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old gamer

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About old gamer

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  1. old gamer

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    hi all! new to the forums but have been browsing them for a while now have been enjoying ARMA 2 but i also enjoy playing on the xbox 360 sure most 360 games are action movie style shooters like Halo and cod4 and many of the console players only like these fast paced games, but there are a good many who would enjoy an ARMA 2 style game on the 360 infact many bought the codemasters game dragon rising and yes it does not deserve the name flashpoint in front of it! many console gamers myself included were dissapointed by this game but at least i am lucky i can play ARMA 2 on my pc:) most console gamers are not so lucky, one guy i work with bought the codemasters game he saw the name flashpoint and he asumed it was going to be like the game he had first enjoyed many years ago on the pc! of course this was not to be i told him about Arma 2 the true sequal but he can no longer afford to invest in a pc to play games and this is true of many console gamers so i would like to make an appeal on behalf of console gamers bis if you have the time bring some type of Arma 2 type game to console it will sell and will make gamers very happy:)