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Everything posted by Danoi

  1. Danoi

    Dragon Rising has been released

    I just played ofp2 for 2h. that´s not really much but I got a first impression. and it was disappointing. ´cause, I like sims but I also play "real" games and I loved COD4. actually, I was always looking forward to an ofp with nicer graphics and smarter controls. ofp2 just can´t do the job. controls are ok and the character responds immediately, but that´s pretty much it. after driving around with a jeep, I´d say the physics of this vehicle are close to ridiculous. weapons usage feels like your ordinary shooter, take them out on 350 yards with your m16 with a few rounds - sometimes standing on normal difficulty if you want, because the reds aren´t really gonna hurt you. graphics are like...you know from screens anyway. the devs forgot about the other 2,5 million colours that today´s rigs can display and just used 2: grey and green. at least it runs very well on my q9550+gtx260. on the other hand the AI seems to be quite smart. Enemies are trying to hide, flank, supress etc. Teammates respond to commands, at least during this 2h. SFX like explosions and fire are nice to watch and imho quite better than arma2. sounds are impressive, perhaps the second best thing for me here - but I made a mistake and installed it in German, so voices don´t really fit the setting. Best thing is the locating of enemies: comrades shout 200m east and the bastard really hides out there. and I did not run into any bugs in 2h. I heard of problems with clipping or so, did not see them but that´s minor for me anyways. it´s a nice game but it totally lacks realism. there´s practically no feeling when playing it. at least until now. perhaps it gets a bit better when operating heavy machinery but I doubt. seems like not a bad game. but it is just a game, no sim in no way. I´ll do a few more hours. since I gotta use my spare time efficiently, I gotta choose between 2 pieces of open world military software. I guess, I gotta stick to the bugged one^^. danoi, not a native speaker.