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Everything posted by AntalopeAUT

  1. AntalopeAUT

    Tier 1-DLC

    Dear Sir. AS good as it is to have provoked any kind of commentary, it would be way better taking into account all those lovely done community works (Schnapsdrossel´s MercUnits, anyone? Bearded Spec-Ops, seen them ?) being already done for SF-enthusiasts, so why again and again ask for things that are already to be had at any time. Hence my comment.
  2. AntalopeAUT

    6 DLC Suggestions (incl. USMC) POLL

    Weellll...why dont you play RedHammer then ? ? ? afaik it brings loads of stuff :(
  3. AntalopeAUT

    Please BIS, release new DLC

    T H I S !!!! Pls ppl... stop asking for DLC...there are nearly a bazillion GOOD mods out there...and all you were ever asking for( or nearly all) has already been done.... All those threads with suggestions for DLCs is just ridiculous to me :(
  4. AntalopeAUT

    Bayonet/knife poll

    Silencers ? Dropped guns from enemies ? ^^ Saved my life more often...cause CQB is better done with something shooty ;) (ever been sprayed by pkm from 3m distance ? you wouldnt dare to rise and show me your bajonet or knife ) Smacks of COD´ism as well as suggestion of Tier1-DLC.... :( Sry, guys...even if it was interesting to be able to fix a bajonet...its still a gun, use it as one.
  5. AntalopeAUT

    Tier 1-DLC

    Fully approves of sentiment ! Smacks of COD´ism all these DLC....:( No more DLC pls...give us a full potion of ArmA again, plskthxbb.
  6. AntalopeAUT

    New recoil, please make it go away

    I take the second gun outta the crate, get me a good positon, lay down and get the work done ;)
  7. AntalopeAUT

    Admin must read this great idea...

    Nothing to add , Amen.
  8. AntalopeAUT

    Do you want OPFOR vehicles to have TI?

    Just for it to reflect Opfor Vehicles RL capabilites, not to make funny gameplay possible (T-34 vs M1A2...and the T34 is able to make a stand...lol...ridiculous in my thinking^^). Cya on the battlefields
  9. AntalopeAUT

    British Troops DLC released & Official 1.01 Update

    Ouch, that hurts me as DVD/CD Collector most...I need my physical representations of what I´ve bought... So my question is : Will you guys at Bohemia maybe press up a CD with it ? ^^ *hint-hint/prod* Cya on the battlefields
  10. AntalopeAUT

    ARMA 2: OA Beta 72716 is up

    Im guessing on data-streaming related fps-decreases since not knowing your specs xD
  11. AntalopeAUT

    Unusual issue

    Even check your Desktop links if they are linking to correct exe´s, and when playing with betapatches check and make sure you have the appropriate link from your Install-folder saying: play arma with beta patch ..... Once after messing up Arma2 with mods I reinstalled and found out that all my Arma-related desktop-links where seriously messed up and showing very random link-locations inside the install folder xD Cya on the battlefields
  12. AntalopeAUT

    ARMA 2: OA Beta 72716 is up

    First, many thanks again to the Devs working so hard, dowlnoading now, trying afterwards ;) @Neohazard: I play very seldomly SP-Missions but i tend to hop in and out of game to the desktop to activate various things such as Winamp, Fraps or just check wikipedia on some small info I wanna have right then and my game does only very very rarely crash on Alt+Tab-bing, so am I just lucky with game and system stability or can you maybe deactivate some background proggies that might unneccessarily take up place in your systems´s memory ? A friend of mine just changed his !Firewall! from a Comodo to ZoneAlarm and we all saw his "permanently-appearing-error:no unit"-bug disappear altogether. Maybe this could point you to a weak link in your sys. Cya on the battlefields
  13. +1.000 Kudos...Perfect explanation
  14. Ah...was just prodding you coz ive seen maaaaaaany many of those guys coming on a server and proceeding as written by me. All I am saying is: This game needs effort ...from you, the P L A Y E R ;) And i cant quite clearly see your argument with using text chat, especially since i dont even have to lift my hands neither from mouse nor keyboard to talk to my mateswhich i would have to do if i was rapid-typing (even 10 fingers are lame compared to speaking directly to another one, time-wise viewed ) Yes, TS is sometimes quite overrun with people yelling over other people and such...if this is the matter i just switch ts channels and get my whisperlist online (left hand controlled, again no liftoff from important keys or controls). Furthering the advantage of TS over chatting is still this one thing: many a player tends to ignore chat messages, even when they are directly spammed at them....i guess its from sensory overstimulation or such. And to come back to a point i already emphasized earlier in another thread : This game is elite, so play it as such. PERIOD ;) Btw...if you check your manual ( forget that if you bought a dl ) you WILL find A L L controls proper and nice... Oh, and if someone didnt notice up to now...the game is already a noobfilter standalone...lawl and unique in this world of gaming as well xD Cya on the battlefields
  15. *Quoteon* lately I am finding myself playing Domination in SP mode just so that I can do all the stuff I can't do on mp servers, because of all the restrictions.*Quoteoff Ahhhh, so you are one of those guys that runs to the next Helicopter right after spawning and crashes it inside Base ? ^^ Ohhhh and btw. this is a game where you N E E D to communicate with your teammates...hell, imagine an army consisting of mute soldiers ? How do they get anything done ? Not by means of verbal comms...thats for shizzle ma nixxxx.... Communication (fast, fluent and precise) will make you survive three to ten times longer than duking it out all alone or encumbering yourself with writing like a maniac in the chat just to get some infos in and out, so better think some ten to twenty times more about your despising of TS/Ventrilo/Whatever. !And dont forget about all the massively epic team destruction that comes from playing for some time with the same players and hearing them talk to YOU...and before you can ask : -I´M C.L. FOR LIVE- just sticking to some ferocious Warriors that are ready to unleash nearly all the devastation that can be brought down on enemies in this game ;) Picard epicfacepalms out... Cya on the battlefields P.s: I forgot about the rules on servers : They do make sense (most times), are not to be joked with (especially on well administered Servers) and just are mostly to guarantee fun for everyone on the Server...
  16. DarkHorse...your Rig seems to be juicing^^ Lawl
  17. 1. Lol....which game has this type a gfx AND VIEWDISTANCE...tell me ONE, pls..oh and more fps? DOWN WITH THE EYECANDY MATE ;) 2. Lol....Tell me another game where that DOES ABSOLUTELY NOT OCCUR ( I cant name one although playing for now 24 years with electronic boxes called PC ;) 3. Still cool for your aiming ...react to the lag is fun xD ( or get better performing servers ) 4. LAWL...ever played profi/expert for a try ^^ They gonna HS you Oneshot from 700 meters away with their beloved AKSU in under 2 secs from spotting you...can any of you claim to react as quick ? 5. Maybe...but only to unsused hands, so play this game as serious as any other of your "Pop-shooters"( yea thats the musical term for popular), the efforts will pay "nearly" immediately. Shortly said: This game needs Players, not just some Points hungry Gun-galorists running round and shooting all to hell with standing point straight in the landscape and wondering why the heck they hits nothing. Still shorter said : Serious People for SERIOUS GAMES So, Please : N O to soften this game up for just drawing new blood... Cya on the Battlefields LAWL=Loud Austrian Wild Laughter
  18. AntalopeAUT

