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About nneo

  • Rank
    Private First Class

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  1. Bump, Thanks for bringing this to life. Great work, team 😀
  2. nneo


    every multiplayer server has a discord channel, aren't they ?
  3. Hello, Current joining multiplayer server is really a pain: Wait for a freeslot > join > download/update mods (for years) > downloads finished > server's full > wait again. If you join the same server, may not have to download again and you can join. But if you try another server, the process repeats over and over 🙂
  4. My BAF and PMC which I purchased last year on Sprocket now appeared on GameStop App after I purchased FM 2012 on Impulse, exact each characters of the product codes Funny ?
  5. nneo

    The trouble with getting people into Arma

    I'm from Asia and almost Arma 2 servers are from US, EU, ... they kick people with high ping. Now, I have nowhere to play. Please make a better multiplayer where people from anywhere can play together.
  6. nneo

    Arma 3 Officially Announced!

    plug your keyboard to PS3 at first
  7. nneo

    Arma 3 Officially Announced!

    what is "plenty" ? is it about around 1000 servers and 70% of them are emty ? really ????
  8. nneo

    Arma 3 Officially Announced!

    who buy this game if only high-end pcs can run it???????
  9. alone in the desert :cry: [MG]http://img94.imageshack.us/img94/2158/arma2oa2010062806054513.jpg[/img]>100kb
  10. nneo

    Where/how/when to buy ARMA2:OA?

    BIS, put the game on Steam, please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. nneo

    Healing enemy soldiers

    Hmm, may be...an easten egg like this :D:cool: http://uppix.net/8/1/f/743dacbafc3c5653576121dd736e4.html