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Everything posted by columdrum

  1. Its posible, you must search for the player on the allunits( or playable units but sometimes fails) by his name(the ondisconected event only gives you the name, UID and ID, this last i dont know what can be used for), and then get his weapons. I have done it on my revive script to save the status of someone who disconect so its posible. You can look at how i had done it, but its just a loop( normally a foreach) to search for the player by his name. I would never recomend you to save the weapons on a global variable, unless its going to be a mission for 1-4 players. If you try to save the weapons of 20+ units on one or more globalvariables you will have desync problems.
  2. You are mising { } on CfgFactionClasses, and the last }; isn't needed . class CfgPatches { class Pal { units[] = {"PAL_vdv", "PAL_mpeh", "PAL_inf", "PAL_air", "PAL_armor", "PAL_wheel", "PAL_vdv_specops", "PAL_mp_specops", "PAL_inf_specops"}; requiredAddons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1.60; }; }; class CfgFactionClasses { class Pal { displayName = "-----------"; priority = 1; side = TWest; }; }; class CfgVehicles { /*extern*/ class PAL_vdv; /*extern*/ class PAL_mpeh; /*extern*/ class PAL_inf; /*extern*/ class PAL_air; /*extern*/ class PAL_armor; /*extern*/ class PAL_wheel; /*extern*/ class PAL_inf_specops; /*extern*/ class PAL_mp_specops; /*extern*/ class PAL_vdv_specops; };
  3. No, this revive uses the ace wounding system, so to change that you will need to modify it and that could cause a lot of troubles. The only thing that you can do is to enable the option(i dont remember the name and cant look at it right now) that removes the need of a medkit after revived, but you will still need to apply bandage+morphine+ephi to revive, but the times you need to apply each one ( around 6 seconds) can't be changed. The only solution there would be : 1- Create a custom revive option that would do all actions in one, and would allow you to control the exact time needed to do that.(later today i will edit this post with an example, i dont have time right now) 2- Create a ticket at ACE tracker asking the addition of a variable/something that allows you to control the time needed to heal people with ace wounding system enabled(still would be complitacted for the bandage, because the anim last 6 seconds and that can't be changed)
  4. Well that problem seems to be a mission bug. About the respawn on the carrier, set the RespawnOffset of that respawn point to 15(more or less, just tweak it to the carrier height), because markers cant have height :P. Its already commented on the config file ^^. For example if the carrier is the first respawn for bluefor: Colum_revive_RespawnOffset_WEST=[15,0,0,0]; Or if there is no respawn by sides and the carrier is the second respawn on the list: Colum_revive_RespawnOffset= [0,15,0,0];
  5. First of all i understand that you want that west side have 10 lives and the other sides 99, if thats what you want that config seems right.(note that if you define Colum_revive_Vidas_Side= false that config isnt needed ) And second its weird, i am not able to reproduce that error, it just works fine for me for all of the sides with the correct number of lives. So plz send me your revive config file or the whole mission so i can take a look at whats wrong there. Also more info would be apreciated: like if you are running singleplayer, on a dedicated server or on a non dedicated one and the RPT for example).
  6. Small hotfix release 1.9.1: Changelog: *Fixed: AI medic stopped working on long duration missions. *Some minor fixes to the "disconectsave" option *Changed: Now the green smoke for AI medevac its optional. If you mark the LZ with green smoke the AI will suppose a clear LZ and will try to land more accurately, if not, the AI will keep hovering over the ground on the nearest clear area for a hot LZ extraction. +Added: You can define the condition to call the medevac, so you can change if you will need a radio to call it,complete an objetive or whatever you want. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?cnkvw0ps8o11aaz With this new version, if you dont want to use a radio : xx=[this, "true"] execvm "revive\MedEvac\Helicoptero.sqf"; With that "true", the option will be avaliable to anyone without needing any radio. Note that the option to call the helicopter its on ACE self-interation menu, the same where you put on your earplugs.
  7. Any default ACE( yes, there are a lot of radio backpacks in ACE without ACRE) radios should work. But anyways i am working on a minor bugfix with some minor things i found, so i will try to add an option so you can choose the condition(or simply make it always available) to be able to call the medevac.
  8. columdrum

    ACE for OA 1.13

    There is a config value of all the bullets called "timetolive" that determines how much they will last before been deleted, and thats from vainilla, so yes all the bullets will disapear after some time, ones last more( artillery) others less (9mm) but all have this config :P. But thats not as unrealistic as you may think at first because after that long the bullet won't have enought kinetic energy to cause any damage to any soldier with default gear. So simulate them after that long would be just a wast of CPU/memory. Other case is as you say that some proyectiles have fuse times, and that are also simulated, for example the rpg would explode after certain time( more or less it travels 500m before do so)
  9. columdrum

