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Everything posted by jasonnoguchi

  1. jasonnoguchi

    Badlands, transferring uits help

    I am not sure if you can do that in badlands cos I never tried. I only used my 12 and took over all the towns. You can try selecting your unit and then communication --> send unit --> name of the squad leader you want send to. Works in Dogs of War, which is the next and final mission for Harvest Red.
  2. jasonnoguchi

    Seal team six 3

    anyways, did mission 2 and maybe I have a knack for stealth but I found mission 2 a lot easier than mission 1 as I had the initiative all the while rather than have to fight against overwhelming odds. What I love about campaign 3 is that every operation has a different style of play which is very interesting! :) (yes, I saw that we are going to vulcan those SOBs in the next mission! yayya!) I am sooo looking forward to campaign 4 now! By the way, I love long missions and long missions are very signature of ArmA2. hehhe. Like I said before, 1 mission in ArmA2 could be as long as an entire campaign in other games.
  3. jasonnoguchi

    Seal team six 3

    One of the sachets was placed right in front of her... that's war my friend...hehehe
  4. jasonnoguchi

    Seal team six 3

    SEALS 3 is as unforgiving as hell!!! hahhaha!
  5. jasonnoguchi

    Does Night-time Matter?

    Ok, did this SEAL TEAM 6 campaign 3 mission during the night and yes, enemies really failed to detect me even when I crawled past them within 50m at night. :)
  6. jasonnoguchi

    Does Night-time Matter?

    Does it matter to the enemy AI's detection range if it is daytime or night time? Or is it the same to enemy AI just like they can see through grasses and fallen logs?
  7. jasonnoguchi

    Seal team six 3

    Did everything required in mission 1 at last!!!! That's some mission!!!! TOUGH AS HELL!!! Took more than 50 reverts to get right!!!!!!! hahahahaha . Strangely, I was using zeus AI with this mission and I still managed to do the whole stealth thing 100% in one go. :) Never got detected! waited til nightfall and moved VERY slowly around to the side of the camp. Total ingress time took more than an hour. One problem though...
  8. jasonnoguchi

    Seal team six 3

    @Steve, yeah, if I have to wait 2 to 3 mins, perhaps it will take a lot longer than 10 mins for that rig. Your new rig's gonna rock ArmA2. :)
  9. jasonnoguchi

    Seal team six 3

    over 10 mins??? What are your cpu specs?
  10. jasonnoguchi

    Seal team six 3

    I seriously won't mind if they are as easy to order and communicate with as in RL but huge squads in ArmA1/2 are very hard to coordinate quickly especially in the heat of battles and tend to result in very high casualties rate like I experience in the Chesty Puller campaign. That's a classic too. :) (**Why do the SF guys get support but not us? Cos we ARE the support!**) I dun really mind those generic guys dying in big squads since i dun know them by name unlike in the SEALS campaign. :)
  11. jasonnoguchi

    Seal team six 3

    hehhe, thanks for the reply. :) Strange, I was using ACE healing perfectly with these units until the ACE key loss bug hits. So I have no access to any ACE keys currently. I don't think its specifically healing related nor BB units related... at least from my tests so far. Its more to do with the ACE key loss bug. one thing's for sure, I am not able to use ACE goggles with the BB units but that's not a biggie. I would prefer just these 4 guys... been with them through too much to break up or add on to the squad hehehehe
  12. jasonnoguchi

    Seal team six 3

    No problems! Always glad to help a fellow fan of the SEALS series! :) let me know how it goes, k buddy?
  13. jasonnoguchi

    Seal team six 3

    @Steve, that is not a lockup. :) If you read my post in the previous page, your situation falls under the category where resuming saved games takes a LOOOOONG time and task manager would say arma2 has stopped responding but it really isn't. :) It will remain frozen for about 2 mins and then will go into the receiving screen. Works everytime. Try waiting 2 to 5 mins if your cpu is lower specs than mine. let me know how it works out. Get a coffee while waiting. :) (I found this out by accident when I decided to go get a coffee when the loading screen is "stuck".) Read my list of fixing tips on page 19.
  14. jasonnoguchi

