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Everything posted by jasonnoguchi

  1. oh? can't help you then...sorry.
  2. jasonnoguchi

    Seal team six 3

    @Sick1, well, that's when you have to wait for it to load. Even with my rig, I need to wait for about 2 mins. I can imagine anyone with a slower CPU would have to wait a LOT longer. By the way, I tested this symptom over 20 times today with various configurations and I am very sure that's how it is.
  3. jasonnoguchi

    Seal team six 3

    @Sick1, I am not sure if the latest ACE update changes anything because I saw that they just updated again a few hours ago and I am sure as hell not going to update it until I clear this final part of mission 1 without any of the ACE keys! hahahaha. 10 mins at the loading screen? Is the loading bar full? Does it say loading on the screen or something else?
  4. jasonnoguchi

    Mando Missile ArmA for ArmA 2

  5. jasonnoguchi

    command tut.

    Seriously dude, this is no Rambo style game. you WILL be using it ALOT. Just hit the F key corresponding to the guy driving and then click on the location on the map or ingame and he will drive there.
  6. make sure you build a vehicle service point then just park close to it will do. it automatically does its job.
  7. jasonnoguchi

    What Mouse For ArmA2?

    I think what made the biggest difference for me was the extra buttons. You don't know how frustrating it is for me to take a peek down on my keyboard to see where the reload and optics buttons are...sigh...especially with TrackIR on where my view will be messed up and then I lose track of my target. With those buttons on my mouse, I can stare at my target the whole time and still bring up my sights or reload at the same time now! :)
  8. jasonnoguchi

    Seal team six 3

    Those of you having problems with resuming saved games with this campaign or any missions or campaigns saved using ACE2, I have good news. I experimented with this for a day and these are my findings: Ok, first of all, you need to identify your symptom. If you are getting: 1. CTD when resuming saved game: Please make sure you are playing ACE missions and campaigns with your DEFAULT PROFILE. Please do not use OTHER PROFILES as ACE seems to crash when accessing the other profile folder. 2. Freezing at Difficulty screen: Make sure you have all the required addons loaded. In my tests, I only get this when I accidentally leave out some required addons. 3. Apparent Freezing at LOADING screen: The loading bar is full but won't move on to the "receiving" screen and your task manager would say ArmA2 has stopped working. This is FAKE! :) The game is STILL LOADING! ACE2 takes a hell long time to load... sometimes up to 1 to 2 mins at the loading screen looking like it has frozen. Just wait about 2 mins and it will get to the receiving screen. :)
  9. jasonnoguchi

    What Mouse For ArmA2?

    Before I bought my IME3.0, I never thought a few more buttons on the mouse would make any difference. It is only after really mapping some of the most commonly fumbled keys (especially in the heat of battles) to the mouse (the optics and reload) that I realise just how darn convenient it is to not have to look for keys on the keyboard anymore! Well, the Naga looks extreme but hey, we are all used to sending messages using our thumb on our mobile phones, right? The Naga's keys are setup just like a mobile phone and I kinda think its gonna be quite intuitive to use. As some of you suggest here, having the map button on the mouse could be useful too as looking for the M key is a bitch when things gets heated up. Also wanna map the weapons selector to the mouse, again, more intuitive to use. Well, with so many keys I want on the mouse, it does look like the Naga's gonna be my next choice...hehehe
  10. Sickboy, I am sorry for bringing this to your attention again but updating CBA and ACE to the latest version using SIX-updater does not get rid of the missing keys problem, at least not for me. I double checked my CBA (39) and ACE version (202) and my six-updater confirms the version to be the same as published on the ACE news site at http://dev-heaven.net/projects/ace-mod2/news . Is this something we wait for the next update to be fixed or is there something we need to do on our end please?
  11. jasonnoguchi

    Seal team six 3

    ^.. Yup, very disappointing for me as I cannot heal my guys nor reload my crew served AGS30 after reload...sigh... hope ACE sort it out soon. In the meantime, This is still a fantastic campaign and I am going to complete my mission with or without ACE keys! :) Got through the first town at last without any of my guys dead... moving on!
  12. jasonnoguchi

    Seal team six 3

    Sick, you really know how to make missions difficult...hehehe... those guys in the first town of the first mission are soooo well dug in that all my long range weapons found no use at all! My team was forced to assault the town using skorpions! hahhahaha! It was intense and fun! Well done! now... to work out how to finish the first town without getting any of my guys killed...mmm...
  13. jasonnoguchi

    What Mouse For ArmA2?

