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Posts posted by old_painless

  1. Old_Painless: the answer to your question is in the thread, but you'll have to read back to where it is linked from the first page.

    Hi Protegimus, thanks. I went and downloaded the Test version from the link you refer to, as well as the "normal" download from Armaholic. The files are identical.

    Does that mean that the improvements wrt. CQB is in "production" ? Would love to try them out ...



  2. Dale, I am working on the first mission in Outmanned-outgunned. I got the documents and then got the next assignment (UAV). In my latest save, I am overlooking the village pertaining to that next assignment from a hill with my three units.

    That place is crawling! I first tried to go in blazing, but failed of course, as I should. I am now considering sending in my team, and then stay on the hill myself and snipe as many bandits as I can. I should be able to take out 10-20 people to help my crew.

    You think that could work? Or is there something that I should have taken with me from our insertion point to loosen up the resistance?



  3. Rock and Hailstorm - you two should seriously consult for BIS!

    I used to fly Falcon4. From my brief encounter with Arma2 airplanes, there is room for improvements. Not that the fidelity of Falcon4 is required, but just to fix the obvious things.

    Keep up the good debate, gents - hopefully BIS will pick up some pointers from you.


  4. OK, I CTDed:

    I had tried different settings for PostProcess in the bootcamp area, from Normal to the lowest setting (before disabled). I was in the classic Arma2 boot camp, just having picked up the M16A4 and talking to Miles about whether I should try out the shooting range etc. Then it CTDed. The rpt-file contains this:


    == E:\Spil\Arma2\Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe

    == "E:\Spil\Arma2\Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe" -mod=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -nosplash


    Exe timestamp: 2010/08/25 23:55:55

    Current time: 2010/08/25 23:57:56

    Version 1.52.72863

    Item str_disp_server_control listed twice

    Item str_disp_left listed twice

    Updating base class ->RscText, by ca\ui\config.bin/RscSplashText/

    Warning: looped for animation: ca\wheeled\data\anim\uaz_cargo01_v0.rtm differs (looped now 0)! MoveName: kia_uaz_cargo02

    Warning: looped for animation: ca\wheeled\data\anim\uaz_cargo01_v0.rtm differs (looped now 1)! MoveName: uaz_cargo02

    Duplicate weapon ItemMap detected for FR_Cooper

    Duplicate weapon ItemWatch detected for FR_Cooper

    Duplicate weapon ItemRadio detected for FR_Cooper

    Duplicate weapon ItemRadio detected for FR_Miles

    Duplicate weapon ItemRadio detected for FR_Sykes

    Duplicate weapon ItemRadio detected for FR_Commander

    Duplicate weapon ItemRadio detected for FR_OHara



    Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 00940FA7

  5. It is stored to player profile and you can change launch order easily for all mods/expansions.

    As for "stored to player profile ": I agree - from inspection of the .ArmA2OAProfile file - that that is the case.

    Now if I change player profile in-game to, say, MODUSER2, will the mod-set change on-the-fly to whatever is saved for MODUSER2? That would be very useful and would remove the need for having several shortcuts for starting OA.



    Edit: No, it does not. I had two player profiles:

    MODUSER1: CBA,ZEUS,Podagorsk,RHM4

    MODUSER2: Podagorsk

    I tried entering the game as MODUSER2, and confirms that the set of expansions are just Podagorsk. I then change to MODUSER1 and checks Expansions. No change whatsoever in the GUI, still only Podagorsk selected.

    I then leave Combined Operations, having selected MODUSER1 as my last Player Profile before Exit. Upon reentry, the expansion set is now MODUSER1's.

    So seems modswitching on-the-fly is not working, too bad.

  6. OK, thanks. Not much of a feature then, unless they change it to be player profile dependent. Ie. each player has his own mod-set, similar to shortcuts.

    By the way, I had no problem specifying the order of mods in the GUI, just use the Up/down thingy. I had to load CBA before Zeus and I got that to work using this feature.

  7. Hi,

    I tried out the new Expansions tab in the game GUI to see if it could replace my various shortcuts. I have shortcuts that each load some combination of mods, and I was wondering if using player profiles could do the same.

    I set up a player and set up expansions. After a restart, by inspection the player's arma2profile file contains the name of the expansions. So far, so good.

    I then set up another player, thinking that the players profile decides which addons to load. But no, all the profiles load the same set of expansions. So it seems you cannot select another player profile in-game and thus change what expansions are active.

    Has anyone found the new expansions feature useful, if you regularly change the set of addons you play with?



  8. Regarding the files that are needed for non-ACE use, here is what I did which seems to work:

    Delete the two files (rh_m4_ace_cfg.pbo, rh_m4_ace_cfg.pbo.RHI.bisign) from the "addons" folder. Then copy the two files from the "normal" folder up to the "addons" folder.

    This leaves the "addons" folder to contain the following files, besides the "normal" subfolder:

    RH M4M16 1.03 Rearmed.txt







  9. Hm, weird about the "intro" or whatever the "Skip" command made go away. I am patched to 1.52, if it can make any difference, running Combined Operations with no mods.

    Nice tip about the vehicle, Kommiekat, I might try that once I give up on sneaking! Gonna try a sniper first - didn't one of the team members have a sniper rifle?


  10. Hi Dale, thanks for sharing the mission - just gave it a quick run. Hasn't made it through the first mission yet, but I'll let you know what I think. So far it's hard by yourself to retrieve the documents. I tried bringing my guys along for the firepower, but they were killed once the reinforcements arrived. I'll keep at it, though. Nice sneaky, hard mission.

    At first I didn't quite get the intro; one guy overlooking a village and did not respond to anything. I re-downloaded the mission, thinking I had a bad file. I then found out more or less by accident that I had to use Skip and then I was in the middle of the first mission. It confused me a bit, that he just stood there. No big deal, though.

