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Everything posted by humvee28

  1. humvee28

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Supporting you too, Bro... After all you´ve done for the ArmA / BI Com, this little Present is a must! :) Keep moving..und halt die Ohren steif! Bye! H28
  2. I´ve got no Master Graduation in English, but if i can help, i will do so. No Problem. PM me, if you´re interessted. :)
  3. humvee28

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Hallo Jarhead! Thanks for the massive Effort and Support, you´ve putted into JSRS! Without it, ArmA would not be the same for me, and many others too. Kudos! :)
  4. humvee28

    Robalo's ACE configs

    All right. Thanks for the Info!
  5. humvee28

    Robalo's ACE configs

    Hey Robalo! Any News about the upcoming Config for the M4 Pack? Normally i don´t like to ask questions like that, but i have all your other Configs in use and this is the last one i really miss..:)
  6. humvee28

    RH Hk416 pack 1.2 for OA / CO

    @ Robalo The Link to your HK Configs are down. (404 Error).:( EDIT : Ahh,Mate, i believe i´m Drunk. Got it over SU...
  7. Ignore this Post. Fixed it on my own with NP++.:)
  8. Is it somehow possible to get only the OA Music play in the Takistan and Zargabad Missions? I ask, because i´ve made an Music Replacement for OA, and i hear more A2 Tracks in the OA based Missions then OA ones. BTW : Thanks for the Sahrani Update!
  9. humvee28

    ASR AI Skills

    Hi! Aren´t the Features of ASR AI Skills disabled (commented) by Default in the Userconfig, Robalo? I have made an interesting Discover. I have done a similar Test as aeggwards1 did. I´ve put a BLUFOR and OPFOR Sniper on both Ends of the Runway. One as Player and the other Playable. No Init Commands used. First, i look with the Player Sniper through the Scope without shooting, so i can only see the other. Then i switch to the playable Sniper and do the same. Both start to Fire over long distance. The Problem seems to be that the Snipers from the Start only looking over their Rifle. Since they´re looked through their Scope and see the Enemy, the Firefight begins.
  10. Great Polish for the overall Apperance! Looks like the Days of the Command Window coming to an End, whitch remembers me at the Start of SU Console and ACE2 Betatest Phase. :D
  11. humvee28

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 81423

    From my Side i can´t report the AT-Soldier Bug at the CIT, because it happens extremly sporadic. So it´s difficult to make a Repro as requested.
  12. Steelblood, i asked SB this 2 Pages before. Here is the Answer : http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1938776&postcount=382
  13. humvee28

    ASR AI Skills

    I remember this Issue with German KSK Units, who are equipped with Glock´s. I have found a Thread about it, but it´s nearly one Year old : http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=103221
  14. humvee28

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 81423

    Small Bug Report: In a quick Mission, i´ve shot an Enemy AT Soldier (OPFOR RPG), but he didn´t fall to the Ground. Looked like he freezed in the Moment of Falling. Seems like the same Problem what appeared in the previous Beta. EDIT : Tested this a few Times in the Editor, but can´t reproduce. Curious.
  15. Don´t worry, Mate. Grab the latest Beta Patch, and you´ve got an extra Gift..they won´t even fall to the Ground when you shoot them.:D
  16. Hello Sickboy! I´ve got a little Question about the ACE Stanag Magazine Classes. There are S, SB_S, SB and T Classes. T would be Tracer Ammo, right? But for what are the others standing for? Thanks in advance!
  17. humvee28

    ASR AI Skills

    Sounds very good. Especially this : - When AI needs new weapon, and has choices (eg. weapon crate), will pick a better match for its unit class (sniper tries to get sniper rifle, machinegunner takes MG, Javelin dude takes Javelin etc.) So no more SAW Gunners at Weapon Crates, that throw their SMG away for an M16? Very appreciated. Looking forward to the update, Robalo! :)
  18. @ Jak: This could be an Option for you. I use this Addon in SP and it works very well : http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1814752&postcount=1
  19. Thanks Sickboy! Time to write a Replacement Config now.:D
  20. Ok. Now i understand. Then i will fill the hole with Binks Units. Would be a nice Choice for SU too, IMHO. :)
  21. Can somebody explain why? I´m really interested in this, cause all nice Units seem to be sorted out.(ACE US Navy Seals, US Army Units).:(
  22. humvee28

    ASR AI Skills

    Works great. AI Teammember rearming faster than they say "Out of Ammo". :D Thanks!
  23. humvee28

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    HK 416 Family sounds o.k now, but the whole HK 417 Family sounds like silenced Weapons. Never mentioned this before...