Could someone explain to me the difference between:
call compile format ["_unit = %1",_varname];
_unit = _varname;
I would like to understand the content or state of the variable "unit" in certain conditions. For example lets take one unit from the array allunits:
sourceentry = allUnits;
oneunit = sourceentry select 0;
// What exactly is now the content of the variable oneunit, especially when ai?
// Lets further assume the unit has a name in the editor and the name shall be t1 (as variable in the in game editor). Does that influence the content of the variable oneunit? if so, how?
_varname = vehicleVarName oneunit;
//What is now the content of _varname?
call compile format ["_ccfvarname = %1",_varname];
//What will be the content of _ccfvarname here?
Which of these things will be changed after respawn, which name will adress the dead corpse, which names will adress the respawned alive unit?
Any help to get some insights is greatly appreciated.