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Skyline On Fire

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Everything posted by Skyline On Fire

  1. Skyline On Fire

    Skins, uniforms, etc.

    Holy old thread batman
  2. Skyline On Fire


    what would be gained from deleting these?
  3. Skyline On Fire

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    They arent just any old 360's.... See the white block where the hard drive should be.... These are developer kits. They arent available to just buy. They are given to developers who are looking to develop on the xbox 360. Not run of the mill 360's at all. This is a big deal.
  4. Skyline On Fire

    Official ArmA 2 Xfire Community

    What's wrong with trying? At least he's trying to get a community built up rather than just posting negatively on a game forum...
  5. Skyline On Fire

    Some Arma 2 Questions

    ARMA2 Demo Links - http://www.arma2.com/arma-2-demo_en.html Your PC will run it fine. Download that and judge wether you want it or not yourself, we cant tell you. I personally have no glitches or bugs, its ran perfectly since day 1, finished campaign with no issues too.
  6. Skyline On Fire

    what is this game ?

    Erm... Did you even read my post? Its his constant trolling, why post wait for OpF everywhere etc... Exactly. Pure trolling. I dont understand why people who obviously arent cut out for ARMA style gaming stay here. Like Hotel. If he wants BF/OpF:DR games, go to their forums. I have no hate for those games i play CoD4 more than any other game (flame away). I just dont see why he is here putting people off ARMA, its trolling simple as that.
  7. Skyline On Fire

    Probably get flamed to death for this

    I just dont get it. Why ask? There is a demo. Download it, tweak the settings until you get optimal performance, decide wether your happy with it or not, purchase game if happy.
  8. Skyline On Fire

    what is this game ?

    For a start Im not a fanboy in the slightest. Secondly, why are you even here if your, as you said yourself "waiting for DR. Do you not own a copy of ARMA2? If not, and you aren't intending to purchase, why are you here? To cause trouble and troll? If you do own a copy, why are you here? You obviously dont like the gameplay as your "wating for DR" as you said yourself. Ive noted older posts from you also, nothing but negativity towards ARMA. So why are you still here if you obviously dont like the game, just go to the DR forums, you will fit right in im sure. PEACE OUT.
  9. Skyline On Fire

    what is this game ?

    I'd love to know their motive behind including the base building RTS style play in ARMA2, was it really needed? Was there a demand?
  10. Skyline On Fire

    what is this game ?

    Wait for a BF Bad Company clone, well... You were never cut out for ARMA/Real OpF games in the first place it seems. Bye
  11. Skyline On Fire

    Will it ever be fixed?

    Open question, so anyone
  12. Skyline On Fire

    My new youtube page for ArmA 2

    Hope to see some good quality stuff, RichieSpeedIsBack has been a bit short of ARMA uploads recently unfortunately. One thing I'l mention is can you change your background, it doesn't fit correctly, its compressed, the colour's interfere with the text colour, which is essentially unreadable if you don't highlight it first. Just clean it up a little, go for classy minimalism rather than OTT background's etc... As people are just there for the video's, so make it as easy to access them as possible.
  13. Skyline On Fire

    Will it ever be fixed?

    What i dont understand about this game, is how i am playing the game perfectly, with a great FPS, zero glitches, zero framerate drops, ive not crashed once, its perfect. But someone with an identical, and i mean identical PC to me, will get the worst gaming experience of their lives on it with the constant issues. I dont understand how this works. Was it like this for ARMA1?
  14. Skyline On Fire

    ARMA 2 operation Arrowhead Website

    Bad grammar, but there's no need for several pages of posts debating it! Anyway, as for what you mentioned. It wont happen with Arrowhead sorry. Its not a true sequel, its more like an expansion pack, so no absolutely revolutionary game changes, i.e breach and clear, CQC to that depth etc... Hopefully ARMA3 will provide something like that. Its a beautiful game when battles are at 50 meters or over, but when it gets too close the game's shortcomings are revealed. Still, Im far more into the longer range engagements so Im happy with it how it is.
  15. Skyline On Fire

    AI Bug or feature - no man left behind.

    Oh was it the scenario called "no man left behind" a user made scenario where you have to evac a downed chopper team back to the base, crossing a few miles of terrain while under fire constantly? As if it was that, i had the exact same issue. No regroup orders would work, they were barely paying any attention to me. I was about a click south constantly trying to get them to me, no response. In the end i put a move order all the way on the base we were supposed to be getting to, 3 miles south and decided if any of them manage to run there without dying, that'l do, and i went solo. Eventually one made it back alongside me, the marksman. I still dont know why they would accept move orders but not regroup orders.
  16. I played the heck out of the OPF games but never made the move to ARMA until ARMA2 and i got a good PC for it. Should i pick up a copy of the original? Will i be disappointed?
  17. Skyline On Fire

    I love ARMA2, should i pick up ARMA1?

    Honestly i just like playing scenarios/campaign, singleplayer stuff rather than online with ARMA style games. Im already getting OPFDR for console and PC, i dont think its going to come close to ARMA but the campaign is COOP 4 player, so its something i can do over Xbox live. Il pick the original arma up anyway, just to see what its like. Thanks guys
  18. Skyline On Fire

    I love ARMA2, should i pick up ARMA1?

    Cant you just run it in windows XP compatability mode?
  19. Skyline On Fire

    I love ARMA2, should i pick up ARMA1?

    I think il pick it up, just to complete my BI game collection, its the only one i havent got. ARMA and its expansions that is. Thanks guys.
  20. Skyline On Fire

    I love ARMA2, should i pick up ARMA1?

    It can be found so cheap these days i think il get it just to add to my collection if anything. Thanks guys.
  21. Skyline On Fire

    I love ARMA2, should i pick up ARMA1?

    Yeah i heard a lot of people say they prefer the feel of ARMA1. Are the visuals significantly better than OPF CWC?
  22. Skyline On Fire

    Sales detail?

    I dont suppose anyone has any info on how many copies of ARMA2 have been shipped/sold do they? I was pretty surprised when i went to GAME and found a few copies, and quite a large display for ARMA2. It also seems to have a lot of user written reviews on play/game websites etc... So im thinking it sold a lot more than i initially thought.
  23. Skyline On Fire

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    That guys a complete jerk though, did you see his "give me the press disc" topic? The ego... At least he doesnt spend his life slating ARMA like Viiper etc though. That uprising wont last long, im sure viper and shaz will be there to close and hide the topic. I mean... Lets not let anyone see what its like until they spend their 40 pounds/60 dollars/50 euros or what have you on it.
  24. Skyline On Fire

    Mini Campaign coming...

    Thats a valid post and i dont think i'd of noticed it otherwise, still getting to grips with the stock game. Thanks for letting me know, il bookmark them for when its released. I assume it'l be on armaholic when its done?
  25. Skyline On Fire

    Do I want this game?

    I had the same issue downloading the demo from gamespot i think it was. If you have steam, download it through there, mine worked first time. If you dont have steam, get it, its free, and do that. Worked for me.