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Posts posted by old_painless

  1. I really would say that one of the few things that could elevate this map further, would be indoors decorum.

    The airport terminal and the hospital lends itself perfectly to some Rainbow Six style clearings, imagine if the hostage was held in the surgery room...

    Currently, there is nothing telling me if I am in a surgery room, the TV room or some bed department room. That is really too bad.

    A lot of good suggestions has been made to make the furniture/decor optional for the mission designer - I could not agree more, that way BI would not have to worry about performance for the vanilla map.

    And the objects to place (TV sets, lamps, beds, tables, curtains etc.) could be mods, BI just need to provide the hooks for objects in rooms. PhysX objects, of course, ducking behind a table that has fallen over :-)


  2. I have had good FPS on a 64 bit Windows 7, Arma 3 on an SSD. I have an ATI card and its usage was fully maxed out in urban areas (says GPU Meter). Before entering A3, I did install the Catalyst 13.8 beta 2 drivers - they seem to work fine with A3 and Altis


    i7-3770K, stock cooling, no overclock

    Radeon HD 7950 3GB

    16 Gb of RAM (not much above 4 GB used at any time during testing)


  3. About vehicle type, nothing is missing because it's with checkbox, so none checked, no vehicle.

    For single player, Dwarden has already answered: First post of this page :)


    In fact, that's this UI that will be edited ;)

    Hi Tom, thanks, but I was referring to the possibility to play Coop missions even as Single Player. so that a mission could have both properties. Is that what is intended with the tag list - I read that as either SP or MP ?
