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Everything posted by AntalopeAUT

  1. AntalopeAUT

    Fed up of Morons

    I think those Military guys dont die THAT easily ^^
  2. AntalopeAUT

    Multiplayer - is this a joke?

    I just stated you all should NOT be too eager to soften the whole game down over the course of years... Hell if its Elitism....HELL YEAH ! And if you had read my post a bit more carefully you wouldnt have overread my stating of Arma having enormous improvement potential. ;)
  3. AntalopeAUT

    Fed up of Morons

    Wobbly if your connection is fast enough, try some german servers as well....not everyone is a "TWS M110-Kiddie" there and some are quite well administered ( soloflying = kick in midair, shooting at base =kick/ban ) such as the BierAIG-Servers or =NMKM=-Servers (personal experience since im sometime Admin on the BierAIG server and guest on NMKM and dislike those bf/cod/css-brats like hell). Cya on the battlefields
  4. AntalopeAUT

    Multiplayer - is this a joke?

    Gents....im gonna shit in your pond right now xD Do you REALLY want ARMA become something virtually EVERYBODY can master, or do you want to keep the Game´s feeling of having achieved something with mastering it. Not saying there wasnt room for improvement(mod-handling/dl´ing, jittery movements in mp....) but dont yell too much for dumbing it down at all teensy-winsy-flimsy corners....just to placate your lust for convenience. This game is after all a MilSim. How long do you think most people have trained and tried and died with Falcon4 ,BlackShark DCS, GTR and such simulators ? ? ? To me being able to grasp ArmA and its full potential is tantamount to playing this game and therefore I chose the way of getting really intimate with it ( in fact I just read dslyecxi´s excellent shacktack guide ^^ which set the mood for my playingstyle) to understand it and be able to play without being such an obnoxious "someone" thats asking questions all the time... Use your brains gents, it needs the training as well.... btw...how did you guys learn ta swim or ride a bike....get familiar with it and try and learn or just hop on and be frustrated it wont drive all by itself ? *End dumping* Cya on the battlefields
  5. My concern is : spoiling the brainless further.... Ponder that eventually
  6. AntalopeAUT

    Where is everybody?

    Ey mates...you know what I heard lately from a friend on TS3 ? Sweat saves Blood.... Interpret as wanted..... Sometimes the BierAIG plays nicely sorted Domis...and most of the time one of the regular players or a member of the Bier-Community is administering the whole mess from the tower down xD
  7. ACE check Alec´s above post....we are here in the ORIGINAL cipher Thread which belongs to ArmA2 ;) If you wanted the ported version for CombinedOps (A2+OA) you have to look at a "slightly" (looooool) namechanged Thread called "Cipher: Valleys of the Takibans" . So to state it in full and honest : YOU GUYS ARE WHINING IN THE WRONG THREAD.....READING IS FROM MASSIVE IMPORTANCE AND ADVANTAGE. Thx, and Radfahrer is outta here....*flings himself on his trustee ghost se9000 and downhills off madly in all directions* and i guess chances are getting seriously smaller everytime the missionmaker is being asked to port for oa alone to do so ^^
  8. AntalopeAUT

    HELP High Ping!

    Alexander ? From where do you join which servers ? So, where are you at home, and where do the servers stand you are connecting too? Im living in Upper Austria and mostly connect to German Servers, that gets me fine pings under 50ms. Traveltime for your signals MUST be watched (i.e: joining from Russia to British or US-american Servers gets you such pings maybe)...500 Ping is very baaaaaad and quite unplayable as I guess. Greets !
  9. AntalopeAUT

    battleye not respondinh

    Give em hell for their sloppiness !!!! Losing packets is NO minor malfunction..... Cya soon on the Battlefields
  10. AntalopeAUT

    Change Player ID

    Just taking a guess here.....Banned? xD
  11. AntalopeAUT

    Dynamic Recoil possible?

