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Everything posted by Woodstock21

  1. So im trying to move a existing insurgency mission over to Bystrica using both ALiVE and CSE with it, for the most part it seems to work, except for the main part of the random spawn of the cache, Now im not a scripter at all, as you see from some of my previous posts but i kinda know a little bit just enough to get myself in trouble, and im thinking that it has something to do with the lack of city names on the map. When i go to preview the mission in the editor there is always error message about Bis_fnc_position not finding anything from what i can tell. Below i will put the script in that spawns the cache and a piece of the RPT Please note that this same scripts works fine on Takistan, Cherno, and United Sharni, my buddy really likes Bystrica so thought i'd move it over for him and ran into this issue. Cache spawn script if (isServer || isDedicated) then { private ["_markers","_x","_randomMarker","_dist","_pos","_m","_decrease","_wait","_cacheBuildings","_targetBuilding","_cachePosition"]; INS_marker_array = []; publicVariable "INS_marker_array"; INS_west_score = 0; publicVariable "INS_west_score"; INS_fncache = { if (typeName _this == "ARRAY") then { cache = _this select 0; cache spawn {sleep 60; deleteVehicle _this}; _killer = _this select 1; // check who killed the box switch (side _killer) do { case WEST: { INS_west_score = INS_west_score + 1; publicVariable "INS_west_score"; _this call cacheKilled; }; case EAST: { INS_west_score = INS_west_score + 1; publicVariable "INS_west_score"; _this call cacheKilled; }; case RESISTANCE: { INS_west_score = INS_west_score + 1; publicVariable "INS_west_score"; _this call cacheKilled; }; default { _this call cacheFake; }; }; }; if (count INS_marker_array > 0) then { {deleteMarker _x} forEach INS_marker_array}; publicVariable "INS_marker_array"; _cities = call SL_fnc_urbanAreas; //_cacheTown = _cities call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _cacheBuildings = _cacheTown call SO_fnc_findHouse; // Pull the array and select a random building from it. _targetBuilding = _cacheBuildings select (random((count _cacheBuildings)-1)); // Take the random building from the above result and pass it through gRBP function to get a single cache position _cachePosition = [_targetBuilding] call getRandomBuildingPosition; // Create the cache at the random marker position cache = createVehicle ["Box_East_WpsSpecial_F", _cachePosition, [], 0, "None"]; clearMagazineCargoGlobal cache; clearWeaponCargoGlobal cache; // Add event handlers to the cache cache addEventHandler ["handleDamage", { if ((_this select 4) == "SatchelCharge_Remote_Mag") then { cache setDamage 1 } else { if ((_this select 4) == "DemoCharge_Remote_Mag") then { cache setDamage 1 } else { cache setDamage 0 }; }; }]; cache addMPEventHandler ["MPKilled", {_this spawn INS_fncache}]; // Move the Cache to the above select position cache setPos _cachePosition; publicVariable "cache"; if (INS_west_score == (paramsArray select 1)) then { end_title = {titleText["All ammo caches have been destroyed!", "PLAIN"];}; [nil, "end_title", nil, true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; sleep 20; endMission "END1"; }; if (!isMultiplayer) then { //debug to see where box spawned is if not multiplayer _m = createMarker [format ["box%1",random 1000],getposATL cache]; _m setMarkerShape "ICON"; _m setMarkerType "mil_dot"; _m setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; }; }; true spawn INS_fncache; }; RPT 17:33:19 Error in expression < _this select 0; _count = 0; while {str(_building buildingPos _count) != "[0,0,0> 17:33:19 Error position: <_building buildingPos _count) != "[0,0,0> 17:33:19 Error Undefined variable in expression: _building 17:33:19 File C:\Users\Documents\Arma 3\missions\Insurg_CSE_ALiVE1.Woodland_ACR\core\modules\cacheScript\functions\cacheGetPositions.sqf, line 62 17:33:19 Error in expression <(_count == 0) then { _position = getPos _building; } else { _position = random _> 17:33:19 Error position: <_building; } else { _position = random _> 17:33:19 Error Undefined variable in expression: _building 17:33:19 File C:\Users\Documents\Arma 3\missions\Insurg_CSE_ALiVE1.Woodland_ACR\core\modules\cacheScript\functions\cacheGetPositions.sqf, line 80 17:33:19 Error in expression < _building = _this select 0; _count = [_building] call getCountBuildingPosition> 17:33:19 Error position: <_building] call getCountBuildingPosition> 17:33:19 Error Undefined variable in expression: _building 17:33:19 File C:\Users\Documents\Arma 3\missions\Insurg_CSE_ALiVE1.Woodland_ACR\core\modules\cacheScript\functions\cacheGetPositions.sqf, line 77 17:33:19 Error in expression <l SL_fnc_urbanAreas; _cacheBuildings = _cacheTown call SO_fnc_findHouse; _tar> 17:33:19 Error position: <_cacheTown call SO_fnc_findHouse; _tar> 17:33:19 Error Undefined variable in expression: _cachetown 17:33:19 File C:\Users\Documents\Arma 3\missionsInsurg_CSE_ALiVE1.Woodland_ACR\core\modules\cacheScript\cache.sqf, line 70
  2. Woodstock21

