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Posts posted by old_painless

  1. Put simply, Nord proposes a framework where you can have different high quality mid-range textures for different kind of terrain (such as airbase tarmac vs. hilly terrain). He calls it a "logic map".

    Bad Benson created one mid-range texture to suit the current framework which looks absolutely outstanding for open terrain. Problem is that it will not do any good for the airbase, the Agia Marina urban area etc.

  2. Went through the recorded livestream. For anyone interested in the mission editing aspect, they showed how to set up a task, assign it to the player and have a trigger monitor whether or not the task has been completed.

    He also made a few interesting remarks about how to use certain waypoint types for reinforcements, but unfortunately never came around to much detail.

    Zipper5 is a master of mission editing, just to watch him work and explain was great. At some time, it would be great to simply have him host a half-hour of "here is how I set up a semi-complicated mission".

    Thanks for a few good laughs too :)

  3. StrongHarm, excellent mission. Although I must say that my piloting skills are lacking somewhat, when compared to your video in the first post. Just out of curiousity, how do you make the helicopter "circlestrafe" like that at 6:20? Is there any quick tip you could share ?



  4. I would say that this is one of the areas where I immediately noticed improvements in A3 as opposed to A2; use of bearing calls rather than o'clock calls.

    However, and this may be the "fog of war" going on, if we are all heading north, someone behind me calling out "contact at 100 m east", his east is then my south-east.

    And I'll vote for that ticket you guys just came up with :)


  5. IMHO, we only need one branch ... DEV. As this is an alpha EVERYONE should be testing the DEV version. No excuse not to. In fact using the 'stable' branch is actually hurting development.

    I do think there is too much hot air in the 'development blog & reveals'.

    Testwise, for particular features you have a very valid point.

    The stable one primarily helps BI hone their skills in setting up a stable build, something that you need to exercise often to keep your bearings on what the development trunk may contain. Imagine if they did not, and the first time they had to generate a stable version was at release. Or when setting up the version to be shown at E3. Don't wanna gamble with those versions.

    And we are provided the opportunity to give feedback on what that special build process generates. Important input for BI, just as the input they get on the development version.

  6. Are they aiming for something like that (except for the gore thing)?

    AMAZING. Period. The shot at 1:23 - it is not so much the realistic wounding effect, but the fact that the guy getting shot fires his gun in the air out of pure stress. The whole package is so cool - the wounding, the immediate reaction and the pure pain displayed by the poor trooper.

  7. Still...it is just plain silly to have different types of shadows on higher settings, I'd say that if this isn't fixed by beta then there should definately be some vocality, currently there are other things to be concerned with.

    If I understand what DaRkL3AD3R is going at here, it is not so much the inconsequential choice of shadow methodology (a silly issue), as it is an issue which could be costing us CPU cycles

  8. I had the same issues, but saw a resolved ticket on the feedback tracker on this problem.

    Solution was to remove any binding in the 'Collective lower (analogue)'. Then map both + and - of your throttle/slider to 'Collective raise (analogue)'

    Try it. It worked for me I know have full control over 100% of the slider when landing.(I use Thrustmaster T-Flight X controller).

    Ok, it worked for me too, thanks. On the ground, the throttle fully at one end means no lift, while any other position for the throttle means some level of lift generated. Airborne, I need to check the lift-meter regularly as the pitch also factors in.

  9. Nice summary, Coulum. Hopefully, there are trackers for these issues. On the positive side, it seems that BI has actually touched the AI routines in A3, in stead of not having the guts to do so. There were many stories on how the AI was best left untouched, since the complexity would be too large.

    So now it's a matter of providing enough feedback - I would speculate that the AI work intensifies as we go into beta.


  10. Sproyd, I have read a lot of guides and seen a lot of video tutorials. But your guide is in the top tier, even if you only cover the basics. The walkthrough style and your non-trivial examples (not many guides cover what rank in groups mean and how it translates to consequences in-game - they probably have never investigated it) are what make your guide excellent.

    Please write on and retain the amount and depth of examples and screenshots for the next sections :)

    Oh, and your screenshot size is well chosen, some use too large screenies to read easily.


  11. It depends on whether they think the wall is penetrable by their rounds. If they do think that - then I should say the AI is acting well.

    It might very well be that the Arma3 objects are not configured properly regarding penetration properties, could make sense.

    But the video by Telkwa above is still highly disturbing: The AI puts down rounds based on Line-of-sight as if the house wasn't there. Perhaps the house isn't, in the eyes of the AI. Could again be a object property ...

  12. That would be a very good idea. Like, you can have the dinner table in one of three positions, along with the chairs. Then, when placing down furniture, it is randomly chosen which of the three places. That way it won't look like all of Stratis use the same decorator.

    And the pathfinding for a particular house will know which of the three places the table went.

  13. Very good input, WCG, thanks for writing that up.

    I too enjoyed the "Skirmish at Marina Bay" mission both in coop and SP. And even more when I edited the mission to have helicopters that have weapons, suddenly you could have one man in the air providing CAS for you on the ground. Pretty intense being down there, when the hellfires pour down, heh.

    Of course not the balance that the mission maker was after, but another kind of fun for me :)


  14. I had a mission that I ran in the editor with me and a copilot spawning in an MH9 on the Stratis airfield. I had placed some opfor on the other side of the island for target practice.

    The moment we spawned on the ground, my copilot immediately called out threats/targets, that were the distant-behind-hills opfor. Must be related to this bug. Definitely voted up!

