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Blazes Boylan

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About Blazes Boylan

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Blazes Boylan

    Evo~Blue V3.x

    Greetings to open the Evo Menu via the radio just put a trigger on the map or write into your mission.sqm this: class ItemXX { position[]={-23.01181,479.52594,1722.2603}; a=0; b=0; activationBy="ALPHA"; repeating=1; interruptable=1; age="UNKNOWN"; text="Evo Menu"; expActiv="a = createDialog 'evoUI'"; class Effects { }; }; By default the menu is bound to your key you use for "Teamswitch", so not necessary "T".:)
  2. Blazes Boylan

    GITS Evolution for Arrowhead

    new versions here: US v7, GB v8, BAF v2 http://www.multiupload.com/1J3IMZG4AG -added parameter to delay reinforcements -added possibility to open the T-menu via radio command 0 - 0 - 1 Evo Menu -added UAV as support option from rank2 upwards, needs Terminal Hmmwv to acces the UAV -various small fixes
  3. Blazes Boylan

    GITS Evolution for Arrowhead

    Alright, I made a BAF one without any mods.:) get it here: http://www.multiupload.com/1YJY6KY52B
  4. Blazes Boylan

    GITS Evolution for Arrowhead

    sorry should have said what mods to use with GB version. you need: Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead British Armed Forces DLC + [GLT]Myke's Desert SU-34 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=11378 GLT Missilebox http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6071 Emery & Ruben's Chenowth http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=9929 RKSL Studios's RAF Eurofighter Typhoon FGR4 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=11186 Air Weapons Pack http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=11187 RKSL System http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6856 RKSL Flare System http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6857 It works for me using these mods. Sorry again and I hope this helps.
  5. Blazes Boylan

    GITS Evolution for Arrowhead

    new versions: http://www.multiupload.com/T5SDCL0JYV -placed the AC130 a bit back -now 10 points for capturing Officer instead of 3 -added parameter to set numbers of enemy units in town
  6. Blazes Boylan

    GITS Evolution for Arrowhead

    @kabong The AC130 will be moved a bit back in the next version. I'm not sure about the A10s though. I guess it is not too easy to layout a base where every vehicle can be used by the AI without problems. Using AI recruits is not really a top priority for me here, you can tell by still having USMC guys as recruits. May I suggest you get the airplane out of the hangar yourself and then place an AI into it? @Dr Yes, it does. You get the action menu options when you go to the unfolded HQ vehicle near spawn. E D I T: GB version was bugged. see last post for files
  7. Blazes Boylan

    GITS Evolution for Arrowhead

    SnR, try this one. It has got the unmodded US version and a modded BAF version. Should also be newer versions than in Egg's link.:) Edit: see last post for files this is work in progress, comments welcome
  8. Blazes Boylan

    Evo Blue and Hohei

    I'm having a little problem with the core.sqf myself atm. I'm trying to get rid of the errors: "... does not support serialization...". Have the T-menu working without any errors now, except the "Action button" does not change it's caption anymore. the changes in core.sqf look like this: uiNamespace setVariable ["displayVendor", findDisplay 100]; uiNamespace setVariable ["ctrlBut1", (uiNamespace getVariable "displayVendor") displayCtrl 6056]; but I cannot get this command to do anything on the "Action button": ctrlSetText [6056,"TEXT"]; any help on this?
  9. I'm playing on a HD 4850 512 MB with cat 10.7 and with v1.54 my game is running as good as never before. I certainly don't hope they will go back to what v1.52 was like, while still being good the performance of 1.54 is much better for me.
  10. Blazes Boylan

    Sahrani ACE2 Evolution Blue WIP

    As the people I play with don't seem to like ACE I'm afraid my motivation to fix the mission (and also the possibility to test it properly) is not very high atm. That does not mean I won't do/try it some time in the future though. But in any case I will wait for eggbeast to fix certain core aspects of EVO first, as it it a pain in the ass to keep up with all his work as well as with the ongoing development of ACE itself. Your hints about the armour system etc. are welcome though.
  11. Blazes Boylan

    Sahrani ACE2 Evolution Blue WIP

    good to know. I'm stuck atm with fixing the support ammo box, as it does not work with ACE. I will update the missions in a few days, if I can get around that problem.
  12. Blazes Boylan

    Sahrani ACE2 Evolution Blue WIP

    ^^ I would guess so. I have not experienced being ignored by AI. Strange. Also the ACE wounding system is not synchronized to each player, just placed on the map. If you would like to play without it, all you have to do is delete it from the mission.sqm.
  13. greetings I'm having a little problem with a script to call in an ammo box by parachute. It works fine in vanilla. But with ACE the ammo box + parachute spawn, then the parachute despawns immediately and the ammo box is hovering up in the air where it spawned. Is it a bug? Me being a noob? this is the script: _pos = (position _base); _obj_para = "ParachuteWest" createVehicle [0,0,0]; _obj_para setpos [_pos select 0,_pos select 1,(_pos select 2) +100]; _tbox = "USOrdnanceBox" createVehicle _pos; _tbox attachTo [_obj_para, [0,0,-1.6]]; sleep 1.0; WaitUntil{(getpos _tbox select 2) < 0.01}; detach _tbox; deletevehicle _tbox; _pos = position _tbox; _tbox = "USOrdnanceBox" createVehicle _pos; _tbox setpos getpos _tbox; [_tbox] execVM "data\scripts\dropdel.sqf"; _tbox setVehicleInit "[this] call BIS_EVO_DropBox"; processInitCommands; any help welcome
  14. Blazes Boylan

    Sahrani ACE2 Evolution Blue WIP

    ^^ in other words: a bit more specific feedback would be useful to actually address those problems.