    ACE for OA 1.13

    If you want to have a precise info on the wind, just use kestrel, thats why it is ingame ;). And about the speeds corresponding each color, everything its on the documentation(howto section): http://wiki.ace-mod.net/wagn/Wind_Deflection
  10. I really welcome any improvement, but i preffer to use the mouse to look arround, i even have unbind the mouse turn :S. Maybe to people with track-IR would be better, but anyways i will try the new mouse driving :P
  11. And here is the new update. Version 1.9. Changelog: +Disconectsave option now properly saves your position inside the vehicle. *Fixed the respawn buttons. There were some minor bugs with them. *Moved the action to call the medevac heli, from mousewheel menu to ACE self-iteration. That should avoid unintentional calls :rolleyes: *New file organization. Under revive\data you can find a new file called language.sqf that makes translations to any language easier. Maybe i will try to include a proper stringtable, but for now that's enough *Some other minor fixes and improvements Download link: http://www.mediafire.com/?d9tykkpva24nwgd
  12. Be sure that in config you have: Colum_revive_RespawnButton_text = ["Team Leader", "Cap Golova"]; Colum_revive_RespawnMarkers= ["teamleader", "capgolova"]; Found the issue, i will fix it on the next version ;). EDIT: fixed on 1.9 ^^
  13. 1-) It won't be diferent from a house opening and closing the door... so i would say no 2-) As far as i know you can't define conditions to the getin and getout actions by default( maybe there is a way but i don't know any ^^). So the solution would be use custom actions to getin and getout as cargo, and the condition to show that action you can use something like "this animationPhase ""Animation_name"" == 0" and ==1 . Sorry can't get you a full example of that right now , i don't have time :(
  14. Yeah the problem its that if you "exec" a sqs on an unit init, you cant make sleeps there, and thats why you get that error, it should be and sqf and executed with execvm. But this fix for grenades won't be needed in next version ^^. It will be fixed on the next version, until them... just ignore it :rolleyes:
  15. As far as i know the only way to get the number of slots is as you say read it from config. About the weight, i supose you mean ACE weight, i can't help there but maybe some of these may help you: player call ACE_sys_ruck_fnc_gearWeight; player getVariable "ace_sys_stamina_mass"; But don't ask me what values you are going to get with that because i don't know :P
  16. columdrum

    VOTE - "Most Anticipated Game 2012"

    i love arma3 and i am looking forward to play it, and its a game that i am sure i will buy. But the reason why i like arma series its because its a milsim, and that genre have a limited public, so its imposible that it would be above other games like: Mass Effect 3 Grand Theft Auto V , Diablo 3 , or DOTA2. Lol, that list its definetively not right, for example Grand Theft Auto V in the midle of that list? really ? xD and WTF is "The Secret World"( i had to google it) on the top of the list :eek:
  17. You can see the names of the classnames for the backpacks here: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA_2_OA:_Backpacks And setidentity its well explained on the wiki, you could at least try to read it ¬¬. For example with the trigger: Condition: (typeOf (unitBackpack unit1)) == "US_UAV_Pack_EP1" On act: unit1 setIdentity "John_Doe"; The unit should be called unit1, the backpack that changes the identity its the "UAV terminal bag"(something like that xD, its the last one on my editor, for any other just change the classname on the condition). You also need to define the john_doe identity on your description.ext, thats already explained on the wiki(read hardrock comment) http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setIdentity
  18. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setIdentity you can create a triger or a script loop to change the identity with the backpak. con (typeOf (unitBackpack unit1)) == "Class_name_Of_The_Backpack_Here" on act... use setidentity And the same condition for the script if you want to make it with a script.
  19. The last link( if you have a dev-heaven acount) shows you the script that fills the box. And as i already said, no it just fills the box once. So yes, you will need to refill it by script if you want to keep the same number of weapons. But remember that they are local: if you reconnect they will refill again, and each player have their virtual box, so if you take a weapon, other player would still see it on their box, because they are diferent weaponboxes ^^.
  20. columdrum

    ACE2 HALO help...

    To start an ACE halo, you need to exec(once the unit is in the air): player execVM "x\ace\addons\sys_eject\jumpout_cord.sqf"; That will start the real ACE halo animation and controls. If you use a general HALO script or the BIS one you could have problems like the one you said. Its also important that the guy have the parachute on their secondary slot and not on the "on back" slot( if the unit had a backpack or a launcher and you try to add a parachute it could fail ^^, you need to move it to onback slot and add the parachute or just remove it and add the parachute), you should have a visible black backpack that is the parachute to be able to use it. If the unit its inside the 130 and jumps out manually, he this isn't needed :S the halo would start automatically. So the question is, are you using any halo script? ^^
  21. Ace questions, ACE thread. Yes it fills automatically, but you can config some things about how it gets filled via variables, see the ACE documentation for more info: http://ace.dev-heaven.net/wagn/Weapons_System+description http://ace.dev-heaven.net/wagn/Weapons_System+notes About the "refill" if you mean if it will regenerate the weapons, i thing that no, you would need to make a script to do that. But you may not need that, because the magicbox is a local box. So every client would have their weapons, same thing that in domination for example. So even if there is only 4 M4, there will be 4 M4 for every player because the box is local ^^. https://dev-heaven.net/projects/ace-mod2/repository/revisions/develop/entry/Addons/sys_weapons/fnc_init.sqf (script that creates the box and fill it, " ace_sys_weapons_fnc_init")
  22. Another hotfix release 1.8.2: - Removed the use of ScriptDone scripting command. Seems that this bug is kicking again on 1.60 :s + Added, now ACE "weapon on back" its also saved if DisconectSave option its active. Download link: http://www.mediafire.com/?0x45xiyc5v5a7xy
  23. Merry Christmas, happy holidays and a Happy New Year you too BIS :D :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay:
  24. columdrum

    ACE for OA 1.12

    Both works, just use the optic key ( default numpad 0). Thats the same for example for mounted M2 on the hmmwv. But last time i tried the soflam tripod it was still WIP, when you exited it, you where placed on top of it, an sometimes wounded, and also you wouldn't be able to use it as a laser( it worked just like a spoting scope) Anyways it have been a while since i tested it, so it may be broken right now, if thats the case, just create a ticket :P
  25. Its a known bug, caused by script to remove and readd the custom throw weapon. I that will be fixed on the next version.It shouldn't cause any problem anyways(except that you cant throw the UNS grenades obviously :P)