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Angry Steel

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About Angry Steel

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  1. Can confirm the Arma2.rpt errors verbatim minus the description.ext header error
  2. Angry Steel

    Specific Trigger Help

    Yea I did that last night, still doesnt work for me. I even deleted the on conditions to make sure my syntax was right for the task and it is correct, the task completed window shows up and switches the waypoint. Would this not work if it was just the one player without the others in the group? ROMEO is AI Tank Platoon. Delta (and all the others) are players so when I test it, its just me in the Delta SL spot.
  3. Use "Shift Key" and it will allow you to click the vehicle, it changes focus to the unit underneath.
  4. Angry Steel

    Specific Trigger Help

    Ok.... Still no joy but thanks again for your effort. Ill try elaborate a little more and maybe Im doing something else wrong in grouping??? Basically the scenario is this. AI is disabled so players only. Multiple 4 man fireteams (ALPHA, BRAVO, CHARLIE, DELTA)and for example in ALPHA (all ) the init is: ALPHA = group this; So ALPHA (or more dependent on number of players) is in the area of a crossroads and needs to repel enemy attack for approx 30 min till reinforcements arrive on scene. Reinforcement is a tank platoon ROMEO: ROMEO = group this; I tried your revision and couldnt get it to trigger at all anymore. I arrived in trigger zone, killed the one test OpFor placed there, ROMEO shows up right on time and nothing. Any ideas? Thanks
  5. Angry Steel

    Specific Trigger Help

    Helps if I look at everything, sorry about that. I changed it to: Anybody Present Repeatedly Type= None Condition= (EAST countside thislist < 1) && ({_x in thislist} count units grpALPHA > 0) && ({side _x == WEST && !(_x in units grpROMEO)} count thislist > 0) On Act= task2 setTaskState "SUCCEEDED"; null = [objNull,objNull,task2, "SUCCEEDED"] execVM "CA\Modules\MP\data\scriptCommands\taskHint.sqf";one=true;publicVariable "one";deleteMarker "3val";player setCurrenttask task3; If I just enter the trigger with any unit it still triggers the On-Act and says task completed like its not even looking at the condition. Any Ideas? And thanks for your interest and input, this is driving me nuts
  6. Angry Steel

    Specific Trigger Help

    Thanks for your help, I just cant seem to make it work right. Ive placed a trigger 200x200 Activation none (might be my problem but Im not sure what to put here, if I put blufor in it just trips regardless of who or what is in there) Players group= ALPHA Reinforcement group=ROMEO (EAST countside thislist < 1) && ({_x in thislist} count units grpALPHA > 0) && ({side _x == WEST && !(_x in units grpROMEO)} count thislist > 0) Any Ideas?
  7. Ive been doing ok up till now with my trial and error, but Im now at a loss even with the search. Im trying to make an objective trigger that incorporates the following victory conditions: A. Some member of the group is still alive within the trigger area B. Reinforcements (other than group members) arrive in the trigger area C. No Opfor present in the trigger area. Can anyone give me a hand here to understand how to do this please? Thanks