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    There goes another one..... :( A million thanks for all your efforts, Xeno. CYA on the battlefields
  19. Not even trying ot get on comms/Ts when finding any closed server to ask if you could play with ? ^^
  20. AntalopeAUT

    2010 and still warping/lag

    The answer is hidden in SERVER-SIDE HARDWARE LOAD.... If you think about the fact that each Server has to handle THE COMPLETE SANDBOX ( ALL AI, Vehicles, Positions and staus of Assets, Actions of Players, Scripts, and then ADD MODS with their complex Scripts as well....) Hell....I´d suggest going for a CRAY XMP as Server with direktlinking-fiberglass lan to have a smooth playing experience. And rest assured, im NOT a Code geek or sumthing....im just HT-thinking about the hard work the Server has to do in the background (HT-pun intended xD ) Fact is...Us of A are a damn big and wide country, so dont be surprised when low network bandwith is available to and from the servers further minimising playing fun not to mention PING ISSUE (high pings make the server work hard for unlagging all of you and thus adding to the massive load Server-side already ;) ) Oh...and if im talking bollocks about your game or the way Servers handle MP, Devs, pls make sure to reprimand me correctly, as that is what I have figured out long ago trying to understand how aiming procedures are handled on the Server-side( CS.Beta 0.42 ). Hopefully it was helpful Cya on the Battlefields
  21. AntalopeAUT

    Incremental Aiming back?!

    Mr. Burns? Is your mouse fitted with matching ground surface to have the mouses full potential at your command? I´m using G9 on a QcK heavySteel XXL Pad(40x30x2cm) or if that gets too dirty a Razer Exactmat on the "speed"-side. Noticed weird mouse behaviours on different surfaces (haveing tested through MX518, G5,G9, Razer Lachesis on the above mentioned mousepads and a score of others consisting from alu to glass or fiberglass materials, even had an alu-plate grinded and polished at work for me) which directly impacts abilitiy to aim right in the way you described. If you are already owning a modern mouse use its DPI-switching features for nicer handling, for my G9 allowes for 5! (not only 3) steps which I need for any game Ive played along my way of Onlinegaming(x/y-DPI:400/200;1000/800;1600/1400;2000/1800;3000/2800) These effecs were noted worst in CS:S,Stalker,BF2 and UT3 and were also noted as "at least irritably if not having negative effect" when longrange-aiming in A2ACE or A2OA. Maybe this is helpful or I am just guessing totally wrong ^^ Cya on the Battlefields Check with some fast paced shooter to be absolutely sure
  22. AntalopeAUT

    Multiplayer - is this a joke?

    No offence taken there, gentleman. Everyone´s got an opinion, mine´s just : learn it by yourself and be proud of it ;) I know the post wasnt so very well logical or precisely worded but still thought the sentiment would come through.
  23. AntalopeAUT

    Cipher: Valleys of the Takiban

    Oh Boys, Alec is spoiling us furthermore^^ Big thanks (even if i dont have to use stand-alone ;) from me and supposedly and hopefully from ALL the stand-alone users . We´ll see or hear us Alec! Radfahrer´s outta here.
  24. AntalopeAUT

    New mission, what to do? YOU SUGGEST!!!

    Make a mission so insanely hard no one wants to try it^^ Example: 1-3-man SpecOps Team on a very prolonged selfsustained (steal what you need from the enemy) Sabotage mission throughout the whole map taking the enemy troops apart bit by bit (like killing some tankcommander to have the tanks react less good to your movements, destroy hangars with planes and helis, ........) Ill try it then .