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Everything posted by ACPL Jon

  1. ACPL Jon

    Is ArmA better than OFP?

    ...and MCM-SLX. FTW, amen.
  2. THANK YOU! The island is lovely. Make more. Make much much more. Extend the island. Make a desert. Rawr! Pretty please.
  3. ACPL Jon

    Is ArmA better than OFP?

    I don't see nothing special about WARMOD. Tbh there's nothing You can do to beat ACE1 PS: I'm a modding freak, so belive me, I know what I'm talking about.
  4. Well, that's his way ;)
  5. I totally don't know what You mean (about that PM box). Plus, Vilas, You know that I know what was going on then.
  6. Sorry, but I want to add my 2 cents; As I suggest to allocate (<-dictionary word) the "off"topic;Now: Shortie: Ok I can assure You, that even if anyone would ask for it (no PMs atm), he wouldn't recive it. Why? It was meant as a coop team inside-addon, and we'll keep it that way. I can give You my word.Vilas - the reason to republish an addon is for example the fact, that it wasn't working in A2. Like P'85 before You did a massive update. Except, I didn't wanted to publish it. I showed as an example of what I mean (I would show the A1 version except I don't have A1 on the HDD), not to brag about "oh look how cool am I". (Yes I'm cool because I never edited OFP\ArmA's addons, never touched the config, and I learned nice part of it just to give my group a decent SCAR until someone release's new one - working in A2; I'm usually a tester\gameplay consultant\missionmaker) But in comparsion with people doing new great models or config magicians like Q11 - I'm nobody. And I know it. Whole discussion, incl. DaSquade's\w0lle\"community" intervention wasn't needed (except he should just delete my screens in case "DS don't want his work in A2 showed in public"), also the "pro's and cons of re-releasing / re-tagging / exporting / borrowing / stealing others work etc etc" discussion of Vilas and Herr Kalashnikov. Rules have been set and I think they are clear and good. I didn't knew screens will make that big mess and it's bad to show them as a "comparsion" (can't find better word) shot. Pufu: You have no reason to attack Christian. He always gave proper credits in the release readme. So don't be another person who act stupid and offensive to the addonmaker who did everything right. Vilas: Everyone do what they want unless breaking rules. And Christian didn't break any rule. I guess he's like me - more of a gamer than a "-maker", aiming in having stuff to play with instead of just "joy of making it". And I'm glad because of it, because there's no reason to create another model if there is already decent one which You can use. Other approaches, but both ok, and these should be respected. We talked about it a while ago. Psychosim: "King Vilas" sounds kinda offensive, and to just avoid the whole troll-like discussion (that's my part of bread), edit Your post and let's quit it where it is. Peace and love and damn I hope You will be back soon, Christian. See You on Domination ;)
  7. Oh my god, You people fail. Yes. It was A1 SCAR's, that were included in ACE1 for example. I ported them to A2 for PERSONAL USE. I showed them, because they represented more or less what I would like to see (just better and more versions). Where did I stated it's Christian's work? Huh, where? I think "a bit like this", meaning "looking like these" clarified it all...and when I was made a Christian's PR agent? ...yeah. I'm the bad guy. @Christan - sorry for causing problems. As I see people can't read nowadays - just please don't punish the whole community because of its bad parts. @all Nice job. You like to play judge? it's ok... if You get Your facts straight first. And You didn't had to do a big research... WHAT I POSTED IS NOT CHRISTIANS WORK, THESE ARE PORTED A1 SCARS MADE BY DA SQUADE. Kthx
  8. Ok, thanks for info Christian! Though it'd be nice to have at least most of these versions released some time after (I think it's a copy-paste thing) a bit like this w0lle: I shall not post screens of stolen work JonPL: I shall not charge people without knowledge of what's going on. That's nowhere proffesional. You could just ask.
  9. ACPL Jon

    Is ArmA better than OFP?

    I have to say these results really surprised me. OFP rocks in atmosphere and mood - I just finished my Afganistan coop mission with my friends. It was so awesome words can't describe. Then we have this big hole, which leaves a big question "why?". The hole which should be something like OFP 1,5, but it wasn't. Maybe it had SQF like someone stated, maybe You could have 2 door gunners... but damn, it looked like game\engine bloopers that got cut out. To sum it all up... it just sucked, and it was nowhere near OFP. And now we have ArmA 2, which is just OFP 2. It rocks again. And it's a dose of awesomness that I think only BIS (about which I used to say some very, very bad words, mainly because of my hardware not being close to "recommended" specs) can beat again. OFP and ArmA 2. There's nothing between. Yeah.
  10. ACPL Jon

    RH M4/M16 Pack ver 1.0 Rearmed

    Hey, can we have M249 with optics as a separate addon?
  11. ACPL Jon


    We didn't tested - we don't know :D Thanks for the addon, it's one of our team core pack files. Finally bullet's don't act like they're all in slowmo.
  12. I don't have armaholic forum account, so I'll post here: DAMN THANKS Because I soooo waited for someone to make a better SCAR for A2 (I ported the A1 version, but it's just... it's just not enough :) ). Can't wait and please make all the versions! SCAR L CQB SCAR L CQB SD SCAR L CQB EOTech SCAR L CQB EOTech SD SCAR L CQB Aimpoint SCAR L CQB Aimpoint SD SCAR L SCAR L Aimpoint SCAR L Aimpoint SD SCAR L EGLM SCAR L EGLM SD SCAR L Aimpoint EGLM SCAR L Aimpoint EGLM SD SCAR L EOTech SCAR L EOTech EGLM SCAR L EOTech EGLM SD SCAR L ACOG SCAR L ACOG SD SCAR L ACOG EGLM SCAR L ACOG EGLM SD SCAR L Marksman SCAR L Marksman SD SCAR H CQB SCAR H CQB SD SCAR H CQB EOTech SCAR H CQB EOTech SD SCAR H CQB Aimpoint SCAR H CQB Aimpoint SD SCAR H SCAR H Aimpoint SCAR H Aimpoint SD SCAR H EGLM SCAR H EGLM SD SCAR H Aimpoint EGLM SCAR H Aimpoint EGLM SD SCAR H EOTech SCAR H EOTech EGLM SCAR H EOTech EGLM SD SCAR H ACOG SCAR H ACOG SD SCAR H ACOG EGLM SCAR H ACOG EGLM SD SCAR H Marksman SCAR H Marksman SD
  13. ACPL Jon

    WarFX Particles

    and that's how it looks like from the distance. Actual addon = good, using inside my group, kthx!
  14. I second Andersson question. Your site doesn't work Aussie.
  15. ACPL Jon

    WarFX Particles

    Today when I first ran v1.2 I had enormous blood splurts anyone else or is it just me? (gonna do more testing today)
  16. ACPL Jon

    WarFX Particles

    @JW Tank You, but then again: Can't we have 1.2 even if it's not JTD compatible?
  17. ACPL Jon

    WarFX Particles

    Hey, thanks for the mod; However, imo it's a bit to excessive. ALL particles look simply too big (and blood splurts too slow) Tone them down - and it's gonna be a must-use mod. (separating impact effects and fire might be also a good idea - personally, I don't like the new fire) PS: Current version is still 1.1? [i was testing 1.1]
  18. yay You made me register. Addon idea is great Addon itself has 2 little, already mentioned problems: 1) 2) Grey "thingy" inside soldier (that thing that makes bodies drop and stuff) Remove error and make grey thingy invisible and it's gonna rock the world. (I think I can make my group test it in MP)