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Posts posted by thedudeabides

  1. Bro, could you actually ride his dick any harder

    Here is a better idea. Install 0xygen and make your own addon. Then you can have the stock how you want. Just make sure you release it here so I can remind you of what you do for enjoyment and release to the public is just not quite right.

  2. I spent 2005 in Ramadi. PM me and I can give you some pictures, help you out with the street names (what we called them, I never saw a street sign there) and some key building locations. Also that was a pretty fucked up place so there probably isn't anywhere someone wasn't killed or hurt and as a veteran of that fight I would probably say if I was going to be disturbed or reminded of a event in a specific area, I would just not download your map, and while yes some parts of that city hold a pretty deep meaning to me I hope that the creation of this map will intrest people to educate themselves about how vicious that place was and how the taking of Ramadi turned the tide of events for the course of the war.

  3. Is there a way to have multiple sides have the ability to call in fire in say a PvP match? A way to make the OpFor have access to mortars and blufor access to the big guns?

    Can you also designate who has the ability to call in the arty strikes.

    SigintArmA is right, shot is called when the rounds leave the tubes, splash is called to allow the ground troops warning that the rounds are about to hit.

  4. Is there room for a 2x2km or so (smaller is ok) area that is flat with limited clutter to build a range complex? I never tried Visitor or Island making but would it be hard to just have it on the map?

    The main reason I ask is because every time I try to build a good range complex with rifle, mg , at and sniper ranges I have to place so many objects to space apart and separate the ranges that it causes massive desync on a dedi.

    If you could place some of those objects in visitor, targets and the likes (I will build it for you in the editor if I need to if you can import that into visitor) so when playing on a dedi the amount of user placed objects is ruining the range complex with lag and server desync.

    Please let me know if that could work because I am a old grunt and I want my ranges to be orderly. That's why old soldiers always get up so early, to supervise the sun's rising and make sure it is rising in a military and proficient manner.

  5. We dig fighting positions, not really foxholes. Some sector stakes and some room for your ruck by your feet and your home sweet home in an Alpha Alpha for the night. Now if you stay in a perimeter for longer than 24 hours or so (METT-T dependent) you begin to improve your positions by adding overhead cover and digging grenade holes in the position.


  6. Please don't get to carried away with the future thing.

    Upgraded Weapons/Gear system (What has been mentioned already is what it should be)

    AI improvements..i.e. suppressing fire by the AI, better combat awareness, Use of cover AND concealment, When given a command in the editor, have the AI do it and not spin in circles, MOUT behaviour

    Vehicle Improvements - Working doors and hatches, Movement inside vehicles, would like to see out of the passenger door windows in a Up Armored Humvee, Make Aviation Assests a little more sophisticated

    Final Advise from a loyal BI fan

    I would rather have a game with less content and a solid engine than a lot of content and a so so engine. Please focus on building a solid backbone for the future with this release, I can tell you most people will gladly pay for expansions and DLCs to add more content later. A solid functioning engine should be your main focus.

  7. @Beagle

    You and people that think like you are whats wrong with the world today!

    Since it is so easy, you tell me where you live, I will come and shoot at you, then you tell me to surrender so I can face a court be a prisoner for the rest of my life to be paraded around like King Kong for everyone to see! We will see what happens.

    Just amazing some people, ignorance because the world works in such a easy proficient manner for you!

    Did you really think he just had some 14 year old boys there with AKs to big for them as his protective detail? A woman was also killed acting as his human shield!

    Don't forget, these Tier 1 units aren't fucking police, they are some hard core dudes that kill very proficiently.

    So, do everyone a favor and go bang your head on the wall and stop being stupid
