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Everything posted by humvee28

  1. humvee28

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 85478

    I have made the good old Utes Runway Test. High Caliber Sniper Rifles are absolute deadly now. :D
  2. ftp://downloads.bistudio.com/arma2.com/update/beta/ARMA2_OA_Build_85248.zip Changelog : See also : http://dev-heaven.net/issues/25245 http://dev-heaven.net/issues/25230
  3. humvee28

    US Army (OCP)

    ACE for OA = ACE2 ;)
  4. Stunning Work. Top Atmosphere and an exciting "Inside the Story" Feeling. Congrats! :)
  5. humvee28

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    It´s the Radio Chatter from "Generation Kill". :)
  6. humvee28

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    The Firefight Sounds in the Distance are absolutely awesome. The GAU 8 too.
  7. humvee28

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 85101

    I´ve got big Problems with recruited (spawned) AI and mounting / dismounting Vehicles, especially with small Spaces around the Vehicle, in various MP User Missions (WIT, Domi AI). Sometimes they´re can´t get in, and if i made it, often they´re can´t get out, even with alot of Space around the exit Points. I´ve tried to reproduce it in the Editor for a Repro many many times, but i can´t. :( Has someone else observed that Problem too?
  8. humvee28

    ACE for OA 1.12

    One possible Solution is to set the "scanning Method" in the ACE Options to "Spacebar" or "Mousewheel" instead of "permanent". I´ve chosen "Spacebar", so the Unit Description will only appear if you look at them and hit Spacebar. :)
  9. In SP Missions with lots of AI Movement it looks really good also. :)
  10. humvee28

    "Tab" targeting issues

    I didn´t liked this "TAB-Target" thing from the Start. ACE&Mando Missiles are my Alternative. :)
  11. humvee28

    CMcD Cannon/Main Gun Tweaks

    I have tested it (runs beside with a load of other Mods), and it works very good. It is a Feature what i´ve missed for a long time. Kudos CMD&the other Devs!
  12. humvee28

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    That sounds great and very promising. :)
  13. humvee28

    US Army (OCP)

    Simple "ready-to-use" Replacement Config for BIS US Army : http://www.multiupload.com/1MQ7NYCAFH
  14. I read always the Readme´s. :) It´s a Hardware Problem with my Kone Mouse. The Macros that i have recorded for the Turbo Key and assigned to my Thumb Button aren´t working for this. If i press the Button in the Steering Options it works. But not ingame.
  15. Can anyone please explain me how to do the Combat Roll? I´m jogging / sprinting, press turbo+prone, and the only thing that happens is that the Character throws himself on the Ground. Tested with OA 1.59, CBA and SMK to avoid Conflicts with other Mods. :( EDIT : Tested in the Editor. Works fine. But still not in the Tut Mission.
  16. humvee28

    ACE for OA 1.12

    TY for the Info.
  17. humvee28

    ASR AI Skills

    You should not only keep watching after Snipers, AI with Grenadelaunchers are extreme deadly now also : "Hostiles!" "Enemy at.." *Whoom* You are Dead. :D
  18. No. If you want to install it from scratch, the Setup.exe tries to connect to the suspended Webpage. :(
  19. humvee28

    ACE for OA 1.12

    The typical Suspects.. :p
  20. humvee28

    ACE for OA 1.12

    No, you can use ASR AI with no Probs. I´ve asked Robalo in his Thread for this. ;)
  21. humvee28

    ASR AI Skills

    Hi Robalo! First : Thank you for the Update. This is one of my absolutely favourite Mods. To the Question : ASR AI can be used with ACE now without Probs? Cause i have seen an Entry in the Release notes, that we should not use any AI Mod with it due to the ACE AI Enhancements. Maybe a dumb Question, but i´m a little bit confused now. :)
  22. humvee28

    ACE for OA 1.12

    Congrats t(w)oo. :D
  23. Edited with GIMP More Pics can be seen here : http://www.abload.de/gallery.php?key=r9cxl5B3