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About Onine

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  1. Well i guess that answers my question. QQ It was made that way. Pitty , This is alovely bird but reamins broken due to that one niggle.
  2. Um that sounds like a load just look at gdtmod_helicopter_weapons Ive used it to fly and man the gunner sights in the AH1z and others Besides ive had the Ka50 in ofpr and been able to use the gun sights and move the gun pos while the heli is static Thats what AUTO HOVER is 4
  3. Whats up with the main chain gun being fixed static ? Was that made that way or am i doing somthing wrong ? I can get the gun sights up but it wont move at all !
  4. Ive found using the * key on the numpad can help isolate the mouse imput to just the weapon also stops the helo from spinnin about to some degree (4 thos that messed with the control config the * key is free look mode )
  5. This mod works fine altho i have to use the 0 on the numpad Key to shift to gunner seat and back My only prob is this works for stock choppers and totally mucks up addons that use the same ammo like the Ka 50 or Mi 28