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Everything posted by ACPL Jon

  1. ACPL Jon


    lol. Check the earlier page.
  2. Hello. This one is aimed at BIS guys (tho You should show them I'm not the only guy who wants it) Your new patch, v1.55 have broken the game, it has been reported by many people. Random crashes, lousy performance, things not working how they should - You know the song. The problem is, we don't know how, nor when - You plan to fix things up so the game is PLAYABLE again. So dear BIS, please. Give us all, before PMC (or Christmas) a nice new patch - a v1.55-v1.54 downgrade, making ArmA 2 what it has been before the bugpatch no.55, so we can play again and have fun instead of frustration. Please.
  3. ACPL Jon

    [REQ] v1.54 downgrade patch

    Well, good for You guys! I wish I had my game playable (like ~30-40 FPS @ v1.54), as well as my ~13 collegues + many more people I know from Polish scene. You can see people moaning here too... but yeah, everything's fine, You've got no problems (<- i still can hardly belive it) so everything's ok. ArmAholics from around the world can always reinstall their games, do they? Right. Mod, please lock the topic when walking by.
  4. ACPL Jon

    [REQ] v1.54 downgrade patch

    Mosh, I thought of it but hey - making a downgrade patch can't be THAT much work I guess. I can reinstall the game, You can reinstall the game, but telling about 30 or more people to reinstall the game + the need to upload old version on the server, just to upload new in 2 or more weeks... well. And I'm sure as hell, we're not the only coop squad that'd go through it. Plus there's many more people that need it, don't You think it'd be a nice option? Really, it can't be that much effort, k?
  5. ACPL Jon


    Great info Beton, can't wait!
  6. ACPL Jon

    Mana Island Fiji

    The oilrig is great. Thanks. (standalone oilrig map also welcome :P)
  7. Thank You for Your answer.
  8. What's the difference between I44 DAC and regular DAC?
  9. Weapon "dexterity" (term from cfg)?
  10. Ok sorry for being hmmm... inaccurate. SO: CBA compatibility is a basics I guess, especially I44 goes CO (+ old XEH is, well, old) but then, that's not what I meant - I was pretty sure they'll go for CBA. (many ppl use it to run I44 on their CO, as old XEH brings up errors, in mine case for example) I meant the ACE features like weaponrest, CSW, towing, shells 'n' stuff. If I could kill the barbed wire around the field with ACE Wirecutters, it'd be great too... Dunno, that'd probably need a different config, maybe an optional one. But it'd be great and would make both sides happy. Oh and also for I44 team: We were really annoyed by the (almost?) bulletproof fences, which You also can't step (jump) over. Running all the way around because of the small fence You could even destroy with a simple kick is a real buzzkiller. As well as weapon dexterity - did You changed it\plan to change it, so the guns don't act like they all weight 15 kg's? Not being able to quickly sway gun isn't realistic in any matter. I really hope Hotfix for CO is coming anytime soon, as we'd really like to have it on our dedi. We don't care for SS troops, we can live without them ;)
  11. Right. Gameplay mod should try to fit to Models-Addon (sry, I treat this way), not the opposite way... yeah right.Where was the anti-ACE trolls when I talked dirty about ACE, back in the day?
  12. ACPL Jon

    WarFX Particles

    For all of You WarFX fans and soon-to-be fans: WarFX v1.41 OA, mirror by ArmACenter.PL Because Rapidshare sucks. PS: Tonci - it could be SLX mod blastwave. I saw a similiar video somewhere over YouTube.
  13. What about ACE? Most people\teams (like mine) would like to use it with ACE.
  14. Search out for cpbo from ArmA Tools by Kegetys. You can find them on aholic.
  15. It opens in D-Day beach invasion mission so just check how its made.
  16. a module would be good. Btw any ETA on teh patch? We're really hot for I44 Coops on the dedi, but we don't like the idea of the dead markers in the modern warfare (You know, the regular arma-reality) missions.
  17. +1 for bringing the map and compass for every soldier. thanks for all the work I44, can't wait to play v2.3 :)
  18. Hey, wtf, how did You make it work with CO? One of the new betas? (I'm still on the first one for 1.54) and @Pac and I44 team in general: thanks. I see what You did there... and I liked it! (it'd be great tho if weapons would be easier to handle)
  19. earlier release without units not possible? :<
  20. ACPL Jon

    noBAF / BAF lite+ (beta)

    Hello, a) Yes I did, that's why I asked, that's why the error pop-up - classnames did change. b) I did ;) thanks c) I've just finished correcting the classnames (seems to work fine with no .rpt errors or in-game bugs). I'm gonna send You this in the Private Message. Edit: message sent.
  21. ACPL Jon

    noBAF / BAF lite+ (beta)

    Hello. I've got some questions for You: a) When can we expect new version using the newest British 3rd Rifles MTP release? b) Is there any chance You could make it "modular", meaning: one .pbo for Shapur image one .pbo for Infantry one .pbo for Vehicles and one last .pbo for Guns? Would be very great [me and most of my teammates prefer UKF inf models but with original BAF Lite guns]. c) I'm trying to fix wounds cfg on my own, so there's no error pop-up in the game. If I'll finish it (and it'll work, obviously) You want a copy, mr Burns?
  22. Link's dead. Anyone took it over, or something?
  23. Can You remove, or at least make a version without those black\green\whatever lines behind the soldier?