    Bystrica Random spawn script

    Ahhh um sure, honestly you kinda lost me, and i have no idea where to or well how to even start that, Just doesnt make sense to me that it doesn't work cause its just a reorganized cherno map and it works fine on the full cherno.
  3. Woodstock21

    Bystrica Random spawn script

    cacheGetPositions getRandomRelativePositionLand = { private ["_target", "_distance", "_direction", "_position", "_bestPositions"]; _target = _this select 0; _distance = _this select 1; _direction = random 360; _position = [_target, _distance, _direction] call BIS_fnc_relPos; if(surfaceIsWater [_position select 0,_position select 1]) then { // handy! http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?93897-selectBestPlaces-(do-it-yourself-documentation) _bestPositions = selectbestplaces [[_position select 0,_position select 1],200,"(1 + houses)",10,1]; _position = _bestPositions select 0; _position = _position select 0; _position set [count _position, 0]; }; _position }; /* Generate Random Relative Position on Water */ getRandomRelativePositionWater = { private ["_target", "_distance", "_direction", "_position"]; _target = _this select 0; _distance = _this select 1; _direction = random 360; _position = [_target, _distance, _direction] call BIS_fnc_relPos; while {!(surfaceIsWater [_position select 0,_position select 1])} do { _direction = random 360; _position = [_target, _distance, _direction] call BIS_fnc_relPos; }; _position }; /* Get count of building positions */ getCountBuildingPositions = { private ["_building", "_count"]; _building = _this select 0; _count = 0; while {str(_building buildingPos _count) != "[0,0,0]"} do { _count = _count + 1; }; _count }; /* Get random building position */ getRandomBuildingPosition = { private ["_building", "_count", "_position"]; _building = _this select 0; _count = [_building] call getCountBuildingPositions; if(_count == 0) then { _position = getPos _building; } else { _position = random _count; _position = _building buildingPos _position; }; if((_position select 0) == 0) then { _position = getPos _building; }; _position }; /* Get a position on the side of a nearby road */ getSideOfRoadPosition = { private ["_target", "_radius", "_roads", "_road", "_position"]; _target = _this select 0; _radius = if(count _this > 1) then {_this select 1} else {100;}; _roads = _target nearRoads _radius; if(count _roads > 1) then { _road = getPos (_roads select (random((count _roads)-1))); _position = [(_road select 0) + 6, _road select 1, _road select 2]; } else { _position = _target; }; _position }; As far as i can tell being called by this init #include <modules\modules.hpp> #ifndef execNow #define execNow call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers #endif // Add briefing execNow "core\scripts\briefing.sqf"; #ifdef gridMarkers if (isServer || isDedicated) then { null = ["null"] execVM "core\modules\gridMarkers\createMarkers.sqf"; }; #endif #ifdef cacheScript execNow "core\modules\cacheScript\cache.sqf"; #endif #ifdef intelSpawn if (isServer || isDedicated) then { [] execVM "core\modules\cacheScript\Functions\spawnIntel.sqf"; }; #endif
  4. Woodstock21

