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Everything posted by humvee28

  1. No Changelog aviable. :) ftp://downloads.bistudio.com/arma2.com/update/beta/ARMA2_OA_Build_84628.zip
  2. Hi there! I´m absolutely new to Mission Editing and Scripting, and have read and tried alot in the last Days, but for some Ideas i found no Answer. :) However, here it is : I´ve got a Mission with an AI Squad here, and they´re equipped with ACE IR Strobes and Laser-equipped Rifles. Now i´m planning to make a little Script which tells the AI to turn on the Devices only during Nighttime. Can someone help me out there, please? Thanks in advance!
  3. Fixed the Problem by myself. It isn´t time specific, but well.. For everyone who is interested, read below. :) (entered in the Unitspawn Script) Weapon Lasers : (group or unitname) enableIRLasers true; ACE IR Strobes : ["ace_sys_irstrobe_aradd", [_unitname]] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent; One Question remains : Is it possible to address the whole Group in the IR Strobe Command, or is it needed to type a Command for every single Unit, which i have done now? I have tried with forEach etc., but i got always an Errormessage ingame via the -showscripterrors Function.
  4. humvee28

    US Marines

    Great News Bink. Looking forward for the Update.
  5. Thanks for the Update DAP. :)
  6. Thanks for the Update DAP. Good Idea to bring the Trucks in the Mission, cause Helicopters are very uneffective on this small Island. :) Is it possible to bring a little bit more Forces to the captured Points, so that the chance of holding it is a little bit higher when the Player moves on to the next Point? Just my two Cents. :)
  7. It´s in the actual Downloadpack LockJaw. :)
  8. I also have to thank DAP. Huge Step forward in this Mission. Very appreciated. :)
  9. humvee28

    ACE for OA 1.11

    Ah, thanks you two. Hadn´t understand the relationship of that variable clearly. :)
  10. humvee28

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 84554

    Then let´s see what we´ve got here. :) Thanks BIS!
  11. humvee28

    ACE for OA 1.11

    Maybe one stupid little Question, but i couldn´t find an Answer over ACE Wagn & Co. : If i put the ACE Wounds Module in a Mission, and give the Medic an ACE Rucksack (ACE_Rucksack_DMARPAT_Medic) via Script, is the Rucksack prefilled with Medic-Stuff then? I ask this, because i wondered about the Fact that the Medic got 10 Pieces of everything (Morph, Epi, Bandage etc.) in his Rucksack, without filled it via extra Script. I hope that my Question is understandable. :) Thanks in advance Greets
  12. humvee28

    Rejenorst's Missions [SP/MP/COOP]

    Haha, had a nice Moment in the Mission "Steel Garden". Our Squad secured the Village, and then nothing happened. I walked a little bit up and down in the Village, and the SL said to me "target that...", but no one to see. I moved carefully into a bigger Hut, into the Floor, and heard Battlescreams. I leaned around the Door to my right, and two Taki Soldiers stand there around a Civilian, aiming on me. No Casualties, but an really exciting CQB. :)
  13. humvee28

    Rejenorst's Missions [SP/MP/COOP]

    Hi Rejenorst Since i found your Martyrdom Mission yesterday, i´m a really big Fan of your Work. Congrats to this!
  14. +1 But i´ve got a little Problem with this Addon : 1. When i start the Settings Mission, i´ve got all Weapons in the Box from the Mods and Addons which i load with CO (ACE, RH Weapons), but many types of Ammo are missing (TAC 50, HK417 as an Example). Has anyone an Idea how that could be?
  15. I´ve got a "Database Error", when i try to open several Threads in the Arma 2 / OA Forum now. Got anyone else the same Problem?
  16. http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php
  17. Very nice Mission. One thing i noted, compared to the ACE Compatibility : The CLU for the Javelin is missing.
  18. http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php No Changelog Notes
  19. humvee28

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Great Sounds which provide a great Atmosphere, LJ.
  20. THAT it really good. Very appreciated Feature! :)
  21. Hi DAP! Does that mean, that Medics from other Squads are healing you, when you´re in the Field on your own and wounded?
  22. Thank you, thomson! That brings a little bit more Life into the Flashpoint Mission. Very appreciated. It would be very,very cool if you can do something like this for Civilian Life in the Future. A great Scenario: You have to Fight against your Opponents, but you have to aim and shoot carefully, because Civilians are in the Areas (especially Towns) also. If you shoot any Civilians, your Mission is aborted. Then it would be a great Mission for Newbies too, who have Problems to Identify Persons the Way you need, fast and accurate. Well, something like that is possible in the Mission by now, of course (FF). But it gives you only Penalties in Form of negative Scores. It would be nice to see an Option in Form of a Setting (Mission aborted by killing Friendlys / Civs) in the Future. Negative Points hurt a little Bit, but it would be better (in my Eyes, of course) to see, that killing Friendlies or (eventually in the Future) Civilians is an absolutely no go, to keep the Excitement and the Behavior of the Player more up. I know, more spawning Objects mean decrease in Performance, and build in Civilian Life in a Mission isn´t that easy, but if you could do something that would match in the old Story, Performance vs. Playable Mission, that would be, as i said, great imho. :cool: Greets PS : Ambient Life in the Mission gives me the Feeling, that i didn´t Fight on the Moon anymore. I hope, you got me way it means.:D
  23. New Beta Build up! Grab as usual @ : http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php Changelog : Greets
  24. It would be nice to see some randomly generated Missions and Sidemissions as Objectives like Domination has (Clear and Sweep Cities or Airfields, Secure Chopper / Aircraft Crashsite and search / rescue the Crew, destroy Weapon Logistics / Caches, destroy AA Tank Placements etc.)