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Everything posted by =kct=blackmamba

  1. =kct=blackmamba

    Arma2 beta builds 1.05.6xxxx

    there was another issue on devheaven wich was set to be fixed that date wich is "soon"... and OA is also coming "soon" so i tought 1+1 is 2, could be the release date for OA...
  2. i think BIS is less money hungry and a hell of a lot better for its community. in the past i buyed a game title wich looked very promising. i used to buy all titles of that developer and normaly they where great, but this game wasnt. it was called Rainbowsix Lockdown... and after the first patch the devs allready gave up and went on to the next development, leaving us with a criple excuse for a game. i never bought a game from that developer again....
  3. =kct=blackmamba

    Arma2 beta builds 1.05.6xxxx

    think it wil be solved 17/04/2010 if im correct... shure hope so.
  4. so far in the "benchmarktest 1" i get 2 or 3 more frames per second... not very big difference but hey its 10% when u normaly get 30 fps.. ---------- Post added at 06:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:50 PM ---------- yes last week twice. but it was related to my @addons folder... when i was playing vanila arma2 i started getting dutch army suits and equipment when playing online. so renamed my folder and game runs normal again. conclusion the game didnt like me to use almost the same name as the standard addons folder...
  5. hey guys ATI released a updated 10.3 driver wich introduces OPENGL 3.3 for the 4000 and 4.0 for the 5000 series. tried the driver and gave me little performance increase in benchmark test.... http://support.amd.com/us/kbarticles/Pages/Catalyst-OpenGL-preview-driver.aspx
  6. also think movement in COD is pretty unrealistic,.. only the movement speed when your walking slowly specialy in buildings is good. when u want to clear a building with your team its nice to be able to move fast to fill the room with all players in a split second without getting stuck in the doorway with your rifle it makes those flashbangs more usefull....
  7. =kct=blackmamba

    @ SAS Task Force Black Campaign

    the SAS uses even older MP5's, no.. i think wat SAS uses depends on the task given. the SAS isnt like a normal soldier they are specialists... correct me if im wrong but i believe they use the M16.
  8. well said InstaGoat... but i also like COD MW campaign tought it was pretty nice game but... the MP gameplay isnt made for me its like run n gunning, kill 50 dudes die 30 times kind of gameplay. the problem is after a while u stop thinking and everything goes automatic except i think they did the movement pretty good u can move extremely fast specialy indoors and thats something i like abouth that game if only arma2 could perform like that (indoors) but u cant compare apples with eggs....:)
  9. has anyone had any crashes to decktop lately..??? today i tried to play on different servers but for some reason the game crashes after a few minutes... EDIT nevermind i think it was my @addons folder was named almost the same as the standard addons folder that caused the problem.. renamed it and didnt crash anymore...
  10. im also sometimes suprised wat a jong kid is capable of i realy understand wat your saying abouth your kiddo playing in the editor back in the time of americas army 2 i played it allot with some friends of mine when my daughter at that time was at the same age as your son is now, she was realy interested in playing AA2 so i let her play sometimes untill the day she started singin: when i see u i will kill you,...when i see u i will kill you.. thats when i start thinking thats enough no more killing nasty tangos for her... she's just like her dad :)
  11. =kct=blackmamba

    CPU temps (curious)

    hy i just like to know the CPU temps while playing ARMA 2. why i like to know is i think my cpu is getting to hot when im ingame. when my system is idle my cpu temp is abouth 34 degrees celsius, but when i quit ARMA 2 my temps are around 58 degrees celsius. wich is 3 degrees beneath the maximum operating temperature. now the thermal paste is factory applied to the CPU, and i tought it was allot of thermal paste (the whole CPU was covered with it). and not even a thin layer, so i think its the thermal paste causing my overheating problem. i think this is much to hot with an opencase system (see my signature) so now im curious abouth CPU temps of u guys and maybe some of u have an explanation if i didnt allready answered the question myself :) any how tommorow im going to re apply the thermal paste and see wat happens....
  12. oow boy that sound great.. thnx very much.
  13. =kct=blackmamba

    Arma2 beta builds 1.05.6xxxx

    strange just finnished operation caldera on chernarus and the body's are going underground just fine... i used ACE2 Beta
  14. yes its a assault rifle but u can mount different attachements on it... http://www.robarm.com/Sniper-XCR-2.gif http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3358/3450166219_1d879c51bf.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/cf/SIG-552-p1030040.jpg
  15. =kct=blackmamba

    BlackOps and desert mercs

    looks nice schnaps
  16. =kct=blackmamba

    Arma2 beta builds 1.05.6xxxx

    dont know,.. must say sometimes i use tonnes of other addons and sometimes im not. its not that ill hide every body i kill but mostly they sink..
  17. =kct=blackmamba

    Arma2 beta builds 1.05.6xxxx

    tried that yesterday and my body's do sink underground.. sometimes when im on a steep hill they wont sink properly but most of the time they do
  18. =kct=blackmamba

    CPU temps (curious)

    look impressive but i dont think it fits in my case..:) ---------- Post added at 06:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:38 PM ---------- this weekend i found out that the cooler i bought together with the rest of the components did fit... at the time i builded the system i tought it didnt.. so, removed the stock cooler again and mounted the new one its the asus arctic square. i needed to completely remove the huge fan in order to get it in my system, normaly i could just unscrew the thumb screws and take the mobo out of the back. well not any more... thermal paste applied yesterday, my idle temps are around 26 degrees celsius now, lets see what happens when the break in period ends....
  19. now that u mention it, i realise i last played as a pilot who carried one yes...
  20. when boarding vehicles solution would be first go's to vehicle and covers, second person who's moving towards the vehicle also piks an angle to provide cover and so on untill the last one can enter the vehicle safely so the rest can get in one at a time untill every one has boarded
  21. It would also be usefull in maritime missions. But the request is rejected allready so no FN P90 in ace2 http://en.allexperts.com/e/f/fn/fn_p90.htm EDIT A MP5 without a silencer would also be cool...
  22. hey ALEX72 maybe i shouldnt say the netherlands, maybe i should say Belgium, Saoedi-Arabië, Thailand, Singapore, Canada, Peru, Cyprus, Greece, Thailand, Pakistan, Filipines, Mexico and last but not least The Netherlands. maybe i forgot a few countries. but with operation Arrowhead coming soon having a Big city map i tought it would be great to see a few "more powerfull" CQB equipment than almost only the MP5...hell even the germans use the P90 :)
  23. whoo yes i love the idea having a P90. some forces in the netherlands use them in CQB. made a request....
  24. =kct=blackmamba

    CPU temps (curious)

    yes true, im going to stress it today and let u know EDIT it stays a little cooler but no huge differences, highest readings where 52 degrees celsius.. but for some odd reason my CPU runs hotter in the menu screens than when im actual ingame....