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Everything posted by =kct=blackmamba

  1. =kct=blackmamba

    F/A-18 Super Hornet

    the blue angels
  2. =kct=blackmamba

    F/A-18 Super Hornet

    just tried your FA18 must say i was suprised nice, nice aircraft i went flying with it on fayshkhabur to give some iraqi's good news. realy enjoyed myself, i laught when i got hit when the option came up to extinguish the fire. i tought wat the... whaaaaah to late BANG.. by the way somehow the bird has a hard time landing on instruments i had to manualy bring down the landinggear bevore it went into final approach.
  3. =kct=blackmamba

    Mosul area Iraq

    indeed in iraq there are no high hills or many places to take cover. this part, the part that is depicted in this terrain could well have the most hills in the entire country. if u have ever read the book "bravo two zero" u wil understand its a tough landscape. there are no places to hide. but in Fayshkhabur u could conceal yourself in the high grass. the tigris floods in autumn so most lower parts are swamp like but dry up in summer. (in real life)
  4. terrain hightmap.png or sat_lco.png ? thats weird im using the exact same size i have a 2048x2048 hightmap cellsize 10 and a 20480x20480 sat_lco.png and it all works just fine altough i tried doing it like 4096x4096 hightmap with a cellsize of 5 wich would have the same dimension with higher ground detail but gives problems in visitor3 but its not impossible u would have to place all building etc on the 2048 cell10 terrain and export it later on to the 4096 cell 5 terrain if u realy want to but such a terrain is a fps killer.
  5. =kct=blackmamba

    Can't find rvmat of chernarus textures?

    just make a copy of the takistan ones and change the names to the chernarus ones. dont forget to change the layers.cfg and the config.cpp if its a ground texture u might also take a look at the clutter classes.
  6. =kct=blackmamba

    Isla Del Fuego

    from wat i can see in the video this island looks great!! gonna try this one :)
  7. =kct=blackmamba

    ARMA 2 OA Beta Build 83569

    ATV,mountainbike and motorcycle player shadow missing. anyone else haves this issue ??
  8. =kct=blackmamba

    Persian Hammer

    in the notes u say voice acting needs to be finnished...is it?
  9. =kct=blackmamba

    ARMA 2 OA Beta Build 83569

    ive made a SP mission my team gets inserted by helicopter and when i try to disembark my team they wont get out, when i switch to the next operator so the AI team leader gives the disembark command they do get out i wil test without the beta patch to confirm this issue
  10. =kct=blackmamba

    Faysh khabur beta release

    great to hear someone enjoy's it :) but its stil far from finnished found some issue's mostly config related wich i have to get rid off and have a clean base to go on with.
  11. =kct=blackmamba

    Road Painter tool (development thread)

    yes i want to know exactly the same thing. if i imported the file, it somehow only makes a straight road for me. till now ive manualy layed all the road sections and im not happy with the outcome hope for a breaktrough of this insane tool..
  12. =kct=blackmamba

    Mosul area Iraq

    aah.. ill change that.
  13. =kct=blackmamba

    Faysh khabur beta release

    i could paint them out but i think when some dirt roads only seen from air stay in it gives the terrain a sort of used look in iraq are loads of ofraod vehicles and they like to make shortcuts if they can im going to make a pretty long road at the northern part from the second bridge to the right all the way up to the airport and southern side from the bridge to the right all the way around the hill/mountain so that bridge becomes a more and important part, im looking for a third spot east side of the map to build a bridge somewhere there cause its a long drive if u want to avoid a bridge and go for the second. + it leads to some villages/city's in the future.
  14. =kct=blackmamba

    Faysh khabur beta release

    u mean delete all the roads ?, the roads do not cause these issue's mostly the water and the tree's ask's the most from your gpu
  15. =kct=blackmamba

    Faysh khabur beta release

    @Sick ill keep that in mind for the future updates. in general ive tested this version, while being a gunner on the chinook highest was 160 lowest 68 fps so i think most of u can play this without fps dropping to zero.
  16. =kct=blackmamba

