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Posts posted by old_painless

  1. Hi Silentace07, do you have any plans to revisit this mission. I have tried it out a couple of times in SP (daytime version) and it is a very good mission, although I haven't been able to finish it yet :(

    During play, a lot of error messages occur on screen, probably after a recent change. Seriously wounded, I called for chopper extraction and it came, but then suddenly vanished into thin air. This was while there were some error messages appearing. One more thing, since I play in SP I really need the ability to heal myself, is that taken out somehow ?

    I hope you would consider these things, thanks for a great mission (I enjoyed the Agia Marina one as well)



  2. StrongHarm shows in his video how attack runs are done and if this is no longer possible, then heli use has suffered a serious blow. So what are y'all saying - you can do the funnel maneuver with the new flight models and new controls (they borked some of the controls temporarily, it seems) ?

  3. matches what I have seen. I sniped against an infantry group from about 500m. The only unit who tried to engage me was the AT soldier who used his launcher and took out my spotter. The others looked and aimed but did not fire. likely that they knew that their reach was not long enough.

  4. The AI facing the player doesn't see him if it's very foggy or very dark but if you alert the AI (ie: shoot randomly to the air) the AI will accurately hit the player even though there is a mass of fog infront of the player.

    I set the fog to highest value and place an enemy infront facing me at a distance of 100m. I stay there for a while and the AI doesn't see me. But if I randomly shoot the air, the AI will kill me with a few shots.

    I just ran a test of that, with the two of us on the runway. I can not confirm this in build 107978, using Regular as in-game difficulty. Edit: Elite difficulty makes no difference to what I experience.

    No fog, he starts firing immediately and takes me out. Fog at 100 (max), he doesn't start shooting. If I fire shots into the air, he still does not shoot.

  5. Absolutely, MP will be highly difficult to repro at all. Only SP lends itself well to repro'ing. I plan to do some "missions" in the editor that display how the AI has trouble using vehicles, convoys, pathfinding in a vehicle etc.

    I did not mean that BI will not believe what we saw if there is no repro :) Only that what they can immediately look into are reproducable issues, and then of course they will get priority

  6. It really seems like there is a window of opportunity now with the Dev's assigning ressources towards improving AI. If we test out stuff in the editor, save the pbo and attach it to a tracker item. Bingo, instant repro.

    I posted above that yesterday there were about 260 "AI Issues" tracker items, I browsed about 50 of them, only 5 had repros.

    If there isn't a repro, it didn't happen - it's that harsh

  7. and if you want speed things up, know or get some new good AI bug tickets on tracker,

    then you may always hit me (pm,skype,irc,email w/e you find) ...

    i will look on that, assign to QA ... link together more AI tickets if needed ... discuss with rest of team

    it's not like we blind, deaf and ignore You :p

    Dwarden, I have not entered any items on AI myself, but if you go to http://feedback.arma3.com/view_all_bug_page.php and filter by Category="AI Issues", then a couple of hundred items show up. As for pathfinding, one example is http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=11197

  8. bumping

    I don't have a fast internet connection and another 6gb download will take ages. Does a dev know the answer? Also why was this never communicated in the manual or anywhere else - it just says if you want to switch between the two versions etc but never said anything about having to download the whole thing again.

    This thread might help: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?149411-How-to-change-between-stable-Arma-3-Alpha-versions-amp-release-candidates-STEAM-client

  9. Now, I have not played any über-complex scenarios recently, but the tests I have run using the editor shows some nice AI behaviour. Since it has been said that the AI improves with the MIPS on the system, I wondered if it could be because I have a decent CPU and perhaps not all reports on AI stem from powerful machines?

    For instance, I trained some sniping with the new classes, so placed an OPFOR infantry group about 800m away and started taking them down. They all went prone when my first round hit the ground next to one of them, and the only one to take a shot at me was the AT soldier, who is the only man in the group who has any weapon+optics to deal some damage at the distance I was at. And once I took down the squad leader, they scattered - until then they had been staying together as a group all prone.

    This is by no means a conclusive example, but I would say that I experience not-so-bad AI performance on my desktop (i7 3770K) compared to my travel laptop where identical missions can play out a bit differently.

