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Everything posted by humvee28

  1. humvee28

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Thank you Jarhead + Brig2010 + all mentioned People in the Changelog for the hard Work and sharing this! Great! :D
  2. humvee28

    ExA HH-60G

    Looks Great. Thanks for sharing. :)
  3. humvee28

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    What the... :D After Downloading i will try to create a Torrent. :)
  4. Really cool. This Guys and Johnnys Marines has been my favourite Units in ArmA. :) Thank you for the Port, and merry Christmas!
  5. humvee28

    [RESOLVED] 2 errors crash my game

    Do you run an older Version of Oktanes NoBlur Addon?
  6. humvee28

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    In the Meantime i´m recording the Sounds from the preview Videos, and making an J.S.R.S 1.4 Youtube Soundmod... :D
  7. humvee28

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Guys at Brig2010 sounds very symphatic, Soundmod also. :D
  8. Thanks! The mentioned Plans for Friday eh? But don´t forget : The next three Days are for the Family only. :D
  9. Thanks DAP, and merry Christmas. :)
  10. humvee28

    ASR AI Skills

    Thank you for the Update Rob, and merry Christmas. :)
  11. Seeding both now also. :)
  12. humvee28

    ACE for OA 1.13

    And so the Story ends. :) Thank you all very much for this outstanding Work and Support. Merry Christmas and a happy new Year, ACE Team!
  13. Yep, totaly userfriendly. I have expanded the Weapon Arsenal today. No Problem. One thing what i could recommend too for the Campaign is this : http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=111819
  14. humvee28

    Stagler's Spetsnaz GRU

    Signed. Use them too for that.
  15. Can´t believe that. These Guys at BIS are total Psychos. :D :D
  16. humvee28

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    TFF will be the first Mission i´m testing with 1.4 :D
  17. Take all the time you need Mate. Don´t harsh yourself. :)
  18. humvee28

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    It´s so awesome..you hear the flyby, then the impact and at least the Sound of the firing Gun....wooooaarrr. :D
  19. Great Work Rydygier! Even if you´re no Mission Designer, you can create fantastic instant Battles with HAC. :) I´m only missing one little thing : Troops don´t use Transport Vehicles until you have linked them with the Group.
  20. It´s done..could you believe that? :D Thanks for all everybody, and have a merry Christmas and a happy new Year also. :)
  21. humvee28

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Nah, take a look at this : :D
  22. humvee28

    Please share your 1.60 impressions

    A lot of Betas, RC´s and many Activity on CIT marks the Way from 1.59 to 1.60. Countless Improvements / Fixes has been made in this Time, due to the awesome Teamwork of Developers and Community Members. Everybody involved in this should be proud. The Mark has been kicked pretty high with this, and i don´t remember to have seen such an Evolution in any other Game before. Cheers and marry Christmas for all! :)
  23. Fantastic Work BIS&Com! Thank you all. :)
  24. humvee28

    WarFX : Blastcore

    Nice! Another great SM on the Way!