    Many thanks for sparing me work, Mr. Gustaffa ! Same reason here.
  12. You might notice some of these outlines on other dx as well... i.e. when looking at inf at extreme far distance (1000 meters and above, at least i saw some of them when sniping the other day and was switching between rifle and binoculars)...they seem to have a kind of white-ish aliasing which makes them quite clearly visible. Whatever that may be ?
  13. AntalopeAUT

    Cipher: Valleys of the Takiban

    Yes, IceBreakr,"Combined Operations"-Pack, A2+A2OA, is needed xD If you got OA already give that mission a run....absolutely blasting. I just finished my 7th run as lone wolf (5 epicfails, 2 dominating wins, accepting all SekOps and finishing them) on full difficulty and its just awesome. Again, many many thanks to both the original Missionmaker Wiper and Alec for porting it over to AO. See you soon on the battlefields! P.s.: I was shadowed by a BTR-90 for fully half an hour before he opened fire on me and spoiled my third win...he just kept rolling in behind me, then, when I was finally used to him he decided to annihilate me while I was being engaged by the Mi8 looking for me and an Infantry patrol hehehehe
  14. AntalopeAUT

    Cipher: Valleys of the Takiban

    Played her three times up till now, Alec . Havent found anything except heli´s pickiness when evacuating, but as stated its more from ambient combat than ai-fail. Proceeding further, Rad off !
  15. Definitely looking good, Huxley ! Give ´er a tryyy xD
  16. Punctuation please xD And yes....it seems time for a new rig o´yours Have a look at my above post to get a feel for what HW is running A2/A2OA at which speeds. And the price-tags of some of my components seem shocking (monitor eg..becuase its already close to 5 and a half year old^^ ) but have reduced over the years... So maybe you could get a decent rig without spending that much cash if you just buy the components alone and build your rig manually by yourself which also spares you tons of money and in some cases crappy HW that still tends to find its way into stock-shop-sold systems. Hopefully this was informative to you because Overclocking your current rig seems not sooooo much of an option (or do you have a stock of liquid nitrogen handy ? ^^ ) and ArmA loves Multi-CoreCPU´s. Hopefully seeing you soon on the battlefields !
  17. AntalopeAUT

    [CO] ANZINS Upgrades

    Sry to shit in your pond, but..... Sniping weapons with CQB......... *epicfacepalm* I DO know how much work it is realigning the geometry of the guns and I dont want to little your work in any way but "sense". For me this is still MilSim...and when im around as Sniper im clicking the enemies off as sniper...meaning : I shall not get to CQB.... IF this situation ever happens : handgun ? (which i do not take with me) or....align gun right after experience and give the dude some without aiming. For those that find this too hard..... Have fun with this ! damn well ! made Addon. (yes...i tried it as well...gnihihih)
  18. AntalopeAUT

    Arma 2/OA Domination Guide

    And quit thinking altogether ? ^^ Nahnah...
  19. AntalopeAUT

    cant play multyplayer

    made me smirk as it reminds me of many a player´s trouble
  20. AntalopeAUT

    Cipher: Valleys of the Takiban

    Hails to the Alec ! Your Radfahrer is Dl´ing now and going to find some of those baaad baaad bugs..if there are any and will report them to you in TS as soon as we see again ! Greetz and Cya on the Battlefields
  21. My Specs : Q9550 @3.62 Ghz 245 € HD5850 @775MhzCore/1125Mhz Ram 249€ Asus P5Q Deluxe 124 € X-Fi Xtreme Gamer 60€ 2x2GB Corsair XMS2@843Mhz 115€ 2x500GB WD@Raid 0 134€ Noctua CF-12P CPU-Cooler 60€ Win7 64 Bit 125 € HP 24" TFT 450€ Go here for HW-Reviews/Tests : www.tomshardware.com 44 FPS in A2OA Benchmark equals: 15 to 60 fps with settings @ Max. incl AA/AF to full, VD 4000m and PP to lowest btw...the 15 fps are only when the Server gets laggy or in extreme dense fighting.... so how do YOU wanna spend your cash ? On Hype or Worth ? ;) Cya on the battlefields !
  22. AntalopeAUT

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    @Akro : BIS Weather (if i remember correctly) Winter weather are the two ooptions you are looking for.... btw...utilize them eyes god gave ye ? ^^ Cyas and unending thanks to Xeno and the Ace-Team and all other Modders for your dedication !
  23. Dear sirs... For my taste ( and I never shot a real gun, only lightweight air-sports guns) the recoil could be heftier, although the "non-returning" from triggering-point to "kick-back point" confuses slightly because any gunner will try to compensate for the kick of his gun ? Still this is some ! real hot shit ! and I love to see it getting more refined day by day from the Devs and The Modders... Much love and kind regards ! Keep up that damn fine working !
  24. AntalopeAUT

    More time trying than playing

    As above posted...use Yoma´s brilliant Addon Sync to synchronise your mods to the Server´s running mods and take all your pains away ;) Greetings and see you soon somewhere ;)