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Posts posted by columdrum

  1. Hello, i love this mod, when i played it on ofp! (still play on ofp)

    Ive tryed playing it, but it wont work, ive downloaded "Extended eventhandlers" which is the only requirements.

    Can any one help me or tell me step by how to ?


    Extended eventhandlers its now part of CBA, just load CBA + VTE and it should work. There isn't any complicated steps its just load these 2 mods, you may have a corrupted/outdated version of extended eventhandlerse and thats why it isn't working. Anyways more info off what kind of error you get would help to fin the problem ¬¬

  2. 1- As far as i know there is no easy way to do that. You can temporally asing that unit to the group and remove it after so it will follow the formation...

    2- Just use http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setWaypointStatements

    3- Well first of all, there is no way to pass reference/pointers in arma script, so the int* value would be not posible in arma. The "compile" its only if you have the function as a string (usually when you read it from other sqf file, but it can be usefull in other cases too).

    The function in arma2 would be something like

    clamp ={
    private['_value', '_min','_max'];
    _value= _this select 0;
    _min= _this select 1;
    _max= _this select 2;
    _a = _value; 
    _a = if (_a > _max) then { _max} else {_a};
    _a = if (_a < min) then { _max} else {_a};

    4-Well you are right the execvm doesn't wait to that script to finish after continuing the execution, but it isn't a new OS thread its just aonther instance on the game script scheduler, so it has its limitations. "while{ true } do { };" will only run as fast as the script scheduler lets it ^^. And as far as i know there is no 100% safe way to synchronize threads but i think that i have never got a script deadlock in arma2 , just by using gobal variables between scripts :P

    About the variable scope, variables starting by a character count as global variables, that are recogniced anywhere on any script. For example:


    There is no special way to define them just asing them a value.

    Local variables are defined starting with _ and are local where you define them. For example if you define it at the start of the script, they will be local to all that script. If you define it inside a function would be local to that funcion and you can even define it inside a while loop and will be only local there , a bit weird but not hard to understand. You can define the variables by using the "private" as i wrote before(on the clamp example), or just asinging a value to the variable.. but i think that defining then with "private" its cleaner.

    5- the only way to comunitate with arma 2 by default its by copytoclipboard and copyFromClipboard script commands, but... as you may gess its not very efficient. But there is also a addon that allows you to comunicate to arma2 throught named pipes called "Jayarmalib". http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=98647

    Finally i think that there was some kind of page on the wiki that answers most of this questions, but i haven't found it :P

  3. other posible solution its load a addon that adds the buildings that have classname to the editor. There are 2 or 3, you will only need to load it to edit the mission, but it won't be necesary to have any addon to play it, note that i am refering to the ones that only adds the buildings with classname. There are other addons that includes also some buildings without classname, those would require the addon to play the mission so maybe not what you want.

    I dont remember the addon name but it may be one of this (or all :P):





  4. seeing that map with the full amount of players - a takiban vs. usa pvp event would be awesome. 50 takis trying to take a big fob in the mountains. love the map

    Yeah its awesome we already have done that on early closed betas of the map, and was epic(You can search in youtube for "Arma 2 TVT UST101-Nido de aguilas " ). But the map has almost nothing to do with the one 6 moths ago :P. ^^, now will be even better ;)

  5. Well a thing that could be cool its a way to add parameters on the modules dialog. Right now the only way to give the mision editors the posibility to modifi the behaviour of a module its throught variables( setvariable ) or sincronization. That option to add some more friendly params to the modules will benefic both scripters( that wouldn't need so much documentation) and mision makers that sometimes think that any script command its written on an weird language.

    It may be dificult to understand so i will try to explain and example:

    If you want to configure the Town Generator module, you should add a lot of lines to the init of the module, for example to change the size you should add:

    this setvariable ["townsize",150];

    It wont be much simpler if instead of that, there will be a slider called "town Size (meters)" that allows you to config it? it will be faster and anyone should understand that.

    For that scripters should have a way to especify how many parameters the module have and what are their options/type of selector. It should be to dificult to implement and would be really welcome :rolleyes:


    Extending this idea of the easy configurable modules, other great idea would be including "script mision modules". For example that mision makers can just copy and paste a folder in their mision( for example into XXXmision.map\modules\module1) that includes a module, and that makes avaliable a new module into the editor, this will make things even easier to mision makers that sometimes struggle to add a simple line to the mision init.sqf or description.ext.