    Bystrica Random spawn script

    Ok ya my bad on that, i forgot that i had tried to comment out the cities thinking that might be the issue, I removed the comment out and new RPT below 18:26:28 Error in expression < _this select 0; _count = 0; while {str(_building buildingPos _count) != "[0,0,0> 18:26:28 Error position: <_building buildingPos _count) != "[0,0,0> 18:26:28 Error Undefined variable in expression: _building 18:26:28 File C:\UsersDocuments\Arma 3\missions\Insurg_CSE_ALiVE1.Woodland_ACR\core\modules\cacheScript\functions\cacheGetPositions.sqf, line 62 18:26:28 Error in expression <(_count == 0) then { _position = getPos _building; } else { _position = random _> 18:26:28 Error position: <_building; } else { _position = random _> 18:26:28 Error Undefined variable in expression: _building 18:26:29 File C:\Users\Documents\Arma 3\missions\Insurg_CSE_ALiVE1.Woodland_ACR\core\modules\cacheScript\functions\cacheGetPositions.sqf, line 80 18:26:29 Error in expression < _building = _this select 0; _count = [_building] call getCountBuildingPosition> 18:26:29 Error position: <_building] call getCountBuildingPosition> 18:26:29 Error Undefined variable in expression: _building 18:26:29 File C:\Users\\Documents\Arma 3\missions\Insurg_CSE_ALiVE1.Woodland_ACR\core\modules\cacheScript\functions\cacheGetPositions.sqf, line 77 18:26:29 Error in expression <BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _cacheBuildings = _cacheTown call SO_fnc_findHouse; _tar> 18:26:29 Error position: <_cacheTown call SO_fnc_findHouse; _tar> 18:26:29 Error Undefined variable in expression: _cachetown 18:26:29 File C:\Users\\Documents\Arma 3\missions\Insurg_CSE_ALiVE1.Woodland_ACR\core\modules\cacheScript\cache.sqf, line 70 18:26:29 Error in expression <building buildingPos _position; }; if((_position select 0) == 0) then { _positi> 18:26:29 Error position: <_position select 0) == 0) then { _positi> 18:26:29 Error Undefined variable in expression: _position 18:26:29 File C:\Users\Documents\Arma 3\missions\Insurg_CSE_ALiVE1.Woodland_ACR\core\modules\cacheScript\functions\cacheGetPositions.sqf, line 86 18:26:29 Error in expression <createVehicle ["Box_East_WpsSpecial_F", _cachePosition, [], 0, "None"]; clearMag> 18:26:29 Error position: <_cachePosition, [], 0, "None"]; clearMag> 18:26:29 Error Undefined variable in expression: _cacheposition 18:26:29 File C:\Users\Documents\Arma 3\missions\Insurg_CSE_ALiVE1.Woodland_ACR\core\modules\cacheScript\cache.sqf, line 78
  5. Hello there so just wondering if any expert could help me out, Basically i kinda tossed a script together for a insurgency mission where by my playerID has the ability to see where the cache has spawned, my issue is that it would like to have the marker disappear off my map after a period of time, Init if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["myplayerID"]) then { player addAction ["<t color='#FF0000'>Cache Location</t>", "cacheloc.sqf"]; }; Cacheloc.sqf _m = createMarker [format ["box%1",random 1000],getposATL cache]; _m setMarkerShape "ICON"; _m setMarkerType "mil_dot"; _m setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; I've messed around with the deletevechile function and sleep, but i just don't know enough about the scripting language to get it to work, The above stuff works and shows the red dot for the cache in MP just its always there. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance
  6. Woodstock21

    Delete marker script.

    Ok so ya i went ahead and changed all the markers to their local counterparts and it works the way intended now, Thanks for the help, and thought i'd post that it works correctly in case someone else runs into the same issue.
  7. Woodstock21

    Delete marker script.

    Ok im back again, and things seem to kind work, what i've come across is that the marker is being placed for everyone and the marker says on the map, But my map the maker will disappear. this is what i have for the full scripts and code, any help would be great if not im just going to remove it. initPlayerLocal.sqf if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["myplayerID"]) then { player addAction ["<t color='#FF0000'>Cache Location</t>", "cacheloc.sqf"]; }; player addEventHandler [ "Respawn", { if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["myplayerID"]) then { player addAction ["<t color='#FF0000'>Cache Location</t>", "cacheloc.sqf"]; }; } ;] cacheloc.sqf _m = createMarkerLocal [format ["box%1",random 1000],getposATL cache]; _m setMarkerShape "ICON"; _m setMarkerType "mil_dot"; _m setMarkerColor "ColorGreen"; uiSleep 10; for "_i" from 1 to 0 step -0.1 do { _m setMarkerAlphaLocal _i; uiSleep 1; }; deleteMarkerLocal _m; Im kinda thinking that the cacheloc.sqf should have a" if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["myplayerID"]) then { " thing around it but im not sure. if that would do anything
  8. Woodstock21

    Delete marker script.

    and i should leave the orginal code inthe init like on my frist post ---------- Post added at 05:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:11 PM ---------- ok tested it and it works thanks again man muchly appreciate all the help ---------- Post added at 06:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:16 PM ---------- Well to be correct i tested with just myself and it was working, i finally got some guys on the server to test and what seems to happen, is that the marker will show up for everone and not go away, except for off my map, so it seems like its being done server wide
  9. Woodstock21

    Delete marker script.

    with the initPlayerLocal.sqf just put that code into that save the file and leave it onthe root i don`t need to call it from anywhere
  10. Woodstock21

    Delete marker script.