    @Hawkinge, that wireless mouse is a finger mouse or a wrist mouse or an arm mouse? I ahve been hesitant about wireless but yours look really cool and looks like a finger mouse.
  14. jasonnoguchi

    What Mouse For ArmA2?

    Care to elaborate which aspect produces the love please? :)
  15. jasonnoguchi

    Best Catalyst driver for 4870 ?

    I am still using 9.11. Work fine for me. Not fixing what's not broken.
  16. jasonnoguchi

    AA is way too overpowered

    Seriously, I find the tanks in ArmA2 uber weak. Most tanks can be destroyed easily using rapid firing stuffs such as MG and those RPG guys make life hell for tanks as well. These days, I use tanks as movable artillery. Standing off way way way from the objective area and shower cannons into the area, soften the ground and then let my infantry do the job of clearing and taking over the objective.
  17. jasonnoguchi

    (SP)ACE Road to Freedom

    Same problem here sporadically. Sometimes its possible, sometimes its not. Thought I found a fix before but it didn't make it consistent. Appears that I can revert my first 1 or 2 saves but not anything more than that.
  18. jasonnoguchi

    @ SAS Task Force Black Campaign

    I used to get that problem with the SEALS campaign and I didn't have UKSF mod on then :( ---------- Post added at 01:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:57 AM ---------- Read the required addons list my friend, ACE is NOT needed...sigh...
  19. Your work never fails to blow my ears up Mark. :) From ArmA1 to ArmA2, you are the only sound mod I use. :) Will feedback when I get down to testing it... gotta hit the bed now...yawn! hahahaha
  20. jasonnoguchi

    @ SAS Task Force Black Campaign

    I am halfway through mission 1 and I must say that this is decent work for a first time mission maker! :) The mission itself is fun and stealth oriented. Get detected and you will use up however many mags you bring to the battle. Rambo DOESN'T WORK even if you are a crack shot! Gotta say I was challenged and I had fun. :) My team got clipped up real bad when a whole company of enemies appeared near the factory when we were detected. The few of us were down on ammo and had to make a hasty retreat and then we got systematically torn apart real quick. :) My wishlist for future SAS campaigns: 1. british voice acting... kinda wierd with all that americano accent ahahhaa 2. a storyline 3. Give the guys UK weapons by default. Player can change if they want to. I armed my team with GPMGs and FALs when I played. :) My wishlist for current SAS campaign: 1. Complete mission 1! ahahahhaha! Great work, keep it up! :)
  21. jasonnoguchi

    Seal team six 3

    wow, wasn't it me who was telling you to not bitch about things you are getting for free just a few days back (like ACE is free so deal with it?)? You sure learn fast! hahahahah! If my posts make you uncomfortable, don't read, quit whining like a teeny weeny bitch over my posts. And don't post if you have nothing constructive to share.
  22. I think there are too many first time mod users trying to use ACE2. Most don't even know about the different ways of launching mods. Somehow ACE2 is attracting a very very newbie crowd. I think sickboy's really sick of answering all those generic modding questions like how to launch, how to install etc etc etc...
  23. jasonnoguchi

    Seal team six 3

    Sigh... Now that I have gotten rid of the freeze up in campaign 1 and 2, the save game resume crash is back again :( I need to do all missions one shot without saves as resuming save games in both campaign 1 and 2 gives me CTD. :( Doesn't happen to the other campaigns that I am currently playing. ---------- Post added at 10:30 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:19 AM ---------- Been standing by for hours :(
  24. jasonnoguchi

    The last 4 weeks in MOD Land >>

    I totally second your list and I play the exact same mods with JTD smoke and Landtex in as well. :)