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Posts posted by chacne

  1. I actually don't think ARMA 3 does run that bad, I have a fairly old rig by most people's standards and I'm running it flat out (ultra everything I can and sensible shadow and distance settings) running at 1920x1080

    I have an i5 2500k overclocked to 4G. 8G ddr3 ram and a 2G ATI 7850 GFX card. None of which today would cost very much.

    Yet I see people with much newer and expensive GFX cards and processors complaining ? I really don't get why.. Makes me reluctant to upgrade lol

    My reply is not to brag but simply to stop the rumour that you need a super computer to run this game anything over 30 FPS, because you don't

    Maybe like someone on here said before me, stop worrying about FPS and just enjoy the game ðŸ‘ðŸ¼

  2. Hi


    I am looking for a good mod to play , online preferably.  survival type.


    I have downloaded Exile mod, since i see thats very common , however , I've been in one server and it was dead,when i installed it , and was joining the server i did get a lot of warnings saying stuff was missing, but it still loaded and got me in game.


    but like i said i seem to be missing loads :/


    I am new to Arma 3, so if anyone does play these types of mods and can give me an idiots guide of what to install and where to get it, that would be great thank you

    • Like 1

  3. My ARMA 3 is acting very odd this morning. . 


    i literally loaded it up and played APEX campaign late last night, turned off my machine, went to play it again first this this morning and everything seems odd. . ;. 



    First. .  i click to launch arma through the stupid loader, the screen goes black like its loading it, but then it returns to desktop, i click on the ARMA icon which has just appeared and it goes black again, then returns to desk top...


    i do this about 4 times and finally ARMA 3 seems to kick in and load. .  :o


    then on the main screen of ARMA i notice all the menu text looks low res, i thought this seemed odd again . . but maybe just me, so i carried on, clicked campaigns and i get an error APEX campaign is missing. .   :391:


    I have tried verifying game cache, that made zero difference .. .what has happened literally over night to cause this ? ?  - i am on the verge of re-installing but surely I shouldn't have to? and i'm not entirely sure this will fix it????


    seems very odd. . am working from home today so was hoping to get a few games in. .  :k:


    Any advice would be great. . . 

  4. But if you dont make it before timer is out? Or player will kill everyone, he still need to wait. I'd rather gstoetti94 advice on that ;)

    I think, chacne meant that the third trigger, trgEnd, should "wait", before it is activated.​So as soon as trgBlu and trgGreen are activated, trgEnd idles for 10-30 sec before it is activated and the mission ends.​You can change these settings in the menu of either the triggers - just enter the SECONDS that needs to pass in the fields "min" - "mid" - "max"

    I did indeed mean that, thank you for clarifying gstoetti94 :)Otherwise your mission will end abruptly, just have a slight delay on that third end mission trigger ðŸ‘ðŸ¼
    • Like 1

  5. So back on topic :)

    Weapon deployment in my controls is 'c' by default (I have Apex expansion don't know if this changes anything)

    But I've yet to see it work....

    And as for spotting, I couldn't see where to bind this too at all ? ( soldier front 200meter that kind of thing) but last night when playing online my guy started spotting enemy soldiers to my team mates automatically when I was engaged In a fire fight, I don't know what happened, but surely this isn't an automatic process be because the other guys in my team were spotting enemies (through automatic text chat) all the time and I couldn't seem to - confused by this :-/

  6. Hi all,

    Very new to ARMA and have some question I haven't immediately found the answer to.

    1, the fatigue system - that white bar which sometimes goes orange ? How's that's work?

    2, weapon bi pods try pods , do they work ? Read somewhere caps lock to operate them? What's does that stance silhouette signafy ? Does it mean I can rest the weapon or does it mean it will simulate the effect of it rested?

    3, when I'm playing on line, other can 'spot' enemy - looks like default text - enemy infantry man 100m etc , how do you do that?

    4, I know how to bring the compass and watch , and Ctl and m for gps, Is there any other aids I can use like that? I'm sure I've seen a ARMA 3 video with a sniper bringing up some kind of wind and range device, bare in mind I only learnt L for the laser light yesterday.

    Any other literally beginner tips would be great - and yes I have searched forums I've read the first 20 pages of the Q and A with no answer to any of this ..

    Many thanks in advance

  7. Hi guys


    I want to install battle royale, but


    there is a suggestion when i did last time it overwrote some of the default addons therefore stopping me playing some original missions etc 


    see here:  https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/192829-missing-add-ons-from-prologue-on-new-install/


    so my question .. 


    How can i install this ensuring that doesn't happen again? as ive just re-installed from fresh and don't want to have to do it all again should the same happen again ?

  8. I played a co-op mission on this too last night, I am new to ARMA so found this brilliant, was I a team of 4 two of the other guys where fantastically helpful, though unfortunately I was the squad leader!

    I did have trouble respawning though , they kept telling me to respawn on them but I just couldn't see any option for respawn (like you can in single player) eventually I respawned back where we started - which towards the end of the mission was like 1.6k away :(

    Dunno if it was a bug or what ?? But I had no respawn options I could find

  9. Hi All


    I am new to Arma 3, having recently just bought it, and also the new expansion APEX


    I have started the prologue though to get used to the game and have only got to the 3rd mission when i get this error





    How can i possibly be missing addons on a new install ?


    I have tried verifying the game cache etc and it hasn't worked, so i guessing i'll have to re-install?


    Any tips would be great... 


    also any tips on mod to get would also be great, I have just got battle royal . .loving that

  10. I have a script ( WHICH ISNT MINE ) which spawns two A-10s to SAD

    your welcome to play with that and see if you can modify it for your use

    _BluforHQ = createCenter west;
    _GroupCAS = CreateGroup West;
    _veh1 = createVehicle ["A10_US_EP1", [(getpos player) select 0,(getpos player) select 1, 350], [], 3000, "FLY"];
    _Pilot1 = _GroupCAS createUnit ["US_Pilot_Light_EP1", [0,0,1], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    _pilot1 moveInDriver _veh1;
    _veh1 FlyInHeight 350;
    _veh2 = createVehicle ["A10_US_EP1", [(getpos _veh1) select 0,(getpos _veh1) select 1, 360], [], 50, "FLY"];
    _Pilot2 = _GroupCAS createUnit ["US_Pilot_Light_EP1", [0,0,1], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    _pilot2 moveInDriver _veh2;
    {_x setSkill 1; _x setrank "CAPTAIN"} foreach units _GroupCAS;
    _wp1 = _GroupCAS addwaypoint [position player, 0];
    _wp1 setwaypointtype "SAD";
    _wp1 setWaypointCompletionRadius 100;
    _wp1 setWaypointSpeed "FULL";
    _wp1 setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT";

    I wouldnt be able to do it but you might : )

    hope this helps, atleast alittle