    From the scripter point of view of this idea, it should allow the scripters define some basic configs(define sounds, dialogs,... all you can define in description.ext of the mision), also the parameters of the module as defined above, and some kind of relative paths for all his files in the module. This idea would be trickier to implement, but should be that hard ^^.

  6. Well there had been always only a big island and a small one. So i wouldn't expect more than that. Anyways Limnos looks amazing so no complains there.

    And above that, if arma 3 comes along with new and improved modding tools( visitor 4? ;)) i am pretty sure that the community can take care of creating new maps long before you get bored of Limnos :D

    I'm almost certain that BIS will add some nifty extra isles for training purposes and TvT scenario or two. Otherwise you can count on the community to come up with that :]

    :pray: *stares at icebreakr * :icon18:

  7. What I'm routinely finding, is, say I make a 500 x 500 zone - I put 10 enemy groups (all with their own UPSMON script) on the map. Most of these units will end up right near each other.....

    My QRF situation is just.... Say I want a BluFor QRF to come to a given location (and patrol / engage) but ONLY if I give the QRF radio call......With regular UPS the group will board the chopper (with the get in / load WPs). Then it will stay there until the radio trigger for the Helicopter is called. The helicopter will then come to its unload transport spot....my Blufor QRF will leave the chopper and move to my pre-determined QRF zone. Works pretty simple.

    However, when using UPSMON..... The helicopter will not wait for the QRF radio call. It will only wait about 30 seconds and then it will take off on its own and move to the QRF patrol zone.

    Well thats normal if you use the move parameter, you should use "nowp" or "NOMOVE" + reinforcements (when you want then to move, radio call in your case). That parameters should be docummented somewhere if you want more info

  8. The gasmask problem has been written about lengthily. There's no way to make the AI wear them.

    LoL? just setidentity can put them up. The only problem its that IA still suffer some effects( not really efects, just runs around xD, not as bad as without it).

    ["ace_sys_goggles_setident2", [_AIunit, "ACE_GlassesGasMask_US"]] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent;
    _AIunit setVariable ['ACE_Identity',"ACE_GlassesGasMask_US",true];

    _IAunit its the IA you want to put the mask on... make a loop if you want a lot of them to put their mask :P.

    IF the area its too big, i would remocend not to use teargass nades to create the gass, just script the effect. There are more than one already written around, or you can just modify ACE one. Here one example( not tested)

    if (isDedicated) exitwith{};
    if (!(isnil 'Colum_gas_Liberado')) exitwith{};
    While {(player distance (getMarkerPos "Colum_gas_Center")) <=_colum_gas_Maxdistance} do {
    player setVariable ["ace_gassed",false,false];
    _hasMask = player getVariable ["ACE_Identity", false];
    if (_hasMask in ["ACE_GlassesGasMask_US","ACE_GlassesGasMask_RU"]) then { _hasMask = true; } else { _hasMask = false; };
    if (player == player) then {if (ace_sys_spectator_SPECTATINGON) then {_hasMask = true}};
    if (!_hasMask) then {
    	[player,2] spawn ace_sys_gas_fnc_fx;
    	_gas_time = _gas_time+1;
    	if (_gas_time > 2) then { [player, 0.1] call ace_sys_wounds_fnc_addDamage}; // se lo ha tragado todo va muriendo
    if (_gas_time > 5) then { [player, 0.05] call ace_sys_wounds_fnc_addDamage}; // ya no tiene salvacion
    sleep 2 + (random 4);

    (you need a marker called "Colum_gas_Center" and 500 its the radius ...)

  9. Part of ACE MDF its a bit hardcoded right now, the problem its that it only opens if it detects a laser guided magazine on the vehicle i think. So if you want to show it up, you need to add to your magazine names "GBU" within it. Here the script that check that:



    So your magazine ( not ammo) name should be something like

    My_supper_uber_GBU_bomb_omg :p

    Or make a ace ticket to request other way to do it ^^.

    About the laser guidance, thats other thing, you need to add the guideance type to your new bomb. Take a look :


    Just add the:

    ace_guidance_type = "lgb";

    Or make your ammo inherit from Bo_GBU12_LGB ( yourbomb: Bo_GBU12_LGB )

    Also it would be recommended to define the ace_hit if you want ace armor system to work as expected with your ammo.

