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Posts posted by columdrum

  1. A question regards Fast Roping:

    Is this system operatable at the moment? I tried many times to use it and i never get the useraction menu for it? Could somebody explaine to me how to do it?

    Always worked fine :S, just stay static with the heli and one of the passenger( NOT GUNNERS!, only passengers can fastrope) can deploy it via mousewhell menu, if they have the rope in their inventory.

  2. Nope, has nothing to do with script lag.

    Weapon rest is still the same as it was in A2.

    Resting the weapon in windows of some OA houses can cause a little FPS hickup, for example. Hopefully we can resolve it before the first stable release.


    Nice to hear that is been worked, because in some cases it spends 1-2 seconds freezed and it may deploy or not... so its petry annoying. And its not only in OA house windows, for example on the roof of the villa in Zargabad(NE of the town) you will have this issue.

  3. columdrum try a domination ACE wounds and try to kill an allie and after revive him , for revive you need epid morph and bandage to revive him. i want this but in a limited zone (on a MASH)

    What i wrote will do that exactly, with ace_wounds_prevtime = 400 when killed you will get a countdownd and you will need ephi and morphine to revive. Just wait till friday 17 update or do it another way...

    You may also want put ace_sys_wounds_withSpect = true;

    Read the ACE2 documentation, all this is explained in the notes.

  4. hi i want some help , i want to implement a revive script in my mission to create a med evac to base (via human player) and at base a medic can heal it with ace wounds system like in the domination but more realist. My question is : is it possible to create a zone where we can access to the action Use epidephrine and use morphine and set in the rest of the map if you can use bandage and CPR sorry for my english

    You can use this http://dev-heaven.net/issues/12971 new feature to do that. Simply put the ace wonds module, and only medics can use morphine and ephi...

    Do NOT put any medic on your mision, put on your init.sqf :

     ace_wounds_prevtime = 400;

    ( well you can put the timer you prefer)

    In the zone of the map that you what that the units can be healed put a trigger with:

    activation condition: player in thislist

    on acticate: player setVariable ["ace_w_ismedic",true];

    on deactivate: player setVariable ["ace_w_ismedic",nil];

    This way only on the trigger zone players would be able to use morphine and ephinifrine, so heavily wounded could only be healed there. You can put more limitations in your triger if you want ... an there is a lot of other metods to do it, this is just the first i thought

    EDIT: the feature will not work until next friday update so it will not work right now.http://dev-heaven.net/issues/13545

  5. Yes I uninstalled updater, the game, run a cache cleaner everything.. no luck it just doesn't want to find arma 2 oa's directory for some reason :/


    Edit the Path of A2 OA Any (autodetect) and any other you want to use, and enter there your path to the game, for example:

    C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2

    Press update, and go to the main section of the updater again.

  6. He can ear us 3d direcctionaly and when press the radio button, the only way he can speak is pressing the ptt key, and he uses the default arma 2 communication.

    No error, no crashes, only the ts3 hangs when disconnect it, and have to close the process to open ts3 again.

    Maybe a bug with the acre.dll?

    Any solution¿?

    If he is using voice activation in TS3 that is the problem. Simply activate an deactivate PTT on Ts3 options, or use always PTT to avoid it.

  7. I'm using Windows Server 2008.

    I am also using Windows Server 2008, if that matters,but i think that most of dedicated server (on windows) are running it.

    I tried all -cpucount and various server.cfg settings without sucess. I will try the new -extreaths parameter today.

    Aren't you experiencing the same behavior ? Could you, server admins, take a look at your server CPU usage during huge games and report here ?

    A coop game of 35+ players, got cpu(total of 4 cores) %15-23 , and fps of the server dropped to 10fps sometimes. There was only some desycn problems but i think that the fps shouldn't drop until all cpu % are used.

  8. Both search and the wagn fail me.

    What's the variable or function to check if an unit is unconscious (from the wounds module)?

    unit getVariable "ace_w_uncon";

    unit unconscious return true.

    unit not unconscious return false or nil.

    At least right now in last version. And it's public(synced over net) so you can use on any unit even on multiplayer. But i think that this part is being reworked to use only one variable to get all the status of the unit( bleeding, pain,...), so it may change the way to acces this info.