    Seal team six 3

    @Steve, yes, that's the default player profile. Are you playing using that player profile? Could you be more specific on the exact things you are seeing leading to the error please? @Sick, Oh? So we playing brits next? Whats ODA 574? Seriously, what kind of conflicts exist with the present BB seals? I don't think I experienced anything related to the BB seals, care to share?
  15. jasonnoguchi

    Seal team six 3

    Dear Steve, the default player profile is the player profile you first started ArmA2 with (saved in the documents\arma2 folder rather than documents\arma2otherprofiles folder). You can make changes to that player profile and it will still work (just don't add glasses just to be sure as it will surely conflict with ACE goggles). Just don't use any player profiles you create after that. I get CTD when resuming games saved by ACE using my other player profile and no CTDs whatsoever through over 20 reloads using my default player profile (even though resuming will still be slow as hell due to ACE). From your description, you must be using one of your other player profiles to play. Try again using your default player profile (the first player profile you made when you first installed ArmA2).
  16. What was your distance from the AI then with the SPR? I tried the SPR with the special SPR SD mag at a bunch of guys about 200m away and then they dropped one by one looking around aimlessly as to where I might be. Quite realistic actually.
  17. jasonnoguchi

    Seal team six 3

    Dear Steve, I found the problem after much testing yesterday. Try playing using DEFAULT profile. ACE seems to have problem saving to and retreiving from the "arma 2 other profiles" folder. (not sure if this has changed in today's update... I am not updating until I finish mission 1. dun wanna break my progress.)
  18. jasonnoguchi

    Seal team six 3

    Got it! :) By the way, the next mission is going to use troopers rather than SEALs?? geeez.... -1
  19. I can do any asian voice acting from japanese to chinese to malay and of course, asian accented English or what many people call "Singlish". I am asian obviously.
  20. jasonnoguchi

    Seal team six 3

    thats the problem creating missions for mods which are in their beta stage... when it gets updated so often, you will have a hard time catching up...if ACE's updating is a problem, then just make campaign 3 ACE and stick to non-ACE for campaign 4 until ACE gets finalised (campaign 4 sounds way too interesting to risk getting broken!!! :) ). Players are frustrated over all these ACE related issues as well. Things like CTD, loss of ACE keys etc...loss of ACE keys is definitely a breaker as it prevents anyone from being healed, making the campaign ultra difficult as nobody can afford to get hurt (you might want to revert to BIS wounding system and remove ACE wounding system for now due to this). ACE is a fantastic mod but its still in beta so we need to accept it as it is for now. SEALs campaigns are interesting enough to hold its own without ACE. :)
  21. I am glad to see that there are quite a few very serious campaign and mission makers in this community who are actually improving very very quickly. In fact, one of the common obstacles to making good missions GREAT missions is the lack of voice acting. However, I noticed that many of us here would gladly help with voice acting, so, I am starting this initiative so that all of us who are willing to help mission makers with voice acting gets registered here as a pool of talent that mission makers can use. So, lets get on to it! Please remember to state your accent. Mission makers, please contact us through PM instead of posting here to keep this thread tidy. (moderators, could you consider sticky this thread for the benefit of all mission makers please?) Thank you! Starting with me! I can do any asian voice acting from japanese to chinese to malay and of course, asian accented English or what many people call "Singlish". :) I am asian obviously.
  22. jasonnoguchi

    command tut.

    When the car is near the guy he was supposed to pick up, hit the guy's corresponding F key and then hit 4 and then select whichever choice contains the vehicle he is supposed to board and then 1. (you mean the person gets onboard automatically in OFP?? 0_o)
  23. jasonnoguchi

    Seal team six 3

    Can't explain it sick, that was what i was trying to say many posts back (and get scolded by some noob for being a whining bitch). It just happens and I can only think it is ACE but sickboy told me they don't get it on their side so we can only accept it.
  24. jasonnoguchi

    Does Night-time Matter?

    From the response so far, I gather it still makes sense to wait til nightfall before going on any "sneak in" ops, right?