    Wow i cannot belive i missed that, im a idiot thanks a lot for the help on that one JShock you are the man dude. Much thanks and praise
  11. Woodstock21

    Delete marker script.

    Alright so i was finally able to test out the script and it kinda worked, couple issues i came across was the marker still didn't delete after the 10 seconds and upon respawn the addaction to call the script was no longer in my scroll wheel
  12. Woodstock21

    Delete marker script.

    Awesome thank you very much i guess i missed the setMarkerAlphaLocal.
  13. Woodstock21

    Delete marker script.

    Well the scripts will be part of the mission which is of course hosted on the server, um sure in a couple days i will have it tested
  14. Woodstock21

    Delete marker script.

    Yes i would like it so that only i can see the marker that gets placed on the map, Just so that it doesn't ruin it for everyone. . So just changing createmarker to createMarkerLocal would only create the marker on my map correct Also thanks for the help and quick response. i shall try it out later on
  15. Woodstock21

    Task Force Arrowhead Radio

    Yes for some reason the copy and paste is adding in spaces when i posted here i didn't notice them until after i posted this. Now that i have a little bit of time, im going to start excluded mods and see where it breaks. If anyone else has ides in the mean time please let me know, I shall keep you guys posted. and thanks for the help thus far. The main thing that concerns me is at the end of the RPT file about the netserver Destroy lines, i don't really understand what is happening there. at all UPDATE Just finished messing with the command line and the mods and i've gotten it to work mods needed to be loaded in a certain way i guess had to have the RHS and requirements loaded first before leights_opfor to get loaded. Just thought i'd update it incause others run into a similar issue. -mod=@cba_a3;@task_force_radio;@allinarmaterrainpack;@alive;@cse;@rhs_usf3;@rhs_afrf3;@rhs_afrusaf;@hlcmods_ak;@hlc_ar15;@asdg_jm;@hlcmods_m14;@hlcmods_core;@ASDG_JR;@leights_opfor;
  16. Woodstock21

    Task Force Arrowhead Radio

    Ya for some reason its just the formatting here, on the command line on the server there isn't a space. to Nfar ya i have tried with just CBA and TFAR as well as CBA TFAR and All in arma and it worked fine, I guess i will start the lengthly process of doing one at a time and see what happens
  17. Woodstock21

    Task Force Arrowhead Radio

    Ok so My friends and I are currently renting a server from Game Servers and are running some mods on it and when ever we try to launch the server with our mod set and task force the server just doesn't want to load. It will get us to the background but we are unable to to type in "#login or '#missions" but this only seems to happen when we have task force running as a mod, once task force is not in the mod set for the config the server runs fine. I have removed parts of the RPT but tried to put in as much info as i could. Any help in this matter would be great its the last thing we want to work, and im bashing my head off the wall, cause task force works with just all in arma and a vanilla map. But with all the mods i can host a game just fine on my machine, but soon as its on our dedicated server it doesn't Server RPT file Server command Line
  18. Woodstock21

