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Posts posted by =kct=blackmamba

  1. no its not changing the c130 to osprey its the other way around.

    so u can use the script they used in that bootcamp mission only bis used the osprey to jump out instead of your C130 so maybe u can change that script to use it with your C130??

    any way maybe the parachute thing is an "ACE" issue didnt try it with ace in bootcamp

  2. The first Cargo spot is that seat and the squad leader fills it, I believe. It's a BIS thing. It may be possible to script another pilot to occupy that slot before the squad is placed in but that's way past my knowledge level. I'm a novice at scripting. Not even a novice to be frank. ;)

    The parachute thing can't be fixed as far as I know. I'm pretty sure that's intentional by the ACE2 devs. I like it but it needs further tweaking on a few things, I'm sure that will come with time. I'm not sure if you've ever parachuted before but it's pretty damn shaky most of the time. When slowing down and approaching earth it should dampen a bit but the devs probably realize that. They way I do it is make sure I'm in first person view and then use free look(with steering) to look around. It's makes it easier. The 3rd person shake is nasty and tough to get a feel for where you are going some times. The 1st person view with free look is pretty damn cool.

    and than your knowledge of mission scripting is going way over my head

    let that be said;)..

    but when i halo in the training part of arma it wasnt that shaky i believe (something i might try again) since thats a long time ago.

    for the cargo slot ill try to look for a solution there if i find it ill let u know...

  3. :redface:allready did, the hotfix is applied

    altough afterwards i ran the sixupdater again, said no updates found but im not shure if it has overwritten the file....

    ill re hotfix ACE and check again and let u know right away

    it updated ACE to 219

    ACEX to 173

    ok lets see if the mission starts normal now.. brb


    it was me forgetting something (again) it loads now,

    the shortcut missed a line saying ;@ACE pfffff.....

    im sorry,.. it was me all allong

    ive got maybe 8 different shortcuts one for each mission im playing

    i copy and paste them alter the startup parameters and thats where i missed the ;@ACE one :redface:

  4. hi i would like to check this one out,

    but when i want to start it says mission description is missing and quits to main menu

    am i doing something wrong ?

    just found out it was me... the files where in the wrong directory...


    but it has a problem with ACE something to do with invisible targets believe they where missing,

    hope u can fix this one looking forward to play the mission

  5. Yes I realise, but it's not working for me correctly, hence filing a report. If you disagree, just vote it down over there.

    I wouldn't really enjoy having to re-enter all the keys either, not sure why you thought I would... and I'm aware they deliberately don't update the ACE_keys file, so as to not reset user defined controls. However, it's not adding new keybindings, which is an issue. look at the Dev Heaven thread - they said they're looking in the future to make it prompt the user for outdated configs.

    ok so u get the configs in the @ACE folder but their exact same as in userconfig folder no lines added in the files what so ever?...

  6. beautiful aeneas,

    realy nice screens m8...

    cant whait to see them in action,

    is someone working on dutch equipment too?

    eindelijk onze jongens in actie...

    mooi MAN

    krijgen ze ook het nederlandse gereedschap diemago's enzow...

    deze post hou ik in de gaten....

  7. yes i have, and ill try that..

    i always played video memory= highest...


    i think the textures are loading bether now,

    dont know for shure only did a few bengmarks.

    will let u know gonna playtest it tonight...

    2ND EDIT

    i think i found out whats causing the strange white flickering.

    i wanted to make a video of the issue with fraps,

    while i was whaiting for it to happen, and pressed the record button when it did.

    i found out that at that excact same time the flickering stopped, so i figure fraps is causing this...

    restarted without fraps and untill now it didnt happen...

  8. I never quite understood this problem with the userconfigs... I thought once the team packages the file it gets distributed as it is packed, no ifs and or butts :o about it... Is it a mistake and no one fixed it?

    wel im glad the ACE team releases the updates like this,

    not everybody is using the same keyboard layout.

    and so "i" am glad i can alter the keys to my needs.

    its no mistake, its just to let u change keys needed for ACE controls.

    open up the userconfigs with notepad, if u read carefully u will see how wonderfull it works....

  9. the one in the @ACE folder is always the updated one

    when u update your ACE it gives u a fresh config file in the ARMA2/@ACE folder

    thats always the newest config file however it does not mean anything has changed in the config file itself so when u have updated look carefully in the config file wich u can open using notepad if there are changes,... if so u can do 2 things just copy and paste the entire config file into ARMA2/userconfig/ACE folder, or simply copy and paste the added lines in the config file itself...

    I also notice that some other .hpp files in @ace/userconfig/ are newer than the ones in Arma2/userconfig/ (ace_keys and ACE_serverconfig).

    But Ace_tracking in the same folder is older than the ones in Arma2/userconfig.

    no explanation....

    just looked at that myself right now... your right...

  10. h3. Fixed

    * Nil _x error in SYS_Stamina [rommel]

    * Pain blurr effects (also for nvgoogles) [Xeno]

    * Rucksack buttons disappearing after death [rocko]

    h3. Added

    * Earplugs to CDF [rocko]

    * M1028 Canister shells [rocko]

    * RAVLIFTER from RAVEN (ty very much for this) [Xeno]

    * Spottingscope [rocko]

    * Sys_thermal - working for Javelin, SOFLAM, M107, KSVK [zGuba]

    * Wirecutter [rocko]

    h3. Removed

    * Thermal stuff from basic M107/KSVK [zGuba]

    hope they solved the blackout issue im having

    new wire cutter

    think rav lifter is ability to lift ammo or trucks with helo

    as far as i see no changes in the config files ...
