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Posts posted by columdrum

  1. I had done a Napalm script that creates the plane and drops de napalm long ago, there is also some more script around uns forum or uns thread i think.

    It needs CBA( just for globalexecute), but if you don't want it to be required, just replace it with some publicvariable+ publicvariable eventhandler magic. Or if you don't know how to do it i can upload a modified version.


    Just add :

    #include "Scripts\SoporteAereo\SoporteDiag.hpp"

    To your description.ext( its the dialog)

    And this action to the unit that you want to be able to call the air support:

    this addaction ["<t color=#f0FE9A2E'>Call air support</t>",'Scripts\SoporteAereo\Accion.sqf',0,0,false, false,"","_target == _this];

    Fell free to modify or use parts of that script.

    To use it on a mission, just mark a target with red smoke, and use the accion, chose the distance and angle relative to the red smoke where you want to shoot, and confirm.

    For arty strike you can use any arty script, there is no special arty in UNS as far as i know

  2. isn't F1 2011 made by the ConsoleMasters?

    Yes.. thats why i said that forget about the publisher... we all hate,dislike,loathe don't like very much that company arround here.

    The thing was that just by few seconds i thought i was seen a arma video, like a deja vu lol.

  3. That is a good question I was wondering about as well.

    The variable you are looking for is ACE_SYS_Stamina_Fatigue. To see how stamina works, you could enable the stamina debug by adding this lines to the init.sqf:

    #define DEBUG_MODE_FULL
    #define DEBUG_STAMINA
    #include "\x\cba\addons\main\script_component.hpp"

    It would show that variable plus other internal ones so you can understand how it can change. I dont know the values for tired and all than but just test a litle to get them

  4. I don't care mucho about blood in arma, there is always some mod/addon to change that. What also looks great in that game its the animation system, no one noticed that? i have seen some others better but it would be awesome something similar in arma3 instead of clasic arma .... animation system.

    But some improvements on how the blood its displayed on the soldiers would be welcome obviously.

  5. Hi !

    I just had a idea for a MP script.

    Players can only die if they are unconscious for x minutes and no one retrieves them in this time.


    A player gets hit, now he is laying on the ground unconscious.

    Now he could get hit again and again...he should NOT die !

    (Can he be invisible for enemys ?)

    A counter (a hint) should be visible that shows the time left until he dies.

    If the time is over and no one retrieved him, he is dead.

    If he got retrieved by a buddy within the timelimit his health is full again and he is no longer unconscious.

    This should be a alternative for respawn.

    Can someone help ?

    That can be acomplished with ACE + ACE wounds module + PMR( adding ace_wounds_prevtime = 600; to the init for example, being 600 the number of seconds before die), and with respawn disabled on the mision.

    If you dont want to use ACE. The best idea should be add HandleDamage eventhandler to each unit, and check if each hit is fatal, on that case instead of return the normal damage, just set the unit damage to a maximun number and return 0 on the event( that way the unit doesn't really die), and then start the counter, setcaptive , maybe add an action to heal him and all other things you want. Obviously you'll need more than 2 lines to do that, so it will take some time to get it working right ^^.

  6. I'm unable to pack and unpack gear during the briefing screen. My search turned up the same question a couple of times, but the answer was that "it should work".

    I've got weapons, ammo and gear in the description.ext but the pack button is always disabled. Once I get in-game, I can pack and unpack fine, just not from the briefing screen?

    Is there a trick to making this work?

    As far as i know, you can't pack anything on the briefing screen or when you are in a vehicle.

  7. I have a current issue, not sure if its a bug or a feature.

    When I got into the F35 earlier, it dropped all of my gear apart from inventory items, (Compass, map, PR343 etc etc)

    The issue was that it dropped my PR117 as well, so i could no longer communicate with a JTAC, Am I missing something, is there a work around for this?

    More to the point, is it ACE thats creating the issue?

    Not a bug, its a feature, read the changelog http://ace.dev-heaven.net/wagn/ACE_1_12_RC1

    I agree with ACE team that it was unrealistic that you could enter in a f35 with a javelin or a mortar :p. But for example some heli gunners dropping their gear hurts the gameplay to much, because on a fast extraction you may hit the wrong action... and lose your gear. So maybe adjust this feature a little more or put it as a module option could be a good idea.

