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Everything posted by animal88

  1. Hail, great creator of amazing work, especially Apocalypse - Invade. Control. Conquer. For many years, this is the best mission in ARMA 2 for me. I even transferred it to the Beketov map. I would like to ask if this amazing mission will be transferred to ARMA 3?

  2. Hello, will this mission be in ARMA3?
  3. animal88

    Proman Public crCTI

    Dears, please help. I cant start the game, becouse I cant close the start items menu. Even i cant close the game, becouse the game does not respond to keys.
  4. animal88

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Dears, were i can find last versions of ACE for Arma 1.62, I dont want install 1.63 .
  5. Dears, how can I remove or edit a script cleaning the battlefield of corpses and broken vehicles. I cant find it in addon.
  6. animal88

    Warfare BE

    Friends, someone has the latest ACE version?
  7. Hello dears! I have one question - how i can add to this awesome mod new maps?
  8. animal88

    Warfare BE

    But AI players still purchase wrong units 8(
  9. animal88

    Warfare BE

    Ok, where I can remove the units that do not want to see in the mission? May be here Common\Config\Core_Units\CombinedOps or something else?
  10. animal88

    Warfare BE

    Hello all. When I am playing LAN game solo, and choose in parameters my side (for example Takistani), AI purchasing wrong side units (Russians, not Takistani) and in purchasing menu I can buy insurgents, russian and other units (I think it should be only takistani units). How I can correct this? Please help. Version 2.071, map Zargabad.
  11. animal88

    Warfare BE: ACE Edition

    Hello all. When I am playing LAN game solo, and choose in parameters my side (for example Takistani), AI purchasing wrong side units (Russians, not Takistani) and in purchasing menu I can buy insurgents, russian and other units (I think it should be only takistani units). How I a can correct this? Please help. Version Chux 1.8, map Zargabad. ---------- Post added at 12:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:53 AM ---------- Hello all. When I am playing LAN game solo, and choose in parameters my side (for example Takistani), AI purchasing wrong side units (Russians, not Takistani) and in purchasing menu I can buy insurgents, russian and other units (I think it should be only takistani units). How I can correct this? Please help. Version 2.071, map Zargabad.
  12. animal88

    SLX Mod WIP

    Thank you. :) But I think there is a newest version of this great mod. It looks like the work on the mod is no longer maintained.:(
  13. animal88

    SLX Mod WIP

    Where I can find the latest version of this MOD.
  14. animal88

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    Comrades, can somebody upload last version of ZAI ACE on some filesharing server? I cant use six updater because I must use .NET 3.5 on my computer. Or update 1st post in this thread.
  15. animal88

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    Xeno, do you have a TvT ACE version of this map? We need this map for our server.
  16. Hello all. I want to save all weapons(and vehicles with the remaining ammunition) in one MP missions and load in other.I need it for the future MP campaign. Please help.
  17. I want to buy a new system for ARMA. Please, anyone help me. What system is better for ARMA2 at baseline and overclocked frequencies: 1. Phenom II X4 965 BE, 4gb DDR3, ATI RADEON 5870, SSD 60gb 2. i5 750(i7 860), GF 470 (480), 4gb DDR3, SSD 60gb 3. Phenom II X4 965 BE, 4gb DDR3, GF 470 (480), SSD 60gb 4. i5 750(i7 860), ATI RADEON 5870, 4gb DDR3, SSD 60gb
  18. What modification in your opinion is the best and why. Please include the following when posting: Name, Author Name, Download Link, Description
  19. I run the OFP with SLX+VTE config, but i have error messages "cannot load object data3d\beretta92f". How to solve my problem?
  20. animal88

    MFCTI AI air

    Hi, all. I cant find MFCTI 1.16 mission with AI planes(planes with AI pilots appear immediately in the air), please, help me anyone.