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    Hello there, So i have looked through the forums for a answer but all the fixes i found did not work. So the issues is that we have a dedicated server box and we place the keys that came with the updated ones, the ones that are "WarFXPE.bikey" is what is on the server in the "Keys" folder on the arma3 root. and the "WarFXPE.pbo.WarFXPE.bisign" keys are what we the clients have in the addons folder. The Server doesn't actually have the addon on it, just the key in the folder. And when the anyone tried to join the server with the mod we always get the error of the Mod is not signed. In the first one we did try to rename the bisign key cause that was a issue but it still didn't work. Does the Server have to have the MOD installed and running as well? Please any help on this matter would be greatly appreicated. Edit: we Have CBA, JSRS, and lsdnightvision Mods all running just fine, with only the Keys on the server, Rest being client side. Edit 2: Saw post about the test build gonna give it a shot (will update)
  19. Hey Delta first off just wanna say amazing work on this mod, very excited to see its release. Since i'am bored at work, i was doing some digging into the radio questions found http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SINCGARS not sure if you seen that or not, maybe it will help, i will continue to look for more information about the radios and see what i can come up with . Cheers and best of luck with the mod " the VRC-12 and PRC-77 family served as the primary US Army radios from 1965 until about 1992 – some 27 years. SINCGARS took over that role starting 1990 and is still going strong at 20 years with no replacement in sight." - http://xbradtc.com/2010/12/30/p-p-f-tactical-radios-pt-9/
  20. Not sure if this will help or not but in the Description.ext file there is class GVAR(delete_mt_vehicles_after_time) { title = "Delete MT empty AI vehicles after:"; values[] = {0,5,10,15,20,25,30,40,60}; default = 5; texts[] = {"Never","5 minutes","10 minutes","15 minutes","20 minutes","25 minutes","30 minutes","40 minutes","60 minutes"}; }; Try changing Default = 5; to Default = 0:
  21. Just another quick question here, I've made a move over to Lingor does anyone know the class names for the op4 units with the lingor units so i can add them into the I_server.sqf area. and for some reason the Sidemissions, aren't working, i readded the side mission markers, sm_1 exc.. and no marker shows up on the map and nothing spawns on the sidemission. was there something else i should of done like just move the sidemission markers around instead of deleting them and recreating them? Never mind got that all figured out now
  22. Oh so thats what the IFAK is for, i saw that i had no idea what it ment or referenced to thanks guys
  23. So i've tried and failed many times with getting custom textures for vehicles to work on a respawn, so i figured i would just create a trigger that created the user the ability to change the texture of the vehicle on their own thru addaction trigger and scripts, the problem that i have is that when a player on the server chooses the texture they want, they are able to see it but no one else on the server is able to see the texture at all. Any help with either getting the below script to work on a dedicated server would be great, or an actual script that respawns the vehicle with the custom texture would be great. The script i use is a modified version of the multi load-out script that was created by Oliver. Also i want it to be able to apply multipule different textures, the follow script is just an example of the addaction and following script to apply the texture. Addaction script, Trigger execVM the script (hope that makes sense) private ["_loader"]; _loader = _this select 0; truckzid1 = _loader addAction [("<t color=""#FF0000"">" + "Urban Camo Paint Job" + "</t>"),"scripts\paint.sqf",1]; truckzid2 = _loader addAction [("<t color=""#FF0000"">" + "Flat Black Paint Job" + "</t>"),"scripts\paint.sqf",2]; Script to apply custom texture // Urban Paint If (_loadouttype == 1) then { _truk vehicleChat format ["Applying Urban Paint %1... Please Wait...", _truk_type]; sleep 3; _truk setObjectTexture [0,"pics\urban.paa"]; _truk vehicleChat format ["Painting is Complete %1..", _truk_type]; hint "Urban Paint is applied"; }; // Black Paint If (_loadouttype == 2) then { _truk vehicleChat format ["Applying Flat Black Paint %1... Please Wait...", _truk_type]; sleep 3; _truk setObjectTexture [0,"pics\black.paa"]; _truk vehicleChat format ["Painting is Complete %1..", _truk_type]; hint "Flat Black Paint is applied"; }; _truk removeaction truckzid1; _truk removeaction truckzid2; And yes i have seen other posts about this but im not a full scripter and most of the replies i don't really understand what to do with them. I've even tried modding the Simple Vehicle Respawn Script v1.7 by Tophe and added in _unit = _type createVehicle _pos_s; if (surfaceIsWater _pos_s) then {_pos_s set [2, 15.9]}; _unit setPosASL _pos_s; _unit setDir _dir_s; _unit setObjectTexture [0,"pics\black.paa"]; Issue with that is any vehicle that is respawned will come back with the black.paa texture, and even if i create multipule scripts and name them all different for each of the different textures i want the server will not follow which script the car references and just goes by which script was used first. So please any help from some of you guys would be great, but please don't just say "oh i think setVariable and getVariable will help you" cause i saw that post and i have no idea what or where to put them, LOL i hope that doens't come off as rude its not ment to be im just not a scripter and have really no idea about the commands ect. i can look at the codes and by trial and error most times figure out how to make it do what i want it to do, but in this case im truly at a loss and at my wits end. Thanks in advance. So with a little more digging thru super old threads i found the answer for this issue for myself, in my orginal script i just had to make a couple changes _truck setVehicleInit "this setObjectTexture [0,""Texture.paa""];"; processInitCommands;[/Code]
  24. Hello there im not sure if this is a ace question or a domination question, but with ACE domi version you know under your main gear section there is that spot where you can add in Morphine, Bandages, and Epi's, and typically you can only have 2 of each in that section, before having to add more into the backpack or the pistol ammo section, i have seen on other server's where they allowed 10 morphines, 10 bandages, and 10 epi's. Can someone tell me how i can make my mission carry more then 2 of the firstaid stuff without having to pack it into backpacks?
  25. Ok so i've done a good amount of searching thru the threads and i was unable to locate the info im looking for so heres the issue. I have a AI setup to be in a car, have teh car set to a trigger to move to a location on the map once blufor is present, once the car is at the location i want the AI to exit the car and and move to another location on foot. which i cannot seem to get to work, everything works just fine except the AI will not move after unloading from the car. what am i missing?