    I can deal with the BS of a pilot having to grab his gear from the chopper... fine, you guys want to force a certain level of realism on everybody, fine... but consider those of us using ACRE, and how it limits pilots that need radios in order to do their jobs properly. They cannot use a radio that is in the aircraft's storage bay, nor can they use a radio that is placed on their back.

    You know that all airplanes and helis have an integrated 117f? :p just use ACRE self iteration key( alt+shit+q or alt+shift+e i dont remember).

    Edit: BTW, really? now comming with PR right here after PR thread was colsed? :S, i think that mod1 VS mod2 its just useless talk

  8. Script Updated to 1.8:


    *Fixed: now the respawn buttons will appear even with ace_sys_wounds_withSpect = false

    +Added:New option to give score for heavily wounding enemy players, so you will be able to have a better track of your achievements at mission end on PvP missions. Before you only were credited when you killed someone that had no lifes left.

    +Added: New option to punish with 1 life if someone disconnects while unconscious( to avoid posible exploits of reconnecters ¬¬)

    +Added : Experimental(still not fully tested, but working) saving player position, gear and wound status on disconnect. This will be restored on reconnect. You can enable or disable it via config file as all the other options

    *Replaced a lot of CBA_fnc_globalExecute with CBA_fnc_globalEvent and also some other of the new CBA functions used.

    *Most of the text is together so its easier to translate. Still no stringtable tough.

    And as always a lot of minor fixes and optimizations.

    I had some more things planned( like more example misions and a module version) but they were delaying the release too long, so i decided to release all the improvements that where already done.



    Mirrors are welcomed

  9. I manual installed the latest version (V1.3.11.456) but I can't see the ACRE plugin in my TS3 Client (3.0.1).

    I extracted the acre_win64.dll into my C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamSpeak 3 Client\plugins folder and I've re-started TS3 but I still can't see it in the list of plugins (Settings > Plugins).

    Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

    you trying to use the x64(64bit) ACRE dll in your x86(32bit) Teamspeak3 installation. So, just copy the acre_win32.dll to htat folder or install the 64 bit version of team speak :p

  10. First of all this is a forum , it's normal when you don't get an instant answer, this isn't a chat.

    Second i have seen a fatal script mistake

    ==>EDIT2: This is what I've been able to do so far:

    I've created a file called "init.sqf" and in it I added the following line ==> nil = [] execVM "prc148_changeto.sqf";

    I then created another file called "prc148_changeto.sqf" and in it I added the following line ==> ["ACRE_PRC148"] call acre_api_fnc_setItemRadioReplacement


    NEVER , EVER asign to constants anything in arma, as strange as it sounds you are overriding then and causing unknown and unexpected result. So never use nil= X or objnull =.... or any other constant. And that is only needed because the *** editor, on your scripts if you are not using the result you can just write :

    execVM "prc148_changeto.sqf";

    And will work perfectly

    Lastly, and answering to your question, if you want and addon to replace the radio it's as easy as something like this:

    #define _ARMA_

    class CfgPatches


    class acre_Radio_replacement


    units[] = {};

    weapons[] = {};

    requiredVersion = 1.01;

    requiredAddons[] = {"acre_sys_radio","acre_main","acre_arma2","acre_sys_antenna","acre_sys_radio_base","acre_sys_data"};

    version = "1.3.7";

    author[] = {"columdrum"};

    authorUrl = "URL";



    class CfgAddons


    class PreloadAddons


    class acre_sys_radio


    list[] = {"acre_sys_radio"};




    class Extended_PreInit_EventHandlers


    class acre_Radio_replacement


    init = "acre_sys_radio_defaultItemRadioType = 'ACRE_PRC148';";



    Here already packed on a pbo: http://www.mediafire.com/?vcfmbypmfnw07j4

    Obviously all clients should have that addon to have the radio replaced.

    An alternative would be use a addon( i dont remember the name, something like "server side scripting" ¿?) that allowed you to exec a line on all connecting clients, that would be nice for replacing the radios without the clients needing to have any extra addon.

  11. Hello guys,

    I'd like to use the latest version of ACRE in the multiplayer missions I've downloaded from this forum, however the Default Radio from ACRE has a really short range.