    An input from me to the new AI-developer would be: When testing AI behaviour, test on two different systems, one a powerful PC and one a medium powered PC. Good luck :)

  10. 7. I could be wrong but looking at my readings from a lot of play yesterday I didn't see full memory usage at any time though maybe that's not possible because of some other factors. I saw someone write that less still than 3.25 is actually available in practice.

    But I also get 0% performance difference when running several background programs which also would support that ARMA doesnt use a lot of RAM.

    I'm on 7 64 bit, at idle my system consumes 2 Gb of RAM. So with a total of 4, that would leave around 2 Gb for games. But you're probably right that A3 is not very RAM hungry, to be honest I never watched for that key figure (I have 16 Gb).

    I figured that if guaponess were to open his box for a new graphics card, he may as well put in some additional RAM, as that is not that expensive. But for a bare minimum system to run A3 on lowest settings, he could do without the extra RAM, as long as he replaces the video card.

  11. Sorry if this is the wrong section, I'm new to the forum and completely lost, I wanted to know if I could get someones knowledge and see if my computer could run the game, or atleast at lowest settings, here are my specs;

    Windows Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition (build 7600), 64-bit

    Processor: Intel® Core2 Duo CPU E8400 @ 3.00GHz

    Graphics Card: ATI Radeon HD 2400 PRO

    Total RAM: 3.9 GB

    I think your system will struggle with any kind of modern game, especially because of the graphics card. The 128 Mb of video RAM is really a small amount. Your processor could probably pull off lowest settings, but I would upgrade the graphics card. Any kind of video card upgrade would help if you are only going for lowest settings. And throw in 4 gb extra RAM as well while you are at it.

    You may not know that, but there are gift trial installs to be had if you know someone who plays A3 already. That could let you test out your current system

  12. The problem is - and has always been the AI not being multithreaded. Arma can use all the cores it wants, as long as the performance-bottleneck (AI) is single-threaded, 4,8 or 16 cores won't help your performance even a little bit as soon as the core the AI got assigned to hits 100%. All that matters for Scenarios with massive amounts of AI is pure single-threaded performance of your CPU.

    You may be right on AI being on one core only, I honestly have no idea. However, IF that is the case, the fact that other cores now get more load than before, must mean that the AI core has more free capacity than before ?

  13. Interesting points about how different CPU power may mean different quality AI, even at identical ingame+config settings.

    If you want to test that, and see how your CPU is holding up, I can recommend these tools:

    All CPU Meter: http://addgadgets.com/download/

    CPU Stress: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/vijaysk/archive/2012/10/27/tools-to-simulate-cpu-memory-disk-load.aspx

    Start Arma3 in windowed mode, so that you can have an eye on the CPU Meter during the test/mission.

    Use CPU stress to emulate anything from 0-100% load on any or all cores from another process, ie. so that A3 either has the entire machine to itself, or so that it is really struggling for CPU ressources.

    Interestingly, I found that Arma 3 now places a significant load on all 4 cores. Not just one of them, which has been forum hearsay for some time. BI seem to be silently working on better performance and core utilization :)


  14. I ran some simple "me alone in the editor" tests as a heli pilot and as infantry in Agia Marina and I saw that the CPU load was distributed evenly across my 4 cores (I have a quadcore i7 3770K). If that sticks for more complex scenarios, that it is something of a nice surprise!

    Also would like to commend BI for the more intricate video options, and small touches like a fps counter to balance your video choices against fps, the possibility to hide the options to evaluate the scene detail while tweaking and so on.


  15. An example of AI, you are welcome to try it.

    I planted a satchel charge on a road and waited under cover and out of sight of the column of enemy walking down the road. They are in safe mode. As they pass near the explosive I detonate the charge, I am still hidden from view YET they begin to fire on my position. How would they go from not seeing me to 'seeing' me after I detonated the charge?

    Funny reading this, I have tried this scenario more or less in Arma 2. A forest ambush with satchel charges to take out a convoy. I hide in the forest undergrowth, well away from the road and detonate the charge, and immediately they know where I am. Before the detonation I am well hidden from them