    Hope it helps ^^. Also any addon that have broke the class inheritance( rpt warnigs "Updating base class" or conflicting addon) can cause the problem, so try to test just with your addon and ACE :P

  10. From my limited knowledge on this matter i would say that that config only affecs the way that the weapons are displayed on the vehicle, and your real problem its the behaviour after launch. So your problem maybe its:

    1- On CfgMagazines config be sure that the bombs have or inherits from a class that have:

     initspeed = 0;

    2- On CfgAmmo :

    thrust = 0;
    thrusttime = 0;

    But its weird that it worked before and it suddenly break if you haven't changed anything on those configs :S

  11. Hi,

    Can I ask if the Laser Targeting system is currently working with ACE because I cannot seem to lock onto a laser target with a gbu or 114k. I notice this was raised as a bug before but has since been closed as resolved. http://dev-heaven.net/issues/23432

    The laser target is painted by a fellow clan member and we we're using the harrier (gbu) with only ACE mods and CBA running (updated this morning). On approach in the harrier I can't see the laser marker specifically and I can't lock on to it. : (

    Any help is much appreciated.

    Just drop the bomb, you don't need to lock the laser target ^^

  12. You can take a look at my revive script that is just the same of ace_wounds_prevtime but with a few more options, and it have some measures to avoid some of the posible exploits. It works great with respawn and AI disabled.

    Also, it have an option to restore your gear on reconnect, but it doesn't save the backpack contents or the "on back weapon"( those are local to the client and i didn't want to spam the server with messages to save the gear each X time ¬¬)

    But i agree that you can call that a bug( anyways its a looooong time i don't play with AI enabled, it can ruin an infiltration mission easyly if someome crashes and the AI starts a party itself xD). So the right way to address that it's to create a ticket ^^

  13. Mini update with a hotfix 1.8.1:

    +Fixed, auto adding the medic backpack no longer puts parachutes "on back" slot. Now the backpack its added on back always if the unit have a secondaryweapon by default.

    +Changed, "heavy wound" yourself no longer gives you -1 score if scoring enabled. That caused sometimes that AI shoot you if you had comited suicide once ^^.


  14. Thanks for your help columdrum.

    I should have mentioned I'm very new to this. I tried putting that code in a trigger as is, and when I activated it it just stopped my keyboard from working. What exactlly do I put into it to make my weapon jam? where do I write the unit name etc.

    Then you should start with easier things, start with the basic and then move step by step ^^.

    And about the keyboard freezing... well obviously you did something wrong. The funtion doesnt have any soldier parameter because its a local funcion, that must be executed on the client machine and jams the local player, and obviusly only affects players. So you will need to understand how locality works in arma2 to just jam the weapons of units you want and when you want.

    It worked fine for me:


  15. Is it possible to make a weapon jam when a trigger is activated? something along the lines of: weaponjam = true

    There is no API as far as i know but as always you can dig into the code and search for it :P. In this case:

    [_ammo] spawn ace_sys_overheating_fnc_stoppage;

    for a triger, the ammo parameter its not really used, and you must asing the result to something(i really hate that stupid thing of the editor), so it would be somethig like:

    x=[] spawn ace_sys_overheating_fnc_stoppage;

    But, it's not an API funcion so future changes in ACE can make that stop working so use at your own risk :P.

  16. Can you check the weights on your mags and weapons, they do not seem to be adding much, if at all, to the weight of the loadout. If you guys need another hand around there I would be willing to help you guys out as well. That's right, I wouldn't mind volunteering to do what I can with your team. I think I seen you guys need help here or your forums.

    There is no weight in arma2 by default. If you are refering to ACE2 weight, just use my ACE compact addon, with that you will have more realistic weights and working bipods for some mg ^^.


  17. OMG, this new version it's going to be epic :). I'm looking forward arrive home to test it!

    Btw any explanation to MinErrorToSendNear? because it sound weird to me, my logic tells me that should be the same of MinErrorToSend but only for near objects/units. But that wouldn't make sense because its default value should be less than MinErrorToSend, near objects should be updated faster than farther ones as far as i know. :confused:
