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Posts posted by old_painless

  1. On one hand I follow froggyluv's reasoning - on the other I see this allowing for an aspect of fog-of-war. I mean, having 100% intel before entering into a mission would not be all the fun and I guess that many behind the lines ops in real life have not had that luxury.

    Of course the GM should not rain down ridiculous amounts of opposition, but it goes without saying that the GM should carefully consider what to throw at the team

  2. can u explain this to me pls

    also i have other question too.

    can i upload my mod to steam workshop? or there is a restriction by BI studio or valve?

    why ppl have problem uploading a mod to steam?, when it is made for making the core game more fun,balanced or whatever.If I dont want anybody else to use my mod I just dont even upload to anywhere, or I set password or I made it only usable for friends on steam.Or the problem here is that valve got rights?Without arma they cant do anything.They dont even need anything to own since once they see or play the game they can copy it and make another gamae if they want with source engine...

    and I also saw a server where there is a restriction that i cant make video/streaming... i dont understand this...how u want to make publicity or anything...

    I never saw strange things like this, only in arma, this is only made by the arma community/modders for no reason or benefit.

    Mod downloads through Steam will most likely work at a future point in time. Valve and BI need to sort some stuff out first, as the way Arma uses mods are a bit different from other games you may know

  3. BI, please record the Twitch livestream for offline viewing afterwards?

    And as for the comments on lightning destroying a tank - the lightning is just a visual cue that the gamemaster deleted an entity from the battlefield.

    I think the gamemode looks very promising, I can certainly think of some interesting uses in my LAN setup. Thanks, BI, get it done already


  4. I would not be interested in a white "snowy" Takistan with featureless (white) terrain. I would prefer one of these:

    1) A lush jungle map, however, that would require a level playing field with regards to spotting through the foliage when fighting the AI.

    2) A sprawling urban area, with interesting buildings and structures and interior, however, that would require that AI pathfinding gets improved.

    Hope that one of the two will be realised :-)


  5. I have a highend rig and runs Arma3 from a SSD. Has almost everything on Ultra and has been getting good performance. Except now after latest dev patch.

    Noticed severe stuttering in a SP mission that used to run really fine and smooth. Me and about 10 AI in the vicinity. With settings unchanged from when it was running fine.

    Please fix,


  6. Thanks for this mission, I think you hit the good old Rainbow Six style very well, from the surpressed sounds of shots to the patrols and different approaches that one can use. I played it in SP, lighting was good for me without NVGs and I took out most guards by myself (on Regular difficulty). I even tripwired one of the guards, that was a first for me in all of Arma 2+3. I didn't plant it very cleverly, but eventually lured him in the path of the tripwire. Excellent!

    One thing, could you allow for AI to fill the other slots when played in SP ? I had to go in alone and it would have been nice with some backup.

    Edit: Never mind, just put it in Missions in stead of MPMissions and now it works in SP with team mates and all

    Other than that, great RS style mission with good atmosphere



  7. The AI never aimed for the head. That's just the zeroing.

    I'll be damned if those are actual default settings. The devs just said that anything lower than 0.2 is too low.

    Sorry, youre right - I misread the profile. For regular it says - with no tampering - these values

    class regular


    class Flags







  8. I was rarely killed while running horizontally or diagonally to the enemy in ARMA 2 and 3. No matter the version.

    Right, my observation was that I did not get insta-killed by the AI that I engaged, nor by the other AI who noticed me due to my shooting. And that was before I started running.

    No mods, except STHUD

    Running in Regular skill setting, this is in my Profile under class Regular (haven't touched it, should be vanilla):





  9. Played a part of the campaign yesterday on Regular settings. I came across an AI but I was prone and crawling, so he did not detect me at 200m. I got spotted once I fired upon him at that range and downed him. Other started shooting at me, so I got up and started running. I could hear shots impacting around me, but they did not get me while I was running.

    This part used to be deadly for me previously, perhaps an effect from the changes?

  10. First day playing ARMA3 and my otherwise great experience was ruined by the ridiculously tough AI. I put four well-placed 6.5mil rounds into him and he turned around and one shot killed me.


    If he has armor, you most likely did not place the rounds "into" him. So basically when choosing loadout we have to think in terms of penetration power.

    Noone is surprised that we need an AT weapon to take out a tank, so we must consider armor in infantry vs. infantry situations as well.

    However, what makes it a game balancing problem is that they calmly can shoot back at you and cunningly shoot you in the head (where your own armor does not help). They need some sense of fear of death and some suitable delay from shock or something :)

  11. That is so cool! Having watched the video, the in-cockpit sound when airborne is very quiet. At least when compared to the sound level from the gear being taken up. So either make the gear sound lower, or the cockpit sound louder? Other than that, we are in for a treat of a plane, very suited for the smallish islands of A3 in flight simulator terms.

    Cheers, OP

  12. Has anyone seen the new VBS3 videos, my god Only if we could get this amount of detail in arma 3

    Check out the VBS 3 vidoes and be amazed....

    ---------- Post added at 04:32 ---------- Previous post was at 04:20 ----------

    http://www.youtube.com/user/bisimmedia/videos?sort=dd&view=0&shelf_id=3 Link to the new VBS3 vidoes

    Holy crap! They amount of detail in the scenes is amazing, for instance the cabin which looks really lived-in.

    If they have decent midrange terrain too, so that a camoflaged soldier does not simply sink into a featureless, barren ground when viewed through a scope, then we must have these things in Arma 4. Please :-)
