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Posts posted by old_painless

  1. Hm, I get my a$$ handed to me every time, apparently I stink :-) A few hints please, for the first mission in the SP campaign:

    Do you go around or directly towards the compound?

    Do you divide the rather large group into colored fireteams?

    Do you hold the team back and scout yourself, before calling them to formation ?

    Any hints will approve my abilities, I am sure, so please share your thoughts and tactics



  2. These changes to the damage of prone OPFOR - are you saying that

    1) we will now inflict damage to soldiers even if we do not hit them precisely?

    2) Or are you saying that it is easier to hit them now due to larger hitbox?

    3) Or that we still need to hit them precisely, but that they will now take more damage?

    If it's 3) I can't see the problem really, seems more realistic. 1 or 2 would be more troublesome


  3. Yeah, that's what I was guessing. However, it seemed Bardosy had fixed the count logic of non-combatants in other missions, perhaps he left this one out

    Ok, something happened now. I saved the mission in the state where the only live enemies had surrendered and as I stated above that did not trigger that we had cleared the area. I then resumed the game, loaded up that save, and immediately once I am in the game the trigger tells us that we have cleared the area (and are to proceed to the next area).

    It was as if that counting thingy had to reinitialize or whatever happens upon mission start with a saved game. Anyway, I am past this mission now, further into this great campaign :)

  4. In that mission "Step Left" I implemented MONSADA's patrol script. This script caused mass surrender - probably at the end of my missions, because all enemy units are in this script and when the 95% of them is killed, they drop the weapon. In a few missions this is a great and realistic feature, but not in all, so sometimes I remove it. But I'm always aware for this, because in the first mission I found that bug - what you mentioned - because my trigger was "enemy not present" and, of course it never triggered if surrendered units are in the area. So I changed it for a little complicated trigger what count the live and not captive enemy units in the area... And it works.

    Probably I forgot this in the Step Left mission, but I'm not sure. I'll check it soon.

    Hi Bardosy, has started this campaign and its very enjoyable, thanks for making it.

    I am in the Seize the Airport mission, clearing out lower Taka (Jaka?). I can only find one enemy left but he has dropped his weapon and stands with his hands over his head. I have tried the action menu but I can only talk to him, not bring him along or something similar. Would I have to take him out to set off the trigger that the area is cleared?


  5. Superb work, dude! I've been trying to understand how the various formations work, and this is the best I've seen! Even me, at 79yrs old can understand it! I'm still having a problem with getting the different Menus put up, though. Which button brings up which Menu, etc. The game KB Card doesn't help much in that. Thoughts?

    This thread might help?


    And just to make sure - this post is the real gem: http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1616808&postcount=25


  6. Yes, Steam has a history of being delayed with a new patch, compared to when it is available. No major annoyance, I guess, but still another degree of freedom taken away from you.

    Steam can work quite well if you don't mind the client that has to manage your games and run in the background. My kids play Team Fortress 2 and that is very well integrated with Steam, providing them with easy to manage multiplayer.

    I just think that Steam is not suited or even necessary for all types of games. Sim types of games and/or mod-heavy games come to mind

  7. Not irrational, I would say, if making sure that ALL your machines ressources are dedicated towards getting you as much fps as possible. Sim people are like that. And unwanted programs running in the background is working against that goal.

    And since you can buy-and-download from other sources that do not run a hungry client on your machine, the choice is a no-brainer

  8. Really nice effort here, BIS!

    I tried to recruit my son and a friend of his the other day, with a small mission I put together. After 5 minutes of playing they asked how they could play against each other. So it's really good to hear that the MP part is getting some attention. That really has to "simply work" to live up to the CoD crowd expectations.

