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About animal88

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    Private First Class

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  1. Hail, great creator of amazing work, especially Apocalypse - Invade. Control. Conquer. For many years, this is the best mission in ARMA 2 for me. I even transferred it to the Beketov map. I would like to ask if this amazing mission will be transferred to ARMA 3?

  2. Hello, will this mission be in ARMA3?
  3. animal88

    Proman Public crCTI

    Dears, please help. I cant start the game, becouse I cant close the start items menu. Even i cant close the game, becouse the game does not respond to keys.
  4. animal88

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Dears, were i can find last versions of ACE for Arma 1.62, I dont want install 1.63 .
  5. Dears, how can I remove or edit a script cleaning the battlefield of corpses and broken vehicles. I cant find it in addon.
  6. animal88

    Warfare BE

    Friends, someone has the latest ACE version?
  7. Hello dears! I have one question - how i can add to this awesome mod new maps?
  8. animal88

    Warfare BE

    But AI players still purchase wrong units 8(
  9. animal88

    Warfare BE

    Ok, where I can remove the units that do not want to see in the mission? May be here Common\Config\Core_Units\CombinedOps or something else?
  10. animal88

    Warfare BE

    Hello all. When I am playing LAN game solo, and choose in parameters my side (for example Takistani), AI purchasing wrong side units (Russians, not Takistani) and in purchasing menu I can buy insurgents, russian and other units (I think it should be only takistani units). How I can correct this? Please help. Version 2.071, map Zargabad.
  11. animal88

    Warfare BE: ACE Edition

    Hello all. When I am playing LAN game solo, and choose in parameters my side (for example Takistani), AI purchasing wrong side units (Russians, not Takistani) and in purchasing menu I can buy insurgents, russian and other units (I think it should be only takistani units). How I a can correct this? Please help. Version Chux 1.8, map Zargabad. ---------- Post added at 12:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:53 AM ---------- Hello all. When I am playing LAN game solo, and choose in parameters my side (for example Takistani), AI purchasing wrong side units (Russians, not Takistani) and in purchasing menu I can buy insurgents, russian and other units (I think it should be only takistani units). How I can correct this? Please help. Version 2.071, map Zargabad.
  12. animal88

    SLX Mod WIP

    Thank you. :) But I think there is a newest version of this great mod. It looks like the work on the mod is no longer maintained.:(
  13. animal88

    SLX Mod WIP

    Where I can find the latest version of this MOD.
  14. animal88

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    Comrades, can somebody upload last version of ZAI ACE on some filesharing server? I cant use six updater because I must use .NET 3.5 on my computer. Or update 1st post in this thread.