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Posts posted by old_painless

  1. AI fortification works but enemy attacking ai dont find them. If defending ai gets in houses they will stay there forever and enemy ai will stand around the house and dont know what to do...

    Have seen that too - if one group is sent in to Garrison an urban zone, and an OPFOR team is sent in with a S&D waypoint, the opfor team will announce "clear" after a while, even though there are still BLUFOR in the buildings. Perhaps that is just the Arma 3 AI and building usage that don't match

  2. I see the same thing (red unit markers appearing on the map) and also assume that there is some unnatural ability to spot enemies in play. This is on Regular settings. However, the symbols may also indicate your estimate of where someone is, based on a previous legit spotting that you did. I am not sure if it is one or the other that is at work

  3. Hey TPW, great addition - looking forward to trying it out tonight. One suggestion: Would you consider adding the time of day somewhere inobtrusive, as you sometimes get a task to get somewhere before say, 22:00. For instance, the first campaign part had you rendezvous before some time of day IIRC



    Edit: Sorry couldn't tell from the screenshots that you already have that covered :p

  4. It's so true. Dean Hall frequently talks about possible features without anyone getting the wrong idea - everyone understands that not all of them may be realised. "We are looking into this thing, it may not pan out, but here are a few screenshots". How hard can it be?

    Oh, and Tonci's list is just what A3 needs to be brilliant - most of it is available as mods, so they can be done. But they need to go into the engine , not be duck-taped on as mods due to the MP scene

  5. Yes, true, but then the indoor environments pose new challenges not found in previous Arma's. For instance, if you are in a fight with AI just run into a house. They will never come after you indoors, only shoot at you if you pop up in a window or similar. So you can normally go upstairs and get an advantage

  6. Steam is down for the moment (my password did work enough to get me into Arma 3 in single player in offline mode) - would have posted some hotel screenshots but need Steam for that.

    The detailing for the hotel is a notch up from other places - still no furniture or anything, but electrical outlets and bathroom shower. But the place is a mess, some serious explosions have happened here

  7. There should be several T-Rex's roaming the island, terrorising survivors and stomping on Altis houses. Your team responds to a distress call from the survivors. Of course also the larger triceratops and Diplodocus should be around, no immediate threat to you except if getting in their way when they are on the move. That would be so awesome!

    And what a brilliant teaser movie, doing it at nighttime is simple but so much more effective


  8. Can you Zeus around a bit and set the environment+tasks for OPFOR and BLUFOR - and then leave the Zeus role to play as one of the grunts on the ground?

    Obviously, no more Zeus intervention would happen after that, but it could be a way to set up a nice mission and then participate in it.

  9. Did anyone else experience to be "stuck" at the munitions table in between the Miller briefings and the missions taking off? I can't move or take stuff to my inventory, no keys work. I am stuck at Camp Maxwell by ammoboxes and tables with gear listening to Liam warren and Jacob O'Connor ranting about who Miller is and so on. I have to stand there for 5 minutes which is the countdown between briefing and mission start. completely unable to resupply or anything.

    I experienced that while waiting for Wet Works and am now stuck waiting for the supply run mission (can't recall the name) where we meet with FIA

    Any tips much appreciated, thanks