    EDIT: i love the new "Basic CPR action to wounding system" :D

    Forget about that i said above, in new version you can use:

    unit call ace_sys_wounds_fnc_isUncon

  9. This is interesting. New objects would indicate a required addon right? In the past, the original a2ts addon wasn't required, being all script based. So pubbers could still join the server and not have it, and we could tell em how/where to get it. (normally people on TS already had it) Hopefully with these new rewritten versions they can still get on and just have to suffer an error popup (missing xyz classname) rather than getting kicked off the server, so we can still help them out. Pretty sure that's how it would work since it wouldn't be in the mission.sqm's requiredAddons.

    New version also uses jay armalib to comunicate between ts3 and Arma2, so even without objects, there still be some addons required ^^, i don't know if that would kick players out or not but i don't see that a big problem. Just put it on the server name, and users should be smart enought to google it ^^.

  10. You should read the damn notes. Where does it mention anything regarding "poor man's revive" or the spectator script for the "poor man's revive"?

    This does not tell me jack s*&t about revive:

    If you are gonna post something try actually knowing what you are talking about. If that stuff above is supposed to be helpful I can say I have no clue what it means. Not everyone understands this stuff, hence I asked for what an example would look like.

    I know how to use the Wound System module, clearly I've used it in publicly released missions. What I don't know is what needs to be done, if anything, to get the revive part working. Sometime back Xeno said he wouldn't add revive at the time, I didn't realize he had changed his mind.

    Now see Mr. Helpful, if it was explained in the WAGN to a degree where a novice could understand it, I would've just read the thing and not asked a question. But since I checked the WAGN before I posted the question and I searched for "revive" there as well I decided to ask because either it's there and I don't know what I'm looking at or the revive part just isn't explained.

    Now show me, please, where it's explained so I can try it.

    Well it's not well explained but if you put for example in your init.sqf:

    ace_wounds_prevtime = 600;

    With Ace_wounds enabled, anything that normally would have killed you ,will let you unconscious instead, and with a counter of 600 seconds( just the number you entered). If the timer expires you will die, and depending on the mision repawn options( in the description) you will respawn in base, as a seagul, .... just like a normal death.

    So, it's a simple revive, you can't configure a number of lives or things like that.

    I'm sorry but i can't explain it better, my english sucks :P

    And by the way, i don't know how it works the new spectator feature in the revive, because it seems to work exactly like before.

  11. Well that's awesome but what the hell is "poor mans revive" and how do I use it? I can't find anything referring to this under the Wounding System section of the WAGN. Is there some examples of how to set this up? I'd love to check it out. I didn't think ACE2 was gonna have any revive options.

    Its in the documentation, read the notes of the wounding system :rolleyes:.

    Edit: but no info about the new spectator feature thats true

  12. sorry by the delay but it works fine i have tried it, as Jakerod try to put a little higher, you may be creating then bellow the ground or inside some object. Also make sure that the mission it's at nightime, they are a lot of more visible.

    For example put in the palyer init:

    xxx=createVehicle ["ACE_Knicklicht_Object_R", [getpos player select 0,getpos player select 1,2], [], 0,"CAN_COLLIDE"] 

    this will create a chemlight just above de player flying in the air :P.

  13. Quick question: is it possible to spawn a glowing chemlight by script? I googled for several combinations of "ACE 2", "spawn", "chemlight" and "glowing", but couldn't find anything about this. I can spawn the chemlight magazine fine, but then only the model glows, there's no light effect. I intend to use them as markers for a makeshift runway, but first I need to check if they're visible by pilots on approach. It's probably not the most realistic use for them, but I'm not sure there's a better way of doing it for now.

    edit: Hm, it seems the IR ones aren't even visible from more than a few meters away, so I'll have to find another way.







    Are the classnames of the glowing objects, i have tried and it works , but i don't know if it can cause problems to spawn then with createvehicle. For example put in the palyer init:

    xxx=createVehicle ["ACE_Knicklicht_Object_R", [getpos player select 0,getpos player select 1,2], [], 0,"CAN_COLLIDE"] 

    this will create a chemlight just above de player flying in the air :P.
