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Everything posted by humvee28

  1. The sad thing is that the normal dll-hack doesn´t work on ArmA. Otherwise i have kicked out ingame-AA long time ago. :(
  2. Sometimes small things do the Trick... I had Problems for a while now with Texture popping and slight stuttering while moving around on SP-Missions in Zargabad. Sys : Q9650 @ 4 Ghz HD 5870 8 GB Ram 2 x Seagate Barracuda 7200 u/min in RAID 0 Gamesettings : FR : 100% @ 1.920x1.080 VD : 2000 Tex : High VM : Default AF : Very High AA : Normal LD : High OD : High PP : Very Low Vsync : On Game (CO) has always be patched to the last Version (including Betas, running now on RC2). I couldn´t really find a Solution for this until i tried an other Defragmeter, PerfectDisk. After defragmenting my Drives with Performance Settings, issues has gone nearly zero, and the Game feels much smoother now. :bounce3: Sure, it will not rise your FPS, and it will not be an Replacement for proper Hardware, but if someone expirience the same Problems like me, then this could maybe an Option for you.
  3. Seems like you´ve got a very hot Sample of the i7 Series. One Quad-Rad only for the CPU...Jesus! :D
  4. RPG Teams are Suicide Commandos now. :D
  5. humvee28

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Jajajajaja..... *smashing Head on Keyboard* :D :D
  6. Overclocking doesn´t matter much. Voltages and Temperatures are more important. ;) http://download.intel.com/design/processor/datashts/320834.pdf (Page 22,73)
  7. humvee28

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 87136

    I will open a Ticket at CIT. :)
  8. RC2 installed over RC1 without Problems. Shows up Version 1.60.87147. But no Entry about the allocator in the .rpt now like i mentioned in Beta 87136 Thread.
  9. No Problems with Installation of RC2 over RC1 on my Retail Version. Further testing. :)
  10. humvee28

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 87136

    I´ve observed something : When i start the Game with Beta via Modlauncher, the allocator Line is missing in the .rpt EDIT : E-Mail with .rpt File sent to Dwarden.
  11. humvee28

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 87136

    If you hover with an Helicopter in 10-15 m over the Runway and push slightly straight down you can "feel" the Ground Force. Also if you flying with an Harrier over it with Nose slightly down you will be pushed up a little bit. Nice. :)
  12. humvee28

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 87136

    Nice one Suma. Testing now. :)
  13. I´m still on my old 775 System : http://www.sysprofile.de/id115788 ArmA runs pretty well on that. But to be honest : i have no clue on what Platform i should change next time. It should be Intel for shure, but the Market is so f**** fast now, that it is really difficult to find the right Parts for myself. :D
  14. FXAA hasn´t to be activated anymore via Injector. It is aviable via OAConfig since a few Betas ago. ;) Seems like that SMAA has to be implemented properly in the Engine first to get a good Result. I hope this will be the Case in the Future. :)
  15. Seeing Devs going creative this Way is really nice. Nice Improvement! :)
  16. humvee28

    ASR AI Skills

    Rob, i´ve tested your new Version with Thompsonb´s Flashpoint Zargabad Mission. I´ve seen Squads who searched Houses here and there. The amount of it looks good. And you gave me the Advice with the Tripwires for security when sniping out of Buildings..nice, while some Takis are blewed up at the Entrance, another sniped me out from an opposite Roof. :D
  17. It´s the only Mod which causes such visual Problems for me..hm.. I have played around with SMAA awhile now, and i´ve discovered another Problem (tested with 1.60 RC on Utes in Editor, no Mods) : When i use a Soldier with a scoped Weapon, and switch a few times the Sight between Scope and normal View, the Texture-LODs are getting muddy. Beside that i have noted a wierd Entry in the VRAM lines of the OAConfig when using ít. This was the correct Config Entry before i applied SMAA into Game-Directory: localVRAM=1059512320; nonlocalVRAM=2147483647; And this after applying it : localVRAM=378394624; nonlocalVRAM=378394624; seems like that SMAA is screwing up something. :confused:
  18. Little Hint : Seems like that SMAA and Blastcore doesn´t work very well together (I´ve got overall morphing and muddy Textures). If you use ArmA with Mods and run into the same Problem, then this could be a Solution. :)
  19. humvee28

    ASR AI Skills

    TY! :) Couldn´t even try the prior Version due to making System Backups. Will give it a try after that with a quick Flashpoint Mission, and reporting in. :)
  20. humvee28

    ION, Inc.

    Research ftw! :D http://lmgtfy.com/?q=arma+2+ion+website+password
  21. I´ve made a little mistake. There was an FXAA File left in my Game Folder which i have overseen. I have uploaded new Pics, and now the Difference is awesome! Please make SMAA possible for ArmA too. The Quality / Performance Ratio is outstanding. :)
  22. humvee28

    ASR AI Skills

    Now with random House Search? Nice! :) Thank you for the Update Rob.
  23. SMAA performs way better than FXAA imho. Maybe it´s a little bit OT Gamewise, but i have made some comparsion Screenshots too in GTA4, where PP-AA is the only Way to kill Edges beside DS. NO SMAA Injected SMAA (Preset Ultra 4, best Quality, nearly none FPS lost) Not bad, isn´t it? :)