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Posts posted by old_painless

  1. Thanks for the vid. It was quite easy to reproduce. (one has to run immediately after killing the opfor guy) We'll look into that.

    Just a note: the AI has probably heard you (shooting (even suppressed shot would have been audible outside) & running) - that's a correct behavior. Wrong is that their estimate is too precise and they even fire thru the door only if player happens to be behind them.

    There is another case similar to this that was raised some time ago with a video as well, http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=8226.

    Thread in which it was raised: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?154708-OVER-POWERED-AI-!-Please-fix-this-for-final-game-ruins-coop&p=2393067&viewfull=1#post2393067

  2. RE: Presets. What is the problem? Nobody even understands how the sliders in the menu or the numbers in the .cfg relate to each other. I doubt the devs do (otherwise we likely would've seen information about this on the biki, but in 13 years of the RV engine, zilch.) either, apart from the dedicated people working on the AI specifically. Presets in fact are the way to go from a game design point of view because they set a standard for what mission designers AND players can expect from the AI. On all levels, the difference between AI of a low skill and of a high skill should be broader, but what IS still important is transparency.


  3. Tungsten, do not excuse liking the F-14, its a gorgeous plane, I used to play a lot of Falcon 4 and I'm particularly fond of it with the skull signatures on the tail. Dont know if you have ever seen those? My comment on manouverability was based on Falcon that had quite realistic modelling of flight models and physics. But you may be perfectly right that not all variants share the same FM.

    Anyway, I didnt realize that requests were for opfor fighters, sorry. The A10 will probably appear sooner or later, since it was in Arma2.


  4. Are we getting to do requests :) Because in that case, the F-14 makes no sense, it's a naval plane with hideous manouverability and standoff engagement with the phoenix that can be launched from 50 miles out. Perfect for something like Falcon 4 with its large world, but not for smallish Altis.

    The A-10 on the other hand, it fits Arma3 like a glove. Both its role that ties it with the infantry and its ability to move low and slow :)

  5. No. There is a userconfig flile included with the DL - (You need to place this file within your main A3 folder). Within your main A3 folder you will need to create a folder called userconfig, if you don't already have one there created.... (and then place the one within this DL into that folder). You can edit that userconfig with notepad to change aspects of TPW. Turning parts on and off.

    This is not quite accurate, I would say. An example of where the .hpp file needs to go is two levels below the main Arma3 folder:

    f:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\userconfig\TPW_MODS\TPW_MODS.hpp

  6. The beta isn't dead, it just smells funny :) No, seriously, congratulations to the development team for getting past this crucial milestone, have some beers and relax over the weekend !

    Next week will be the first week of the rest of Arma3's life - it is a good game already, and over time it will be a great one. Among all the drama on missing assets, there are good and valid observations on problems that need to be fixed. So keep up the dev mode of working with feedback tracker, AI threads and so on, and good things will come



  7. The non-destructibility of the environment gets me down every time. I drive a tank against one of those tin-sheds, shed wins! I fire several HE rounds against a tree, tree wins! I fire 20 main gun blasts against the tin-shed, it just stands there grinning once the dust settles (which looks cool, btw)

    Also, a battle tank should be able to drive through a wooden house (or tin sheds for crying out loud). Perhaps not wise to do so, but the laws of physics should allow it.

    So it's either hitpoints of objects that are wrong, or the rounds are not configured properly. Or the various buildings are not physX enabled, just staffage

    Just checked - the tin shed can be blown up and destroyed with an explosive charge. So the damage dealt from a battle tank main gun may be too small .....

  8. The non-destructibility of the environment gets me down every time. I drive a tank against one of those tin-sheds, shed wins! I fire several HE rounds against a tree, tree wins! I fire 20 main gun blasts against the tin-shed, it just stands there grinning once the dust settles (which looks cool, btw)

    Also, a battle tank should be able to drive through a wooden house (or tin sheds for crying out loud). Perhaps not wise to do so, but the laws of physics should allow it.

    So it's either hitpoints of objects that are wrong, or the rounds are not configured properly. Or the various buildings are not physX enabled, just staffage

  9. The amount of locked down structures is somewhat of a letdown - brings back sad memories of Chernarus, where you couldn't use anything. For instance, the facility at 082108 is great looking and would let itself to an interesting scenario. But totally locked down - ladders everywhere, none of which you can climb, doors to the strange silo-like structures that don't open. Seems like a rushed job in parts, unfortunately.

    Hope that some of the post-release content can be to finalise Altis - a great place but still needs more opening up

  10. The banana is dancing in the hot summer sun. :(

    Seems like this might have caused some issues/conflict with ground parallax map depending on the weather conditions. Showcase infantry weather settings seem to cause the ground to "wobble", while the default editor settings don't show the issue.

    Sniperwolf572, I just tried the infantry showcase. I am not seeing this, so it must be dependent on video settings (I have most of mine on Ultra). Not saying it is not a problem, if certain video settings can give this strange effect


  11. I really wonder if the AutoDetect takes into account how much RAM people have? It seems to look at the video card properties, and most likely CPU as well but perhaps not RAM ?

    Agree that recommended settings for RAM need to be higher than 4 Gb - I monitored while playing a simple mission and I was constantly above 5 Gb of RAM usage
