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Posts posted by old_painless

  1. Would it be possible to configure, say, 1 blood pool per unit hit by an explosive charge - I suspect that would not be too taxing on performance ?


    Otherwise, when inspecting a ground zero from artillery shelling there would now be no blood splatter (except for BI's) but the aftermath from a simple gunfight would have plenty. I would really like for the artillery to have that kind of impact. Also when gunning against infantry in a Hunter I would expect the carnage to be more visible than from small arms fire.


    I hope you can come up with some solution in the future. Thanks for a great mod regardless :)



  2. Nice video froggyluv, especially the zombie headshots :)


    To be absolutely honest, I never was a big fan of SLX (or was it GL?) gibs in A2. Some unit gets hit by a hand grenade, and he turns into 4-5 pieces of charcoal. Not a very realistic transition from a greenly dressed uniformed soldier to that pile, plus the textures were crude. I hope zooloo can do better in A3. This is already good!

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  3. The current release (v1.01) is limited to 500 splatters at any given time. Once that limit is reached, old splatters are replaced by new ones. Other than that, blood splatters remain indefinitely until they are replaced by the system.

    Alright, a follow-up question that I just thought of: Will a wounded person give off several of your blood splatters as he walks, or does it only apply to the initial wounding shot he receives ? So is subsequent bleed standard or still the mods blood ?

  4. Interestingly enough, this is something KetsuCorp, BadBenson, and I have discussed as a future feature, including throwing gibs (chunks of flesh, and body parts) around from explosions.

    Oh yes! This is already brilliant - so anything even better will be so great.


    One thing about the blood vanishing: if I wound some OPFOR will I be able to trace him using the blood marks ? Or does the blood disappear too fast for that (I am thinking in terms of SP missions)



  5. Honestly I love the new lighting, i just wish it would have better shadows, And for all of those who say the new lighting looks "washed out" and such, either 1. Never looked at stratis with the new lighting, 2. Didnt look at the pic from BI comparing it to RL Limnos. So i will just post this here

    Photo @Bohemia Interactive



    Who would have known - the midrange textures in real life are crap as well :)

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  6. Nice study. I actually did my own mini-menu inspired by WindWalking's (sp?) mod menu. It has just two commands so I can invoke an extremely simple menu. I put the disableAI stuff into menu item "Break contact" and re-enabling the AI brain was "Be Alert". Then having called "Break contact" I would then issue move orders to obtain a retreat setting.


    I also found that wounded soldiers can hinder an effective move command, I guess because they maintain their internal order in the team even if one unit is wounded. To remedy that, I guess a reordering of the team could work, say a team red with all non-wounded troops, and team blue with wounded ones. That might do the trick to make the non-wounded ones move when told to do so :) 

  7. Just a crazy thing that I once was affected by - you do run on the power cable, right, not battery? I have a gaming laptop for the road, but it is only useable when plugged in. Also, do you by any chance have a SLI laptop with two GPUs combined - then the driver may disable SLI as part of driver upgrade, happened to me at least.


    As for things to turn down, visual distance is no. 1 to slide downwards. Is it set at the distance that you used to have when getting ok fps ?



  8. Wow - really nice feature, excellent ! :)


    If you really want to spitshine this feature, make sure "stop suppressing" is available (not mentioned above) and that some low-ammo usage mode is available as well. Like "suppress on full auto" vs. bursts with a few seconds between. From a mod which had suppression, I remember that the AI could go through their ammo rather quick .

  9. That's a poor excuse from them to say the least and I also suspect it's not the real answer.  I'm not finished with this...

    Unless you write for PC Gamer or something with similar clout you will end up disappointed, sorry to say. It is a conondrum indeed, and in the initial report on the development there was also mention of how even the development team at BI was very divided with the decision to redo fatigue/stamina. So somebody pulled rank at BI and we got this.


    The truly sad part is how much developer time it took away from fixing really important game flaws, but that is water under the bridge now, cf. the thread in development branch.



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  10. Hi mad_cheese, this is an awesome piece of work that I tried out yesterday. I did run into some real beginners stuff so a few questions below :)


    For the tablet: Should it be possible to assign a unit to team Red from the tablet, or should they be in color-coded teams already before entering the tablet interface? I struggled a bit with the green vs. yellow font colour, so as a suggestion perhaps make it more visually apparent who is selected.


    Another thing, I read the manual but couldn't quite figure out how to make the tablet interface be map-only; I saw from a video that you could hide the controls ?