    Faysh khabur beta release

    ok beta02 is up Change Log increased terrain cell size from 5 to 10 for bether performance. changed clutter type. road to second bridge leads to somewhere. edited the Satalite image, all city's are painted off now. this one must be a hell of a lot smoother
  17. =kct=blackmamba

    Faysh khabur beta release

    @porter if u read the first post it was to see wat the terrain did, exactly for the reason u mention. while i allready have one with bigger cell sizes means better performing ive painted the last city's out u wont even notice they where there in the first place. give me a few hours and it is up so u can fly full speed without fps drops. @ armarific the terrain is pretty big i think atleast 1.5 times takistan maybe bigger from the northern airport to the middle of the map is +- 7 km so i think the entire map would be 16x16 km ?
  18. =kct=blackmamba

    skype group

    hey guys, pvpscene introduced me into this topic. he said my config.cpp was a mess hehe :)
  19. =kct=blackmamba

    Faysh khabur beta release

    great foxhound thank u m8 @vilman no its propably the terrain cell size. i started building at a cell size of 10 and it run fluind, i could fly 1200 kph? in a typhoon without issue's. now this terrain technically haves twice the detail, but its hardly noticeable cause of the open structure. and most of those hills and mountain's are pretty shallow anyway. im binarizing the next beta richt now wich should run much smoother for u.
  20. =kct=blackmamba

    Faysh khabur beta release

    thnx sick :) i have changed the clutter to the one used on proving grounds, looks fantastic. still need to know how the terrain performs as im working with two terrains at the moment the other one's cellsize is 10 instead of 5 so if this one is a resource hog ill go on with the other one.
  21. No more slot to add connection at (14918.4,12270.1) ive binarized my terrain over 200 times now and sometimes i clean my bintemp folder first mostly when i make huge changes in the hightmap or sat image but i never seen this one bevore. No more slot to add connection at (14918.4,12270.1)
  22. =kct=blackmamba

    Mosul area Iraq

    yes ive allready tried and it is possible to implement infact i allready took off from the nimitz while testing only when i did it on the west side of the map 70% of the coast line was realy realistic but 20 % of the upper right corner, the terrain hight went up to 600 mtrs and looked realy bad so i took it out again next time im making the ocean on the south side where the terrain is much lower so the coast line wouldnt go from 0 to 600 mtrs i have to follow the erosion line of the sat image to make it look natural paint in beaches from actual photo's, paint the hightmap make it correspond to the sat image, and the mask for the surface. its easy to do but time consuming to make it look like it would have actual been a beach on the sat image
  23. =kct=blackmamba

    Mosul area Iraq

    new screens and video of the work in progress http://img804.imageshack.us/img804/241/arma2oa2011080612430680.png http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/5711/arma2oa2011080612434883.png http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/8633/arma2oa2011080612444972.png http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/8228/arma2oa2011080612442585.png think i might upload a first beta within a few days. cause ive got two versions now a normal version and one with a higher detailed terrain. so im think of uploading them both and waith for feedback wich version to go on with. fictional Airbase at Fayshkhabur Ake1ZPIx2kQ
  24. hi there i ran into a problem, im working on a new map and im pretty far by now. so todat ive seen the new terrain from bushlurker and i tought hey that looks realy nice i could implement that in my project so wat i did is simply the steps needed to get the same size terrain with smaller cell sizes. so instead of 2048x10cellsize i made it 4096x5 ok no problems only needed to increase the hightmapsize got that all working. so i imported the objects to get them all back into my artificial's list. did the roads list by hand and i checked it 6 times, i know every single part ive used is in the new terrain now. so i deleted the objects again saved 20 times ofcourse. now i went back to my old project selected all objects including the roads and pasted absolute on my new tarrain. all nice no issue's everyting is exactly spot on.... BUT for some odd reason my runway's are missing, ive checked so many times that i cant count anymore :confused:. all roads are there except the runway's now u can say well place them again by hand, yeah i tought of that but for some reason i cant drag/rotate nothing cause of the terrain size i gues ? so i have to work from the old terrain and copy and paste it over to my new and nicer looking terrain.