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Everything posted by =kct=blackmamba

  1. oow boy lets go see the release notes
  2. how many of the ACE_1260646634 folders do u have?? use the one with the highest number the .hpp files in that folder are the new ones.
  3. thats true but blacking out after only 150 mtrs isnt that a little to soone to black out. couldnt that be changed to not being able to run anymore but just walk with heavy breathing, or just drop down but still being able to answer a decent amount of lead when under heavy fire.... would be nice
  4. i suppose replace them,.. dont forget to enter your username again in the: ace_clientside_config.hpp as there are some changes in those files asswel doesnt mather so am i
  5. yes u can simply copy and paste the new lines from the updated configs to your customized (old) config file that works fine so u wont have to re-enter all your settings
  6. =kct=blackmamba

    keep chosen fire mode

    what i think is anoying is when i select fire modes. lets say 80% of the time i use semi and switch to auto in cq combat, and want to switch back to semi i first get grenades and when attachest even the m203 launger bevore getting back to semi. couldnt we have a single button for fire modes and another for m203 and when i want to use grenades quick switch from inventory or whatever....
  7. wich userconfig file are u looking at?? i always find the new (updated) one in my @ACE folder and ill copy and paste the new lines to my old config file in the Default ARMA2/userconfig folder so i dont have to reset all my customized keys AGAIN,... are u looking in the right folder
  8. u can reassign the button for fire select to a button u can find quickly just go to controls i always use semi auto, to double tab the enemy, and use full only in cqb situations. but i get your point its anoying when u want to switch back from auto and get nades instead of semi again.... the grenades should be imo under a different button instead of sharing it with the toggle firemode action
  9. u have to register/login first thats when the button comes up
  10. i believe its any "PANIC" button on the "NUM" pad u can change it to your liking in your ACE_Keys document
  11. the problem was by the way on my end somehow i made a mistake that i overlooked in the shortcut i used the : instead of the ; thats why my ace didnt work and started without rifles
  12. thats true but when bullets are raining all around u, i think u would get the hell out of there wouldnt u u wont sit down and drop your load in line of sight being cannon fodder...
  13. no comments on the quality never got further than mission 1 :o... the campaign is abouth a "SAS" squad so yes sometimes u have to walk pretty far with Sh#t heavy loads... going in with a mp5 isnt an option when truckloads full of heavy armed opfor's coming for ya maybe i could spread the load over my squad but i know what happens. i switch to the second unit, to stealthy place the satchel. while squadleader orders to engage the enemy and ruins the element of suprise... this could be solved by being able to give a second unit command bevore switching to him
  14. yes thats exactly what i mean yesterday i played a single mission where i needed 3 satchel charges + my M249 Para, binocs, nvg its getting heavy, and i needed to walk pretty far when i got to my 2nd objective i got shot at and wanted to get out of there only i got tired, blacked out and got killed at that time i had 2 satchels left (mission failed)...
  15. dont know.. was only sugesting... i dont know the possibility's of the A2 engine.. i think the ACE devs have well tought abouth it, and i think so far they do a great job.. but it annoys me sometimes being in the middle of an open field, bullets flying over my head and i cant get out of there...
  16. i agree with the stamina effects being a little over the top, i can understand when a unit is loaded with 40+kg's of weight he wont run allot but in a combat situation when he's being ambushed by the enemy and have to make a quick decision, dropping his gear, loose precious time and taking the risk getting shot while doing so. or make a run for it and black out after 150 mtrs being a numb bunny whaiting for its predetor.. maybe a solution (if its possible to implement).. when packed with +40kg's of equipment the soldier would run allot slower as the weight would tangle up and down, and he black's out after maybe 1km with the exception of running up a hill. dont u think a us marine can do such a thing??.
  17. =kct=blackmamba

    @ SAS Task Force Black Campaign

    found out what went wrong... it worked all allong when i give the whole squad new weapens nothings wrong thats when i figured squadleader isnt the first in the line at mission start to give new gear i gave the satchels to the medic and tought i was giving them to the squadleader so when i looked ingame my squadleader didnt have the satchels but the medic did....
  18. =kct=blackmamba

    @ SAS Task Force Black Campaign

    could be something on my end also have issues with JW-Customs new missions on duala just reinstalled my entire game 2 days ago and i think my units run faster than they did bevore, that smells fishy too
  19. =kct=blackmamba

    @ SAS Task Force Black Campaign

    ok tried to change my loadout in the map screen at mission start, changed to the m249 para elcan and took 3 satchels. now when i press continue and im in the chopper, all my gear changed back to standard loadout (without the satchels). first i tought i did something wrong, but second time it happened again. i think something is wrong there, i use the campaign file no seperate missions
  20. ok i will stay tuned...:) ill check again maybe something wrong at my end
  21. =kct=blackmamba

    @ SAS Task Force Black Campaign

    thank u im going to check this mission out tonight, lookin forward to sneek up to some opfor....;) EDIT ps.. the campaign didnt work rightaway yesterday night locked up at difficulty screen (known issue), but after following the included readme the campaign starts normal now..
  22. yes i had the same problem at first my updater never got updated via web-updater and i needed to use the lame way, now i just re downloaded the updater and other files needed, selected vanilla. now it works via web updater and im updated to V 208 i also missed 3 updates...
  23. hi im having issues with several isla_duala missions i updated the ACE2 mod to version 208 when i try to play your missions the units start without any weapens only grenades "cant find/locate/open bin m4 aimpoint somthing like that" same with Drug Enforcement Operations: Poison Ivy Co-06, and Mercenaries & Terrorists Co-06. tought i let u know, maybe more people with this issue..
  24. =kct=blackmamba

    @ SAS Task Force Black Campaign

    hi i have a question.. the notes of the first mission tells to bring "democharges", non of my units or myself have them with us... do i need to take them from the base?? cant find any and the chopper fly's away without us im trying to go in well informed... like we say in holland,.. u wont go to whores without your balls