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About hawke44

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  1. Is there a simple tool to check for an escaped string? Been testing some online tools, but no luck yet.
  2. hawke44

    Warning to all life mod players out there!

    You could say that it came from ArmA1 and the devs for the Life Mod on ArmA1 got the idea from Crime City from OFP days. But yeah, we never had any of this "Give us your money" back in the days.
  3. hawke44

    Warning to all life mod players out there!

    I was one of the devs back in Stratis Life when the game was still in Alpha. I was passed the Stratis Life files when Caiden and Zananza (Can't spell their names) left the community they was in and I just joined them to help develop the mission further. From their I created my own community with help from friends under the name of Multi-Op but I stopped working on the Life mission after the staff in Multi-Op had a fall out dropped the community. I remember when there was only two Life servers running when the game was in Alpha (Multi-Op server and Seal Team Sloth), and if my memory is correct, we never asked people to give us money to do stuff or have things limited, even though the game was still Alpha and hardly no mods were out. (Thought I would add my two cents)
  4. Yeah same here. Can't wait to get back to the days of forest firefights.
  5. hawke44

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Like a Think Tank?
  6. hawke44

    USS Nimitz

    Is there a going to be an update to this addon? If so, any idea how long till it is realsed?
  7. HitCorp International now have a new server up and running with ace. The name of the server is: [HCI] HitCorp International
  8. If you look at the file size it says 10B...looks like they are still loading it up. Lets see at 1AM :)