new bread step in. and i mean those that actually care for the sake of this little island.

    then i might start to give a fuck. but hell didn't freeze over yet and there is no god! nor is there a hell.

    life begins at home along with charity. beyond that are idiots with idiotic idea's.

    so no i have no faith in anything except my better half and her and my own family......i also have faith in my car because it starts every time i want....except when it doesn't.

    there can be a world war as far as i'm concerned, i think the world needs it to straighten shit out.


  10. This thread is filled with defeatism :p

    Bring on Mad Max2 Post Apocolyptic anarachy!

    Of course there will never be absolute World Peace so that is not even worthy of discussion. Again, I think it's relative World Peace was what this thread was intended for (actually I'm lost, I've no idea what was it was intended for).

    between me and you mate, i lost track too! i think jake is training to be a preacher? or he's a little cookoo? either way he wont swing my thoughts or knowledge. i live in a real world not one made by a drug fantasy :lol:

  11. dont be sorry it was more fun than pain.

    i'm not a realist? hmm i beg to differ! malcom X had a dream he got shot. many other hippies had dreams and they got shot. not much hope for dreams these days.

    your more of a dreamer than someone that opens his eyes to the world.

    peace? never happen. as in as long as we Jake live and breath, there will always be one country wanting more than they got and sending troops to get it.

    thats real jake. wake up and have your breakfast dude ;)

    that said, you can have your fantasy and wish your life away as much as you want.

    see i dont hope or wish for things that wont happen. i dont wish 3rd world countries had better emineties. i also dont want my country sending billions of pounds in aid to said countries when its own front lawn is littered with unemployed poor folk. i personally think its complete bs. people in third world countries can die for all i care. because it doesn't help our own climate by sending billions we dont have to feed the rich of said third world countries.

    if people want to help, drop a nuke on them and put the poor souls out of thier misery! the rest of the world can get on with thier own lives then.

    if you want to help the world jake, give up your job (if you have one) go find a charity organisation and work for free, sell your car and walk everywhere. if your so dead set on world peace then start at home. conflicts are over oil. if you dont own a car and you give up electricity and hot water your no longer contributing to aid a war. so if thats what you really want? you'd be best taking a stand and canceling everything that requires power.

  12. i got in a tank before as gunner i ordered my troops to goto the next waypoint.....and went for a magical mystery tour. we went everywhere but the direction of the way point.

    also my tankees are still managing to flip thier tanks, and i still see bouncing tanks ingame.

    map=war welcome, sp missions

    is there any plans on using newtons law? dont think there is much chance of a 70-80 ton tank bouncing 50ft in the air, nor is there much chance of one flipping upside down off a slight incline. but it happens here still lol

  13. I think you could convince them if you educate them. Why would life be boring? You can still: Play games, ride bikes, drive cars, see movies, read books, go sailing, go jet-skiing, go skydiving, listen to or play music, make snowmen, take pictures, or do most other things that you want to do for fun. The only thing you can't do is kill someone.

    The U.N. and U.S. Census estimate is 9 - 9.5 billion in 2050. You're only 40 billion off. You want a new World War? Are you prepared to die in it? Because somehow I don't think that you would like that.

    Read Dante's Inferno, part of hell already is frozen over. You don't have to brain wash people into being the same people. People will still enjoy different things and have different ideas. You're just less likely to get a Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, or Aidid. You can still have sports. You're vehicles can still go different speeds. Why the hell would we cut down all the trees? Rope would still be needed. There could still be food, people could still kill cows, although in a perfect world I don't think we would. You don't need meat to survive anymore. As being someone who doesn't drink, and the brother of someone who lost his best friend to a drunk driver, i'm all for the no beer thing but I doubt that people would want that and thus it would not happen. I think you've watched Equilibrium one too many times.

    Are you one of those kids, who in high school went around beating people up to prove how much of a "man" you were by any chance?

    haha no i'm a realist. i see things as its going to happen. i gave up dreams long ago.

    did i run round beating folk up? lets say school was tough.

  14. yep i said it once or twice before.....peace will never happen. hell will freeze over first!

    lets just be realistic!

    i dont want peace in the world, same way i dont want crappy new zero emmision cars or everyone to be brainwashed into the same boring frame of mind.

    the world is full of people with different idea's, thoughts and taste. i couldn't immagine living in a world where everyone wore a blue suit, drove a grey car and que'd silently to get a pay cheque. how dismal would life be? i'll say now it would be complete crap!

    no sport just incase someone got injured!

    no cars or vehicles that went beyond 20mph, incase someone jumped infront of one!

    no trees or rope so hanging your self wouldn't be an option!

    no food because no one would want to kill a cow!

    no beer becuase it might make someone violent!

    NO THANKS! i like it just the way it is!

    if you dont like someone now you have 3 options...

    kick the living daylights out of them?

    ignore them?

    or shoot them in the face! well this isn't an option in some countries but it should be.

  15. its quite possible that its not software but hardware related. give the pc a good dusting internally. it might well be overheating causing a system fail. this will simply shut down (freeze) all running programs and resorces.

    so turn off and unplug the pc and pull the side of the pc off and look at the heatsinks on both the cpu and vid card. you will probably find them pretty clogged with furr. use a good (newish) 1" paint brush and push/loosen the dust, furr and other crap off the fans. you can use a vacuum with the thin nozil to suck out what you loosen. i been doing this for years, its very safe providing the pc is off!

  16. it would never work mate.

    you try convincing the south africans to stop killing natives....once you accomplish that task (which you wont) you would be only 20% clear of peace worldwide.

    anyway how boring would life really be?

    not only that what would rambo do for fun then?