    I'd like to change the default radio from the PRC 343 to the PRC 148.

    Does is anyone know how to alter the ACE files to that I can have the PRC 148 as my default radio?

    Thanks guys. :bounce3:

    Its on the docu... for example on the mision init.sqf:

     ["ACRE_PRC148"] call acre_api_fnc_setItemRadioReplacement;

  12. i am sure that they will look crappy from the ground compared to any arma2 maps( in number of details like trashcans, furniture,... i mean, not in textures), because you dont need much detail when you are going to be 90% around 20-100m from the ground.

    About the boxels, delta force 1 and 2( great games) used them and they are old games so yes, nothing new. And yes, they are still not very resource effective, but nobody can truly know the future.

  13. Is there any way to bind action Eject to key? Because in some situations I can't find Eject in action menu, if I even can make it to scroll in it :(. I'm flying with joystick + keyboard (for throttle), so I have both hands busy and I have to put away my hand from joystick and put it on mouse :D

    BTW: Please, repair size map tool.

    You can already do that, for example i have the exit vehicle and extract action to "insert key" so i can use it to fast exit vehicle( i think that i your case just with setting the extract would be enought). In the case of the vehicle its stop its just a normal exit, but if its moving its a forced exit, in the case of vehicles with ejection seat it will trigger it.

    Just go under options, controls, select "vehicle controls" and scroll to the bottom, the 3 and 4 actions starting from the end.


  14. Yeah, that would be ideal. You can't pack from box using the Pack button (I tried :cool:) but making that work would be nice.

    I also have another medic-ish question: What is the difference between a bandage and a compress? I've tried searching for this but only found others with the same question. I heard from someone on a server that a compress is like a "mega-bandage" and is used to avoid using up many bandages to stop bleeding. Is this the case?

    Bandage may or may not heal completely the bleeding, so if the soldier is really injured you may need 2 o 3 bandages to heal him. But compress heals always the bleeding.So yes, its just what you say

  15. Great map, awesome work.

    Some feedback( if you are going to keep working on it):

    1- Maybe reduce de density of the forest will improve the performance, because some players may have fps issues on this island :(.

    2- Would be nice include an "barracks" area to some location over the map, so it could be utilized as spawn location.

    Very nice work.:yay::yay:

    Is this just the terrain or are there fully scripted shooting ranges as well?

    Terrain + buildings, there is no targets.

  16. ;2001618']I cant even get to this stage' date=' using the key combination doesnt do anything for me, if I have a 117f or a 148VHF equipped still nothing, tried it in the Humvy (M2) Woodland.... it would be so much better if it used the ACE/ Interaction menu.... less finger muddling keys to press etc[/quote']

    Have you updated your userconfig\acre\*.* ¿?

    Maybe you have a really old userconfig and that's why you dont get the menu. Also some people only get it working by using right alt+shift instead of left ones( dont ask why O_O)

  17. Let's say I have 10 playable units (disabledAI=true), is it possible to set the lives in the init based on how many players that actually join?, like

    [players*2] =execVM "revive\ReviveAceWounds.sqf";

    or even better, make the lives individual for each unit? and not side.


    You can easy do both for example:

    [playersNumber*2] =execVM "revive\ReviveAceWounds.sqf";

    (playersnumber returns the current number of players)

    Or for lives for each unit(NOTE: once you have selected a unit, you will have his lives, and even if you change slot you will keep that number of lives, its done on purpose to avoid slot jumpers in pvp games ¬¬)

    waituntil{!isnull player};
    _numlives= switch true do {
     case (player == unit1) : {3};
     case (player == unit2) : {5};
     case (player == unit3) : {1};
     // .....................................................................
     default            {2};
    [_numlives] execVM "revive\ReviveAceWounds.sqf";

    Haven't tested it but should work , obviusly you can use other names for units instead of unit1, unit2 ,....

    BTW i havent forgotend the module version or the mision exampes, it's just that i never get the time to end them :P

  18. You can take a look at the revive script that i had done some time ago( and i need to release a addon version that i have almost done but never have time to end... xD). It does exactly what Sickboy says, just stores the last one how hit you, and generates teamkill messages, it's just 3 or 4 lines of sqf to do that. Also be aware that the death/wounded one it's set on captive mode so using side funcion would return wrong side ^^.
